Supreme God King

Chapter 2278: Tayama pressure

King Shenxiu exclaimed: "You actually..."

"That's right!" Two Kings Jueping nodded and sneered: "The highest peak of the Purple Light Empire, where the ancient dragon vein is located, is another symbol of humanity! This Taishan is just like the throne of the ruling emperor. The throne of the ruling emperor is The Ziguang Empire conquered the four directions, continuously annexed and expanded humanity. In the process of killing the enemy, it was refined from the enlightenment tools of one great emperor after another, and one powerful figure after another. Therefore, it can gather the humanity purple energy. canopy!

And this Taishan is the same. In the countless years of the Ziguang Empire, Taishan has been the highest peak and a symbol of the highest. I don't know how many big people from ancient times to the present have consecrated Zen on this Taishan and challenged the heavens on it! You all know that I got some kind of inheritance, but you don't know what kind of inheritance I got? Not a certain ancient power, not a certain legendary king, what I got is the identity of this Taishan mountain, and the inheritance of its dragon veins! Today, I want to use the power of Taishan Mountain and the power of the Purple Light Empire to completely destroy the Dark Alliance and annex the Ten Thousand Realms! "

The two kings of Jueping released their palms.

That peach-core-sized mountain, under the gaze of many gods, slowly fell, swelling every inch it fell, and when it approached the dark alliance defense formation, this mountain was already soaring!


The land of Wanyu shook violently.

The dark alliance **** kings such as Longlin Taibao and Renxiong looked up in amazement, and saw the dark alliance defense formation, unbearable, distorted and deformed, and then suddenly shattered!

Taishan is topping!

All over the sky, in the void, there are large arrays of broken dark alliance dust and vitality fragments flying across the sky.

At the top of the summit, the Promise Sect Master showed a wry smile.

"I also speculate that I can last two hours."

One by one in the thousand worlds, whistling and landing over the dark alliance cities and fortresses, crazily crushing, the dark alliance strongholds everywhere also immediately urged various formations to resist.

The close fight between Sergeant Ziguang and Dark Alliance warriors began!

The background and methods of the Purple Light Empire completely surpassed the imagination of the gods of the Ten Thousand Realms. The offensive is like fire and it is difficult to resist. Three thousand and one thousand worlds, nearly 100 million Violet Light Empire sergeants, have just arrived in the Ten Thousand Realms, only two sticks of incense. Go hand-to-hand with the dark alliance soldiers and strangle together!

"Kings, dispatch!"

Upon seeing this, the two kings of Jueping smiled and raised their hands. The dozens of gods and kings hidden in the Ziguang Empire appeared one after another, stepping into the world!


From all over Wanyu, there were bursts of vigorous sounds.

Two King Jueping's expressions changed slightly, and he said coldly: "One yuan sword formation."

The voice did not fall.

The arms of the Promise Gate Master converge on the summit.

Among the ten thousand domains, 129,600 Beidou sword intents rose into the air, forming the momentum of crushing the heavens, heading forward!

The moment a yuan sword array vacated.

Numerous Zhongqian worlds confronting the dark alliance strongholds have been cut and shattered! These methods shocked the many gods of the Purple Light Empire. They had just stepped into the Ten Thousand Realm, and they retreated quickly.

It was too late.

As the King of Liang Jueping said, let some people go wading first.

The One Yuan Sword Formation uses the entire Ten Thousand Realm as the board, and the vitality of the many fighters of the Dark Alliance as the chess pieces. The array method has insight into the space law of the Ten Thousand Regions, and travels infinitely, ignoring the distance, completely in an instant.

After many Middle Thousand Worlds were smashed at once and many of the Purple Light Empire's sergeants were wiped out with sword intent, they still maintained a strong murderous sword intent, so they turned their directions and took the heads of each Purple Light Empire God King.

Everything happened, it was a change of elbow and armpit. Many **** kings of the Purple Light Empire were shocked to use various means of life-saving. For a time, the sky over the entire ten thousand domain was colorful, and all kinds of magical weapons flew across, and a yuan sword formation. Collision.

This collision lasted ten full breaths!

The scene is extremely gorgeous.

When the light fell off, the dozens of purple light kings who first set foot in the ten thousand realms were all a little embarrassed. Several of them were cut with scars that were difficult to eliminate, but none of them were seriously injured by the origin.

Because the moment the Yiyuan Sword Formation just broke out, it first penetrated thousands of Zhongqian worlds, half of the sword intent has been shattered, and its power is much worse than when the Undead King was smashed, but even so, that dozen The **** king who fell first is still secretly shocked!

They did not know that the two kings of Jueping and others had visited Wanyu a few days ago and conducted various spying on this place. Therefore, it can be said that they have no understanding of the dark alliance. In their hearts, the Ziguang Empire has never It is invincible and invincible, any big world, any humanitarian force, and the Purple Light Empire are less than a single blow, the arrival of the army of the middle thousand worlds is enough to crush everything.

Thousands of middle-thousand worlds were smashed by a single blow, but here, it is no longer the path of divine hiding in the turbulence and crisis everywhere. Once exposed, ordinary monks will not be swept away by the turbulence of space, but will come to the world. In the domain, descended to the various dark alliance strongholds, and the dark alliance fighters launched a close fight!

