Supreme God King

Chapter 2276: Conspiracy

Sword intent reaches the sky.

From the most tricky angle, he brazenly cut off the palm of Jing Yuan Shen Wang's blast, and blood flew!

Jing Yuan Shen Wang's eyes widened.

A bright red figure appeared in front of him, coldly staring at him for two moments, then grabbed the empress and retreated into the distant void.

The empress looked at the charming face in front of her, and finally shedding tears.


She whispered.

She was in a mess, her armor was covered with scars, and her strength was obviously lacking, but Meng Niuniu, who was as aggressive and fierce as ever, smiled apologetically: "Sorry, I'm not my grandfather."

The female emperor laughed and said strangely: "Be the same as your grandfather."

"A few days ago, the Seven Profound Old Man and I blocked the army of the Purple Light Empire and fought against two **** kings. This man, named Jing Yuan Shen King, and a hidden powerful figure, was a pale old man who never made any moves, but sneak attacks. Very clever, it seems to be called Dean Baisheng."

Meng Niuniu's expression became serious, and the spirit quickly communicated with the female emperor: "I and Qixuan old man fought against this Jingyuan Shenwang, but we could only tie a hand. At the critical moment, Qixuan old man exploded with his enlightenment weapon. For the price, I restrained the hands and feet of King Jingyuan, and then I used the sword intent of the Big Dipper to cut a blood mark on his face. I thought that the victory or defeat was already divided, but at that moment, the old man Qixuan and I both relaxed. In an instant, the Dean of Hundred Saints suddenly shot out and severely injured the old man Qixuan. After the battle, the two of us were separated."

"The old man Qixuan was saved by me." The female emperor said weakly: "In my Xiaoqian space, Niuniu, you have done well enough. We will leave immediately. You can't make any mistakes."

"My fate is fate, isn’t your fate? Isn’t the fate of all living beings?" Meng Niuniu said solemnly, "I am Meng Fan’s granddaughter and the blood of the Meng family. Grandpa said that he It’s not the overlord of the Ten Thousand Territories, or the Great Emperor, it’s just a warrior. What we flow is the blood of battle."

What the Empress wanted to say, but could not refute Meng Niuniu.

"You can rest, and then leave it to me." Meng Niuniu smiled.

The female emperor grabbed Meng Niuniu's arm tightly: "No..."

"Do you have to be so sad?"

A cold voice sounded.

The empress was taken aback.

Meng Niuniu smiled and said, "I found a helper, and the rest... leave it to us."

The empress turned her head and looked over.

A void, disintegrated and shattered by a certain kind of power, that kind of power, inexplicably chilling, pure black, like everything in the world, must be absorbed and terminated by this power, even if it is light, even if it is all living things, Will be destroyed by it.

A woman walked out of the passage formed by the dark power.

The robes of black plum blossoms on a white background are incomparably beautiful.

Surging and shocking chest.

There is also a face that is cold and charming and not inferior to the empress.

Invite the moon princess.

This woman, who was given the title of "The First Breast of Divine Hidden" by Meng Fan, made the first female emperor of the Ten Thousand Regions to bow down to the wind, with her hands behind her back, she appeared to the side, her face coldly looking at the distance because she lost her heart and Jing Yuan Shen Wang with arms like a mad dog.

"From the initial cooperation, to later he helped me, and then I saved Bai Xingyi and helped your dark alliance kill two **** kings, and then we joined forces for the second time to step into the tomb of the devil, he gave I have a trace of contemplation. Now I am going to help him kill people again. I owe it to him. It is always unclear. It is really annoying."

Princess Yueyue, the horrible king among the gods, didn't say anything inspiring after she appeared on the stage, instead she made a lot of complaints and looked like it was too troublesome.

Meng Niuniu smiled and said, "If my grandfather were here, he should have said...We will owe each other, we must be stubborn..."

The female emperor laughed: "It's really Meng Fan's style."

Princess Yingyue sighed.

