Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 966: Impact on the ancient world

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Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon later went to the third re-sealed **** world in order to find the Supreme Bloodstone.

Stepping on the iron shoes and finding nowhere, it takes no time.

At this moment, the Nine-Tailed Demon Queen is also being attacked by a stone giant with a height of nine feet. That stone man's combat power is much stronger than the stone man who was settled by Ning Xiaochuan.

The higher the Shiren's body, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

The three-foot-high stone man is equivalent to the most powerful combat force in Wangu Realm.

The nine-foot-tall stone man is equivalent to the second most powerful combat force in Wangu Realm.

At this moment, the stone giant fighting with the Nine-Tailed Demon is as high as nine feet high, and the fighting power is comparable to the fourth monk in the ancient world.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "After the Nine-Tailed Demon, the weakness of Shiren is their heart. Their heart is the Supreme Bloodstone we are looking for."

"Extreme Bloodstone?"

After the nine-tailed demon heard Ning Xiaochuan's words, his eyes became bright immediately.

Nine white foxtails instantly became hundreds of meters long, and each foxtail looked like a magic whip.

A tail whipped out, and the air made a "snap" sound, sending out large sparks.

With just one blow, the stone man's chest was penetrated.

A crimson heart-shaped stone flew into the hands of the nine-tailed demon.

After Ning Xiaochuan received the Supreme Bloodstone, he immediately began to refine, and intended to take this opportunity to impact Wangu in one fell swoop.

The Supreme Bloodstone contains very strong flesh and energy, condensing the ancient Supreme Martial Arts memory and spirit.

It is precisely for this reason that those stone people can exhibit exquisite swordsmanship and various powerful magical powers.

In fact, those stone people are all dominated by the Supreme Bloodstone.

Ning Xiaochuan directly collected the Supreme Bloodstone directly into the martial arts heart palace, suspended in the Heart Palace, the fire of extinction immediately poured out, wrapped the Supreme Bloodstone, and began rapid refining.

Just beginning to refine the Supreme Bloodstone, new changes have taken place in the monument forest.




Those steles have changed into stone people.

Each stone person has the fighting power of Wangu Realm. Just within 100 meters of Ning Xiaochuan, there are seventeen stone people.

In the distance, a steady stream of Shiren rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan.

A stone man, Ning Xiaochuan can cope.

However, when more than a dozen stone people appear at the same time, it is definitely a failure.

Once surrounded by them, it is estimated that there is no chance to escape.

Not only Ning Xiaochuan, the nine-tailed demon, the supreme ghost leopard, the supreme eagle king, and the supreme mink, all were besieged by stone people. If it weren't for the fact that they wore the Supreme Deity Armor and had super strong defense power, it would be estimated that someone would have died in the hands of Shiren.

"Run away!"

Ning Xiaochuan called to the Nine-Tailed Demon, a pair of flame dragon wings grew on his back, and flew towards the sky quickly.

If you do not flee, under the siege of so many stone people, even a monk who created the realm, it is also a dead end.


Seventeen stone men chased after Ning Xiaochuan.

They also performed magical tricks that can make them faster and followed Ning Xiaochuan closely.

They hit a multitude of magical powers and techniques, blasting farther towards Ning Xiaochuan, some hit a thunder ball with a diameter of one meter, some split a blade more than ten meters long, and hit a large red mark.

Among the seventeen stone men, the tallest one is eighty-one feet tall, no different from a huge stone mountain.

Its combat power is comparable to the sixth-largest monk in Wangujing. Holding a huge stone hammer, his arms turn like a huge windmill. Then he threw the stone hammer and hit Ning Xiaochuan, who was running away.


Ning Xiaochuan shot four Supreme Kings in a row, resisting the powerful magical powers and techniques that attacked behind him.

You know, there are seventeen stone men who are comparable to the monks in the ancient world. At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan seems to be fighting the seventeen Supremes at the same time. If it was replaced by another monk, I am afraid that in a split second, it would have been smashed into powder.

Ning Xiaochuan only resisted for a moment and was hit by one of his magical powers. He fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, he wore the Supreme Oracle, otherwise, he could be killed with that blow.


As soon as Ning Xiaochuan stood up from the ground, he saw a huge stone hammer falling above the sky.

The stone hammer is wrapped in flames, like a meteorite.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately took off the Goddess Supreme Armor, wore the last God's blood coat, held the Emperor's Blade in both hands, and yelled, "Open the sword!"

The divine power between heaven and earth condensed behind him into a huge emperor shadow.

You can borrow the power of the Emperor of Heaven to show your sword.

When that stone hammer fell, Ning Xiaochuan cut it out with a slash. A powerful knife gas hit the stone hammer and made a loud noise, and the stone hammer was hit by Ning Xiaochuan.

You know, after all, it is the stone hammer smashed by the sixth-level stone man in Wangu Realm, and its power is very scary.

Ning Xiaochuan's legs sank to the ground, leaving only his waist still on the ground. His arms were almost completely numb, and every bone in his body was painful.


