Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 965: Supreme Bloodstone

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"Speaking of the position of Fengshenbang, this seat can consider taking you as slaves." The ghost leopard supremely holding his hands in front of his chest, and looked blankly, said arrogantly.

From the perspective of Ghost Leopard Supreme, it is already the greatest gift to them to take possession of the indigenous people of the world.

With the instinct of these indigenous beings, he will certainly be grateful for this, and immediately kneel on the ground to worship him and take pride in being his slave.

The Nine-Tailed Devil smiled coldly and said, "Arrogant. Now that you know our secrets, do you think you can escape today?"

After saying this, the nine-tailed demon immediately shot and turned into a beautiful phantom, pointing to the supreme eyebrow of Guibao.

The Ghost Leopard stood still, as if not moving a rock, and smirked with a smile: "You are so naive! I thought that wearing the Goddess Supreme Armor and possessing the ninth-largest combat power of Elder Realm would be your opponent. You have the Supreme Deity, we don't? "

The Ghost Leopard Supreme immediately took out a set of Deity Supreme Armor and wore it on his body. The ninth combat power of Wangu Realm erupted, and he met the Nine-Tailed Demon.


Ghost Leopard's five-finger pinch, a boxing on the ground, a powerful wave of power surged out of the fist, along the ground, attacked after the nine-tailed demon.

The nine-tailed demon's cultivation is obviously two levels higher than the ghost leopard supreme, but, instead, it falls below and is forced to retreat by the ghost leopard supreme.

"The power of the gods!"

Ghost Leopard hit both palms at the same time, two bright beams of light rushed out of his palm and hit the body of the nine-tailed demon.

The Nine-tailed Demon flew out like a disconnected kite, and looked rather embarrassed.

"My realm is obviously two realms higher than him. How can the combat power be so weaker than him?" The Nine-Tailed Demon felt a faint chest pain. In the previous battle, he was injured by the opponent.

The Ghost Leopard stands proudly and sneers: "It is also the ninth most powerful combat force in the Eternal Realm, but with the spirit of Divine Immunity in our body, we can maximize the power of the Deity Supreme Armor. Souls do n’t have that ability! If they are in the same realm, your native creatures from the world will not be worthy of our shoes. "

"Really? If they are in the same realm, even if the geniuses of the ten divine realms are added together, they are not my opponents." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ghost Leopard Supreme is like hearing the most funny joke in the world, saying: "What are you? You dare to speak to this seat in such a tone, this seat wants to kill you, you just need to move your little finger."

Ghost Leopard Supreme can see that Ning Xiaochuan's Xiuwei is not even to the ancient world.

Such a weak creature, in his eyes, did not even count the ants.

"Too lazy to waste time with you." Ning Xiaochuan was about to perform Shinto, borrowing the power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

To get rid of these three geniuses, you can only use Shinto!


Suddenly, the ground shook violently, and cracks appeared. In the crack, red light was emitted, and huge blocks of crimson stones rose from the red light and turned into a forest of tablets. Densely packed with steles in all directions.

It's like coming to a grave forest!

Some steles, only three feet high, are like red jade, polished very smooth, with fine text engraved on them, and each text emits a faint brilliance.

Some stone monuments are as high as nine hundred feet, like a towering stone mountain, and like a steep cliff. An overwhelming wave of power emanates from the stele, creating tremendous pressure.

Neither the three geniuses of the **** world, or Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon were shocked by sudden changes, thinking they were some kind of magic performed by the other side.

"Rewind! Leave this monument forest first!"

Ning Xiaochuan's heart gave birth to a strong anxiety. He immediately cast the dragon's speed into a series of phantoms and flew towards the forest outside the monument.

"Retreat! Quickly retreat. This monument forest is not simple. I feel that every monument is like a heart beating and will come back at any time." The ghost of Leopard Supreme also gave a strong sense of crisis, thinking Some magic performed by the opponent.

But when he looked at the two of them, he found that Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon were also fleeing to the outside of Beilin.

what's the situation? Is it not the magic they perform?

"No, it's definitely not the magic they performed. They can't be so strong. Chase, they must be caught!" Ghost Leopard's eyes exude a faint gleam, holding the black and white life and death chess table in hand, stepping At the pace, rushed into Beilin, chased after Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-tailed Demon.


A three-foot-tall stone monument next to the Ghost Leopard Supreme turned into a three-foot-high stone man, with a human body, human limbs and skulls, attacking the Ghost Leopard with one palm.

A white gas was exhaled from the mouth of that stone man, and a huge roar happened: "Tianyin holds the world palm!"

The yin of the sky and the ground all rushed towards the arm of the stone man, and was absorbed into the body by the stone man, and the arm of the stone man immediately turned green and black.