Seeing Jingyuan Shenwang rushing forward regardless.

She stretched out a hand.

Among the five fingers, the surging mind surging out!

The female emperor was shocked.

That's right, for half a year, Inviting Moon Princess has already mastered the mind!

Before Meng Fan’s retreat, the various methods left behind were given to the Empress’ Providence and Princess Inviting the Moon. But at this moment, the Empress did not fully grasp the Providence, so she could barely urge her, while the Princess Inviting Moon was completely mastered. Up.

In other words, the current Princess Yueyue, and the Big Three of Mingtu, are generally the same!

Show your mind, come at your fingertips.

Jing Yuan Shen Wang was already dazzled by anger, but when he got close to the moment, he clearly felt the terrifying power in the palms of Princess Yingyue's palms, the kind of ending and dying breath, and he retreated madly in shock.

But what he faced was Princess Yueyue who was in its heyday.

At the moment of retreating, Princess Yingyue grabbed his head, rolling in her mind, and instantly enveloped it, completely black death, and swallowed it.


Jing Yuan Shen Wang yelled, the flesh and blood of his body swelled.

"Want to explode?"

Princess Yingyue gave a cold snort, raised her middle finger, and then plunged straight down into the head of King Jingyuan.

In the void, suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Jing Yuan Shen Wang rolled his eyes.

The female emperor murmured: "The soul is dead..."

Jing Yuan Shen Wang, before he blew himself up, the meditative intentions of Princess Yue penetrated his mind and killed the spirit.

Now, there is only one god-king body with powerful flesh and blood.


In fact, if the Jingyuan God King is also in its heyday, fighting against Princess Yingyue, although he is still not an opponent, but it will not be so unbearable. He will fall like this. After all, he is a veteran **** king, the special envoy of the Purple Light Empire Wars Temple. The status of the Temple of War is second only to the Undead King.

However, he had been injured too much before, the heart was dug out by the empress, and the arm was cut off by Meng Niuniu, and after repeated battles, facing the princess Yueyue who was originally superior to him, he was naturally killed simply and neatly. , Not even the qualification to self-destruct.


Princess Yueyue flicked her arm and threw the empty flesh body of King Jingyuan aside, locked by the laws of space, and then cast her eyes on the vanguard of the Purple Light Empire.

"I heard that there is another old man, such as a ten-thousand-year-old tortoise, hidden in the depths, but will take action at a critical moment. He is good at assassination and is very insidious and cunning. I just sold a flaw on purpose. Why didn't I take action?"

The voice of Princess Inviting Moon was loud and loud, and it was transmitted to the various Zhongqian worlds, but it was like a stone sinking into the ocean without any echo.

She frowned, her spirit swept across, and said strangely: "There is no breath of a **** king anymore."

Meng Niuniu was startled: "No, the white-haired old man is called the Dean of Hundred Saints. Although his strength is not as good as the Jingyuan Shenwang, his assassination methods are extraordinary."

Princess Yingyue swept her gaze coldly, and grabbed the empty palm of her hand. Suddenly, a spherical Middle Thousand World burst into rupture. Tens of thousands of monks were contaminated by the mind, and immediately screamed, but the unstoppable flesh and blood dried up.

Waved again, another spherical world was torn apart.

Destroyed seven Zhongqian worlds in a row, but even though tens of thousands of sergeants of the Purple Light Empire were killed, there was still no powerful person to appear.

At this time, the Zhongqian world, which had previously carried the King Jingyuan and Dean of Hundred Saints, was locked in by the moon princess, torn apart, stepped into it with the Empress and Meng Niuniu, and separated from this Zhongqian world in a whirlwind, but still And saw nothing.

Princess Yingyue grabbed her palm in the air, sniffed it lightly in front of her nose, and said coldly: "The powder of the law of space. Someone has just used the shuttle array, but this array seems to be activated only once and has collapsed. No coordinates are left. It is very clean and tidy. Obviously escaped."

