Supreme God King

Chapter 2277: Leap into the sea


Meng Fan clearly felt the abnormal movement around him. It was the ten thousand domains, all kinds of majestic aura, the aura of a god, the aura of killing and aggression, circling around the cable!

With his current God's will and mind, he speculated that this was the army of the Purple Light Empire that had descended on the Ten Thousand Territories. I don't know how many powerful God Kings would launch the most violent offensive ever against the Ten Thousand Territories and the Dark Alliance!

You don't need to see it with your own eyes, just feel this overwhelming aura, and Meng Fan knows how terrifying this catastrophe facing the people of the dark alliance is, and how many strong dark alliances will have their lives hanging by a thread.

However, his body is still being reshaped by the will of heaven, and the soul is still fighting against the will of the heavens, unable to move, and his gaze cannot return to the ten thousand realms, seeing what happened, uncontrolled by the will of heaven. Driven to observe all kinds of unexplainable visions and secrets in the entire universe.

He already knew that at this moment, he was walking in the world with the will of the heavens, the source of the heavens, and every scene he saw was guarded by the heavens, and the heavens spied on it.

Several wild ancient visions, as well as the humanity of the Purple Light Empire, made Heavenly Dao feel a deep threat.

Suddenly, his gaze twisted again, and for an instant he didn't know how much distance he had crossed. First, he clearly saw the princess Yueyue and the empress who were running along the path of the gods, and he also clearly felt that God's will was extremely vigilant. Princess Yue, the meditation hidden in the pillar of martial arts in her body, is growing at an astonishing speed, but she has not seen it in just a few months. Her mastery of meditation is no less than that of Meng Fan. When I first entered the path of divine hiding, I saw the three giants of the underworld!

Then, he saw too one person who was trying his best to restore the body of the deity, hiding in a twisted space on the path of divine hiding.

There are also some young **** kings who are of different races everywhere in the world. Some are practicing in meditation and some are traveling everywhere. They are different and have shallow foundations. Compared with many old **** kings, they are very weak. However, their talents are amazing, just like Meng Fan, there seems to be no limit, as long as they are given enough time, enough opportunities, and able to keep going, they are powerful gods.

Also very vigilant by the will of heaven.

However, these were all a glimpse, and he immediately left. Meng Fan’s gaze, straddling the prehistoric cosmos, constantly penetrated one barrier after another, and swept out a thousand different worlds, various secrets, towards In one direction, rushed forward indefinitely.

Getting closer.

Meng Fan's mind became more and more serious.

In the dark, he guessed where he was going.

Suddenly, it stopped.

What I saw was a sea.

A vast ocean of nothingness, no law, no vitality, no source of power.

Nothing at all.

It is Wuhai.

Isolate the heavens and all things and the end of the divine hidden, let the underworld, the divine hideout, and the Zen temple sigh. Wuhai, which has been unable to pass through countless years, is very calm at this moment, and the gaze of the will of heaven is now also Meng Fan’s His eyes, for this piece of no sea, unexpectedly gave birth to extreme anger!

This kind of creatures can have emotions that Tiandao shouldn't have, but it appears at this moment. Obviously, even the will of Tiandao can't pass through this sea of ​​no sea and enter the realm of that ancient figure.

Therefore, the will of God will leave.

But Meng Fan didn't!

At this moment, Meng Fan, who has always been controlled by the will of Heaven, has his own will of soul and will affect the will of heaven, stops at the edge of the sea, and then "jumps."

It is his will, carrying the will of heaven, leaping into the sea!

The peaceful ten thousand realms, as if the dragon veins awakened under the ground, were shaken by an earthquake.

All creatures, from the supreme king to the ordinary ant, felt this strong vibration.

The sentient beings raised their heads one after another, looking at the huge hollow holes that were burned out by the flames of the sun, as well as the huge space spheres slowly floating out of them.

Each space sphere is like the sun and the moon, and it is a thousand worlds.

In these middle-thousand worlds, some can clearly see the monks in them, counting in tens of thousands, and some are cages with laws and chains, imprisoning some beasts of heaven and earth, and some, some kind of treasure inside, Many monks convey vitality and activate it.

All of these made the sentient beings of Ten Thousand Regions look dumbfounded, and even some of the hidden figures of the **** king suddenly thought that it was the Great Tribulation of the Era, which had come!

But such a general trend is not too big. What really shocks everyone is that there are some **** kings in these thousands of middle-thousand worlds.

Although many of them are hidden, it is impossible to tell for a while how many gods there are, whether they are thirty or forty, but the endless breath of gods is really terrifying!

The appearance of any **** king is a great event that is enough to shock the sky, but every **** king will inevitably endure the baptism of heaven. It is an existence that is not tolerated by heaven. It is extremely independent and possesses earth-shaking means. Therefore, as long as it appears, it will give all beings A terrifying pressure, and dozens of gods descended at this moment. This kind of pressure made some monks who had just come into contact with vitality to feel pain, unable to breathe, and suffocated to death!

Just now!

In the ten thousand domains, suddenly countless array eyes and various forces were urged. The billowing vitality and laws formed an unprecedented powerful defense over the ten thousand domains. It seemed that a huge golden bell was held in the ten thousand domains. In the realm, the feeling of suffocation of the sentient beings in the ten thousand realms disappeared instantly.

