Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 967: Sansha Town

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The true elements in the heaven and earth elements are constantly transformed into supreme qi.

The Supreme Bloodstone in the martial arts heart also infused strands of blood into the annihilation of Taoism.

Both Dow elements are rapidly spinning and expanding.

After about half an hour, almost all the true elements in the two Taoyuan elements were transformed into supreme qi.

At the same time, a three-colored robbery cloud condenses on the sky, emitting blue, black, and purple light. In each of the colors of the robbery clouds, there was a loud and powerful sound, and a series of dragon-shaped lightnings shuttled through the clouds.


This cloud of robbery kept rolling, releasing a breath of horror, making the air seem to freeze.

Almost all the creatures within a thousand miles felt the breath of the cloud.

Whether it is a genius from the divine realm, or the soul evil that originally lived in the third world of the sealed gods, almost all retreat to the distance, afraid of being drawn into the robbery cloud.

Those stone people three thousand miles away also felt the breath of clouds in the sky. At the same time, they stopped attacking, immediately turned into a stone monument, and quickly sank to the ground.

The Nine-tailed Demon stared at the three-colored calamity cloud in the sky in the distance, feeling a bit shocked in his heart, and said to himself: "How can such a powerful calamity cloud appear in the third world of God? No Could it be the King of Destruction? "

You know, only when you break through the real world and the sub-god realm, will it lead to the calamity.

Only Ning Xiaochuan, a freak, will be hacked once every time he breaks through a realm.

Ghost Leopard exclaimed with an astonishing expression: "It was 'Sansha Town Dragon Robbery', and somebody could have caused such a catastrophe."

The King of the Sovereign said: "It is said that only the genius who cultivated the Supreme Body, when it breaks through the realm of creation, will lead to Sansha Town's robbers. In the third world of God's Seal, there is such a proud man in heaven?

The children of the gods and the daughters of the gods are much more extraordinary than ordinary people. They are born at the highest level of cultivation, and their constitutions have various attributes. Therefore, their physique is called 'Supreme Body'. "

When they break through the good fortune, they will lead to Sansha Zhenlong.

The average monk, no matter how genius, is not treated like this.

"The constitutions of the sons of the gods and the daughters of the gods are both innate supreme bodies. It is said that there are some heavenly pride that are not the sons and daughters of the gods, but they can cultivate into the supreme body through the efforts of the day after tomorrow."

"This kind of character is even more powerful and rare. When they practice to the ancient realm, they can also lead to Sansha Town.

The Supreme Ghost Leopard went on to say: "I was fortunate to have seen a goddess girl break through the realm of creation ten years ago, which led to Sansha Zhenlong. The goddess girl was roaming in a barren starry sky. I He and his grandfather just stood in the distance to observe the ceremony. At that time, that cloud of heist was more than a hundred times more horrible than the current cloud of heist, and it was just an electric light that destroyed half a small planet. "

"The creature in the distance that has attracted Sansha Town's dragon robberies should not be impacting the realm of creation, but the eternal realm."

The King of the King said: "Do you mean, that is a peerless Tianjiao who cultivated into the Supreme Body the day after tomorrow?"

Ghost Leopard nodded.

The King of the Carved King said: "Let me exhibit the supernatural powers of the" Golden Carnival God's Eyes "and see who is sacred in the end?"


The King of the King of the Condor King turned golden and shot two thousands of miles of golden light beams, and immediately saw the human man standing three thousand miles away.

It is Ning Xiaochuan.

"It turned out to be him, the aboriginal of the Da Yan world, the human kid."

The King of the Eagles recognized Ning Xiaochuan, immediately retracted his gaze, and told the figure he saw to the Supreme of the Leopard and the Supreme of the Mink.

The eyes of the Supreme Ghost Leopard suddenly became cloudy, "I didn't expect that the kid's physique was so strong that every single fetus / body can cultivate into the Supreme Body."

"If this son grows up, it is definitely a huge threat. We will kill him now!" Ling Shou's supreme eyes flew towards the center of Jieyun.

"Do you want to die?" Guibao Supreme said coldly: "If you let Jieyun sense your presence, you will immediately drop a more horrible thunderstorm and kill you together."