Meng Niuniu let out a long breath, finally relaxed, and said with a light smile: "So, the vanguard of the Purple Light Empire has been defeated by us..."

The female emperor gasped for a while, and suddenly, her expression gradually became serious.

"Niu Niu, in the past few days, have you and Elder Qixuan met other **** kings of the Purple Light Empire, or other army?"

Meng Niuniu shook her head strangely: "No, in the first fight, the old man Qixuan also said to be careful, because these are just the vanguard, the real army has not yet appeared."

The female emperor's eyes flashed, her expression became more solemn, almost gloomy.

"The first encounter between you and the old man Qixuan and the vanguard of the Purple Light Empire was... six days ago."

Meng Niuniu nodded softly when she saw the empress's expression, although she didn't understand why, she also had a bad feeling in her heart.

Six days ago, Meng Niuniu and Qixuan old man made an effort to disrupt the Vanguard of the Purple Light Empire. After delaying time, Longlin Taibao rushed to Wanyu to inform this matter as quickly as possible, but it took three days. Then, the female emperor came to look for it. Niuniu, because she was heading up with the vanguard of the Purple Light Empire and had to search the heavens, she walked very carefully, and it took three days to run into the King Jing Yuan.

Add up before and after, a total of six days.

The empress raised her head and glanced at Princess Yingyue.

Princess Yaoyue is also the leader of the burial ground. The owner of the burial ground doesn't care about world affairs, and she is in charge of all affairs. She is also a figure of the first-level divine hidden giant. How exquisite is his mind?

She said in a deep voice, "If the Purple Light Empire has some kind of twisted passages that can quickly reach the Ten Thousand Regions, this is just the bait for Mingxiu's plank road."

The empress took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

Meng Niuniu finally understood the meaning of the two senior **** kings, suddenly stood up, trembling all over, turned her eyes, and looked in the direction of Wanyu.

At this moment.

An extremely distorted space passage.

Obviously, this space channel was born in countless years and epochs in the heavens and the earth, crooked and twisted, like a maze, with forks everywhere, seeming to connect many spaces, but the laws of space here are completely chaotic, even for gods. If Wang broke in by mistake, he might not be able to get out.

At this moment, in this space, there is a huge throne. Around the throne, there are four powerful half-step **** kings. They are all natural gods, a wind spirit, a fire spirit, a mountain spirit, and a water spirit. The four guards guard the throne.

On the throne, there is a huge canopy, with large characters written on it.

"The Purple Empire, the ruling emperor."

Under the canopy, the two kings of Jueping sat steadily, holding the strong throne with both hands, looking at the weak Baisheng old man in front of him.

"Crossing such a long distance and coming to this distorted space, Mr. Dean, you are exhausting too much, take a break."

Head Hundred Saints nodded gently, wiped away the cold sweat that was violently shed from penetrating the distorted space, and chuckled: "The ruling emperor is really a good calculation. It is a trick to adjust the tiger away from the mountain, and use the life of the essence of the king to gain a secret alliance. The first female Tianjiao's vitality was exhausted, and another **** king was seriously injured and died. The four dark alliance **** kings are now far away from the ten thousand realms. It will take at least a few days to rush back. The old man is just curious, how did you count? According to common sense, people of Ten Thousand Realms should never know where my Purple Light Empire is, and it is impossible to detect our movements in advance."

"I've said it." The two kings of Jueping looked forward with profound depth. "Even if there is a one percent chance, I will be fully prepared."

As his voice fell, the space in front was burned by some kind of blazing sun, gradually burning through, revealing a prosperous world.

It is Wanyu!

This passage was the path taken by the four great purple empire **** kings, the two kings of Juping, the king of judgment, the king of undead, and the president of Hundred Saints, when they came to Wanyu not long ago.

In the surrounding space, there are thousands of spherical middle-thousand worlds, and in many spherical middle-thousand worlds, there is a **** king figure sitting here!

Full of sixty gods.

Two King Jueping said coldly.

"It's time to attack."

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