These formations are the formations arranged by the Dark Alliance.

All the characters turned their attention to the headquarters of the dark alliance.

The top of the mountain.

Misty Immortal Venerable, Jade Immortal Venerable, Hong Xi, Jian Tongtian, Zhao Chuansheng, Renxiong, Zhongtian God King, Heavenly Remnant God King, Bai Xingyi, Dragon Scale Taibao, Ten Great God Kings, quickly descended and came to the side of the Promise Master .

Just in front of Yizhuxiang, the Promise Sect Master, with the help of the Ten Great Kings, had just repaired the One Yuan Sword Formation and was preparing to consolidate some fortress cities. At this moment, he was completely stunned in place, staring blankly at the air descending. Thousands of thousands in the world.

"How could could it..." The Promise Sect Master murmured, speaking at a loss. This is really rare for a **** king, but at this moment, any **** king present is extremely frightened, and there are not many. Can speak.

Originally, according to the inference, the vanguard army of the Purple Light Empire would take another month to reach the Ten Thousand Realms, and because the Empress, Meng Niuniu, and the Qixuan old man were going to disrupt the Purple Light Empire, maybe this time could be delayed for a few more days.

And at this time, in just six days, the Purple Light Empire has arrived, not yet a vanguard made up of one hundred mid-thousand worlds, but... the real army, the main force!

Three thousand in a thousand worlds!

Using the middle-thousand world to carry the army, or at such a scale, the characters in the ten thousand domains, no matter who they are, are blank in their minds, such handwriting, such a formation, who has seen it? Who has heard of it?

"The female emperor, Meng Niuniu, and the old man Qixuan are not here..." The Wuji Sect Master said softly.

Hong Xi took a deep breath: "It's a good move to cover the Mingxiu plank road in the dark."

Three Thousand Thousand Thousand Worlds, slowly approaching, then gradually stopped, suspended in mid-air, one by one huge spheres resembling the sun and the moon, branching in various places in the sky.

Between the Purple Light Empire army and the Ten Thousand Regions, there is only a layer of Dark Alliance's vitality law array.

At this time, under the gaze of the many kings of the ten thousand realms, a throne slowly floated out. If you look closely, you can see that this throne is unusual. It seems to use a lot of killing tools, various Heavenly sword, bloodblade long sword, axe, euphorbia, etc., using great means, principles and vitality to melt, condense into this throne, the appearance of this throne, in fact, the teeth and claws, too many edges and corners, it’s not a big deal. Beautiful, but no one will care about the appearance of this throne, and will only be awe-inspired by the amazing aura exuding from it!

Above the throne, a canopy was faintly wafting with a purple aura. This aura was obviously some kind of power from the heavens, but no one recognized it and no one had seen it.

Around the canopy, there are four half-step gods of nature, wind, fire, water, and mountain.

On the throne, sit alone.

Two Jueping Kings.

He was condescending, looking down like a god, looking around at a very slow speed, seeing from one place to another, with the utmost majesty, as if the emperor came to inspect his territory.

The two kings of Jueping turned their heads silently, looked at the evil youth around him, and judged the king.

"I made a speech very much to let all the beings of Ten Thousand Realms bow their heads and claim the court, but since we are here to punish all the gods and plunder all the resources, these words are forgiven."

The Judge King chuckled: "It can be avoided." He took two steps forward and flicked his finger.

Suddenly a mysterious syllable, like a syllable like a code, was transmitted, echoing in all the worlds in the middle.

There was a loud noise, like the sound of an explosion from the sky, in the three thousand worlds, there was a battle cry that covered everything, and then, each of the worlds rushed to the ten thousand realms, crashed into the dark alliance formation, to tear the big formation !

The war has begun!

Each impact was a violent shock. The dark alliance shook constantly, but persisted, and there was no trace of broken.

However, no one knows the ferocity of the impact of the purple light empire's army, this large formation can not be resisted for long!

Who can stop the three thousand mid-thousand worlds' repeated collisions?


At the peak of the summit, the Promise Sect Master said softly: "Please also perform their duties. This great formation can only delay for us for a period of time. I guess, at most two hours." He stretched out his arms and said with clear eyes. : "The moment the big formation breaks open, I will try my best to activate the one yuan sword formation and try to kill the enemy."

All the **** kings present nodded lightly, no one spoke, at this moment, speechless, left one after another, and went to various places in the world.

In the void, the two Kings of Jueping, the King of Judgment, the King of Gods, the Dean of Baisheng, the King of Immortals, and the five great **** kings stood together. Among them, the King of Immortals was ready to move, and seemed to be unable to wait.

"Don’t worry, I’ve reached this point, don’t rush for a while, and don’t forget that the strength of the One Yuan Sword Formation should be for some people to wade through the water. In addition to the One Yuan Sword Formation, I guess there are some in the Dark Alliance. means."

The two kings of Jueping are very stable, urging the ruling emperor's throne, moving a short distance forward, with open palms, and the palms are nothing more than a peach pit, and the whole body is gray.

It looks like it is just a stone.

But when the two kings of Jueping revealed this thing, the many **** kings present, not only the president of Hundred Saints, but also the other **** kings of the Ziguang Empire, the sixty **** kings, all showed surprise eyes.


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