As soon as the close combat broke out, the Ziguang Empire army was moved again. In each dark alliance stronghold, there were independent hidden formations, various methods, many Ziguang sergeants were chopped up at once, and the short soldiers came together. The dark alliance warriors showed a fascinating aura and attitude, which was an attitude of seeing death as home, killing mercilessly, fighting with expressionless faces and facing death.

At first, the aura of the many fighters of the Dark Alliance was hidden by the defense formation and could not be seen. At this time, when fighting, the aura suddenly appeared, rising into the air and condensing into a ball, causing the two kings of Jueping to frown.

Today’s dark alliance is not the dark alliance of many years ago. The millions of dark alliance fighters who have survived through the enduring battle are all characters with heart-like hearts and cold-blooded faces facing the enemy, especially these fighters. , For killing, it feels normal, like a small thing like eating and drinking!

Although the dark alliance fighters who have experienced the baptism of the Great War are just the core elite, one million, they are scarce compared to the hundreds of millions of dark alliance members, but they are divided everywhere, just like pillars. The backbone is Optimus Prime that supports the entire dark alliance.

Many of the **** kings of the Purple Light Empire present are all highly experienced figures. At a glance, you can see that this dark alliance, this ten thousand domain, is indeed a big world that has been passed down for millions of years and has a history of ups and downs. The humane world annexed by the Quartet is completely different.

at this time!

The vitality rolled and buzzed. After a moment, the various **** kings of the Purple Light Empire hurriedly shrank into their respective absolute domains, watching their surroundings vigilantly.

The second wave of one yuan sword formation!

The Promise Sect Master was sweating profusely. His pale hair appeared whiter, almost dazzling, making people unable to look directly at him. His wrinkled face was a bit older now, and his breath became weaker.

On the way of God's hidden.

Inviting the Moon Princess, the Empress, Meng Niuniu, as well as the old Qixuan old man who had just been treated by the three great kings, but who was still weak at the moment, rushed to Wanyu at the fastest speed.

But even if they move with all their strength, they still can't go back in a few days.

The three gods, the Empress, Meng Niuniu, and the Seven Profound Old Man, although they did not say a word, they were all anxious to the extreme. Among the gods and kings of the dark alliance, except for Meng Fan, the female emperor and Meng Niuniu can be said to be the mainstays, especially the female emperor. The first female Tianjiao of the domain, now mastering the will of heaven, can be said to be the most important combat power of the dark alliance, and the female emperor is also holding one of the three eye clubs left by Meng Fan!

Originally in her calculations, the Purple Light Empire army came, and she would preside over the overall situation, holding an eye pestle, and protect the Dark Alliance headquarters with the Promise Sect Master, but at this moment, everything was disrupted because of the Purple Light Empire's conspiracy.

At the moment when the four **** kings were moving rapidly, the old man Qixuan suddenly stopped.

The female emperor looked at him strangely: "Old man Qixuan?"

The old man Qixuan didn't say a word, but he could see that he was a little agitated, his hands were shaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked in a direction on the path of Shenyin.

There, there is a small spot of light, which seems to be far away from them, and is constantly flickering.


The sixty **** kings of the Purple Light Empire are all stuck in their mid-thousand worlds, coldly watching the battle between the Dark Alliance and the Purple Light Sergeant in the ten thousand realms.

They did not take action, but chose to wait.

Because of one yuan sword formation.

The second wave of the One Yuan Sword Array, mercilessly beheaded the two gods of the Purple Empire!

The characters of the **** king were wiped out, and the souls were smashed by the sword intent. These methods really made the Ziguang kings heart and frightened. Although the Ziguang Empire had encountered powerful enemies when it fought in the square in the past, some **** kings were also killed. But this time, the Purple Light Empire’s expedition is the largest in hundreds of thousands of years. Sixty gods, three thousand worlds, eight pavilions of the ruling hall, the temple of war, the Hundred Saints Academy, the golden hall, and the four pavilions. The leaders are all present. In their calculations, Wanyu should be destroyed at once. The Purple Light Empire is the violent wind, and Wanyu is the Candler, and there is no resistance at all.

But the two waves of sword formations not only killed hundreds of thousands of Purple Light Sergeants, but also killed two **** kings, which was a bit scary.

At this moment, the corpses of the two gods were floating in the air, with blood holes all over their bodies, tattered, and there was no vitality.

The reason why the kings of the Purple Light Empire did not move was because the third wave of sword formations vacated again!

They are all waiting.

Such a powerful sword formation inevitably cannot be activated too many times. The second wave of sword formation was because the kings did not expect it, so they were beheaded two. Now that they have defenses, the kings can’t stand by and just want to consume To the exhaustion of the manpower that urged the sword formation.

When the 129,600 sword intents leaped into the air for the third time, the two kings of Jueping suddenly let out a very harsh and long howl.

"Got you!"

With a long roar from him, Taishan, which fell steadily in Ten Thousand Domains, which was several times higher than any peak in Ten Thousand Domains, rose from the ground, rapidly shrunk to the size of a palm, and went crazy to kill in one direction. !

Taishan passed through the vast land of Ten Thousand Territories, and through the prosperous human empires, tearing through the barriers, a huge island emerged, and then there was a loud noise. On the huge island, ten thousand appeared immediately. Thousands of buildings, various vitality mists, many formations, and a peak.

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