Shi Ren hit it with a single palm, and his palm became seven meters long, like a five-finger seal, striking the Ghost Leopard Supreme.

"What the hell?" The Ghost Leopard flew up, kicking it out, a tornado condensed on his toes, and kicking the stone man out with one kick.

The stone man was shot more than thirty feet away, his hands and feet were broken.

But just a moment passed, the stone man immediately re-assembled the stone body and attacked the ghost leopard supreme again.

"Can the stone body be reorganized?" Ghost Leopard's face changed slightly.

Just now, when he played against the Shiren, he could clearly feel that the fighting ability of the Shiren was comparable to the monk who was the most important in the ancient world, which was considered to be quite powerful.

If every stone in this forest of steles can be transformed into a stone man of the elder monk level, then even a monk who has created a realm can only escape if he enters the forest.

When Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon rushed to the outside of the monument forest, a nine-foot-tall stone monument made a sound of "哧哧", and a thunderbolt shuttled across the surface of the stone monument.


Subsequently, the stone burst, and the broken stones condensed together into a nine-foot-tall stone man.

The stone man was holding a stone knife, chopping it out with a knife, and the speed of the knife was as fast as a shuttle.

How does this look like a stone man?

It is almost like a knife-path Supreme who has cultivated the skill of the sword.

Shiren stepped on the mysterious steps, two flames were burning in his eyes.

The stone knife chopped out, with a mysterious and unparalleled trajectory, and sealed all the retreats of Ning Xiaochuan.

Daoguang is like a water curtain, impervious to air.

Where did Ning Xiaochuan expect a stone monument around him that would turn into a stone man?

Fortunately, he has the speed of Shenlong, so he avoided the past dangerously.

The stone man slashed thirty-six knives in a row, each of which was extremely deadly, with a strong murderous spirit.

Each knife is exquisite, sending dozens of knife shadows.

A stone man with a stiff body can never perform such an unpredictable knife technique.

Ning Xiaochuan changed 36 positions in succession, hiding all 36 swords cut by Shiren.

"Great! This stone man's combat power is definitely comparable to the second monk in Wangu Realm. And how do I feel that it is not just as simple as a stone man, like having his own consciousness and martial spirit."

Ning Xiaochuan immediately called out the Heavenly Emperor Blade, holding the knife handle in both hands, and rushed towards the stone man.

The stone man's body exuded a powerful momentum, holding a stone knife, stepping on it, turned into a residual image, and rushed to Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan and Shiren each cut a knife, and their shots were as fast as lightning. With the naked eye, it was almost impossible to see how they made the knife and how to close it.

After a wrong body, Ning Xiaochuan and Shiren rushed out at the same time.

After a while, Ning Xiaochuan turned around and stared at the stone man who was motionless.


The stone figure's body was split from the middle and divided evenly into two halves.

"I've practiced the World Extermination Sword Path and the Heavenly Sword, even if my practice is not as good as you, it is not difficult to kill you." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were frozen.

The stone man split in half turned back together again and attacked Ning Xiaochuan again.


Ning Xiaochuan was a moment's stun, and a stone man who was the second most important person in Wangu Realm was already very difficult to clean up. Well, even if Ning Xiaochuan's combat strength is stronger than it, he can only escape.

wrong! Shiren can possess the fighting power of Wangu Realm, and is also proficient in the mysterious sword technique, indicating that it must be a special kind of life.

As long as it is a living body, there must be a lethal point.

Find its lethal point and kill it.

Ning Xiaochuan's gaze was locked on Shiren's head, and the World Extinction Pathway was once again exhibited.

"call out!"

A knife slashed out, and a scourge of dying world poured out from the blade, chopping on the top of Shiren.

The powerful knife gas shattered most of Shiren's head and turned it into pieces of crushed stone.

Shiren still did not die.

There was a roar in his mouth, and a spit of red stone gas was spit out, and his backhand was slashing at Ning Xiaochuan's neck.

How could Ning Xiaochuan expect such a quick response from Shiren?

Seeing that the stone knife was about to be chopped on Ning Xiaochuan's neck, Ning Xiaochuan's body immediately swooped down and hit the stone man directly.

The moment he approached Shiren, the five fingers turned into sharp claws, and one claw penetrated into Shiren's heart.

Because the key to human monks is the heart. Ning Xiaochuan only reacted instinctively, and did not expect to be able to kill Shiren through this trick.


However, what Ning Xiaochuan didn't expect is that his five fingers pierced into Shiren's heart, and he actually grabbed a hot heart-shaped stone from Shiren's body.

The heart-shaped stone exuded a crimson brilliance, containing powerful energy, just like a true **** heart.

After pulling out the heart-shaped stone, the stone man really became motionless. Then, with a loud noise, it shattered into a pile of gravel.

"This is ... Is this the Supreme Bloodstone?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

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