The eighty-one-foot-tall stone man jumped up and jumped more than 3,000 meters away. He caught the stone hammer and uttered a beast-like roar.


Hitting again with a violent blow, holding the stone hammer in both hands, and bombarding Ning Xiaochuan's head, it was bound to kill Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan was still very calm, and the mark of Tianzun emerged.

The white bone beads turned into a white beam of light and hit the stone hammer.

The white bone beads blocked the stone hammer for a moment, and in this moment, Ning Xiaochuan stood up and fled towards the distance immediately.


The eighty-one-foot-tall Shiren flew out the white bone beads, and immediately chased Ning Xiaochuan again.

Its speed is a few points faster than Ning Xiaochuan, and the direct distance with Ning Xiaochuan is getting closer and closer.

fast! fast! fast!

Ning Xiaochuan almost fully realized his potential and ran forward at full speed.


However, at this moment, the ground in front of Ning Xiaochuan jumped out of a three-foot-tall stone man, holding a stone gun, and stabbed at Ning Xiaochuan.

Because the speed of the stone gun was too fast, it was like a beam of light hitting Ning Xiaochuan's chest.

"Step aside!"

Ning Xiaochuan yelled, waved the Emperor's Blade, and shot the three-foot-high stone man with a stab.

Ning Xiaochuan's speed was slightly slower because of the blocking of the three-foot-high stone man just now. The eighty-one-foot-high stone man chasing after him immediately chased up and hit him again with a hammer.

Ning Xiaochuan gritted his teeth, and immediately shifted leftward, avoiding the attack of the stone hammer.


The stone hammer bombarded the ground and smashed it into a giant pit. A powerful force burst into the ground and passed from the ground to the feet of Ning Xiaochuan, shaking Ning Xiaochuan into a blast.


The huge stone man waved his arm and smashed his lifting hammer towards Ning Xiaochuan again.

Ning Xiaochuan flew into the air, his body flew upside down, and rushed towards the man with a height of eighty-one feet, stabbing into the heart of the man.


With a flash of light, a large hole was carved out of Shiren's heart, and a crimson Supreme Bloodstone flew out of Shiren's body and fell into Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

Ning Xiaochuan fell to the ground, spitting blood in his mouth, and felt that his whole body was about to fall apart.

Just now, he almost died under the hammer of that stone man. It was only by gambling that he dug out the bloodstone of that stone man.

If he fails, then the dead person is him.

"The blood from this Supreme Bloodstone is even more pure, and it is dozens of times more powerful than this Supreme Bloodstone that I am refining." Ning Xiaochuan put away this Supreme Bloodstone and immediately took it One returned to Yangdan six times and recovered his injuries.

The three-foot-tall man, who was shot and flied by Ning Xiaochuan, immediately got into the ground and wanted to walk away.

"Leave me!"

With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan's arm, the Emperor's blade turned into a bloodlight, flying out of his hand, and rushing into the ground.


After a moment, Tiandi Blade took a Supreme Bloodstone, flew back from the ground, and fell back into Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

"This Supreme Bloodstone is similar to the Supreme Bloodstone I am refining. The breath should be a little weaker, and I will leave it to Qingfeizi. The purest Bloodstone will be given to Xiaohong!"

The other stone men did not catch up, and Ning Xiaochuan immediately began to refining the Supreme Blood Stone in his body.

Based on his current practice, even if he rushed back immediately, it would be difficult to save the nine-tailed demon.

Only by refining the Supreme Bloodstone and rushing into the eternal realm can his cultivation achieve a leap.

The blood in Ning Xiaochuan's body became more and more powerful. The body seemed to burn, and every inch of flesh was like a flame spar.

The pores of his body opened, and a stream of flame-like air flowed out, flowing around his body.

Looking from a distance, it seems like there are hundreds or thousands of fire dragons flying around him, giving a feeling of ten thousand dragons galloping.

The heaven and earth element of the eyebrows spins fast, like a sea of ​​gas wrapped in the body, making a tsunami-like sound. Thirdly, the spirit of God in the sealed world of God immediately rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrows, all converging to heaven and earth.

The true elements in the heaven and earth elements begin to transform rapidly and become a higher level of energy. Extreme qi.

The body of the mysterious energetic martial arts practitioners cultivates "Martial arts mysterious enemies".

In the body of the Emperor Jingzun, the "di Wuqi" is cultivated.

In the body of the celestial body and martial arts, "Tianwu vitality" is cultivated.

In the body of a real-world martial artist, "True Yuan" is cultivated.

In the body of the eternal warrior, "Extreme Qi" is cultivated.

Every time the warrior ascends a great realm, the power in his body will change dramatically. The supreme qi rank is higher, more pure, and more powerful than Zhenyuan.

The same kind of magical power, the real person and the elder monk exerted their powers separately, and the power that erupted was exactly two levels.

The same Supreme King, monk of the ancient world can exert more powerful power, and can easily kill the ninth monk in the real world.

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