Ling Seng Supreme stopped immediately, and said, "What now? What? Watch him break through the eternal realm?"

The Ghost Leopard sighed coldly and said, "How easy is it to get through the Sanshazhen Dragon Robbery? Even the sons and daughters of the gods who have been instructed by the gods have died a lot under the Sanshazhen Dragon Robbery. . That kid is just a lowly indigenous creature. I think he will die under thunderstorms. Hey! "


When Ning Xiaochuan broke through the fourth and seventh of the real world, even if it caused thunder, he didn't feel the slightest pressure. Those thunderstorms can't hurt him at all.

But at this moment, he finally felt the tremendous pressure. Sansha Zhenlong is more than ten times stronger than the seventh heavy thunder of real life.

If you are not careful, you may be hacked to death by thunder.


"Magic sword!"

"Representational magic sword!"


Ning Xiaochuan mobilized almost all the soldiers in his body, suspended above his head.

At the same time, he held three real ghosts in his mouth in case he needed them.


The cyan, purple, and black thunderclouds made a muffled sound, just like thousands of troops roaring in the clouds, deafening.

Suddenly, a bucket of cyan dragon-shaped lightning was rushed out of the cyan thundercloud, inserted straight into the ground, and hit Ning Xiaochuan below.

There was a long howling in Ning Xiaochuan's mouth, and he smashed out with one palm to show the extinct thunderbolt. A huge thunder ball flew from the palm and crushed the blue dragon-shaped lightning.

"The power of this cyan dragon-shaped lightning is probably equivalent to the full blow of the monk who is the most important in Wangu Realm."

"If any other monk who has just broken through the eternal realm suffers this blow, he will definitely be seriously injured, but he can absolutely do nothing for me."

It has only just begun, and Sansha Town's Dragon Robbery cannot be that simple.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just when Ning Xiaochuan had just adjusted his breath, it didn't take long for three lightning dragons to emerge from the robbery cloud, showing cyan, purple, and black, respectively, and splitting on Ning Xiaochuan's head almost simultaneously.

Ning Xiaochuan's hands flicked in the void, centering on the body, forming a vortex, dissolving the power of the three Lightning Dragons.


Opening his mouth and sucking, he swallowed the three Lightning Dragons directly into his stomach.

Numerous electro-optical lights shuttled through Ning Xiaochuan's body. Under the suppression of Ning Xiaochuan's powerful power, all those lights were integrated into the blood and transformed into their own power.

"These three Lightning Dragons are also the first level of power in Wangujing. The next Thunderbolt should be upgraded by one level."

A moment later, a purple dragon cloud rushed out of an electric dragon with a diameter of one meter, with very clear dragon scales and faucets, and rushed down to destroy Ning Xiaochuan with the potential of destroying the world.

Ning Xiaochuan still did not use any soldiers, but resisted with his flesh, his arms suddenly extended, he even hugged the electric dragon, and let those lightnings split on him.

The purple electric dragon collapsed and turned into a series of fine electric lights, rushed into Ning Xiaochuan's chest, and merged into the internal organs.

"The power of the second level of Wangujing!"

So far, Thunderbolt is still within his range, and even he can use the power of lightning to temper the flesh and the weapon.

"What a pervert! He actually devoured the power of Thunderbolt directly to strengthen himself." Ling Shou stared at Ning Xiaochuan, who was crossing the robbery in the distance, very shocked. He did not expect that this Terran boy was so powerful, it was just a monster.

The Ghost Leopard snorted coldly and said, "It's just started now! Sansha Zhenlong has a total of seven strengths. When the last strength is reached, it is like three monks in the vanguard world. Strike. "

"You can imagine that a creature that has just broken through to the first place of Wangujing, even if it is physically strong, can withstand the full blow of the seventh monk of Wangujing?"

"What's more, three seventh monks in Wangujie combined to strike. Under the thunderstorm, he will absolutely have no place to die."

The King of the Carved King said: "I don't think he will be able to sustain the last thunderbolt. At the fourth thunderbolt, it will be his death."

"I think he should be able to reach the fifth thunderbolt." Ling Martial Supreme said.

The power of thunderstorms has become stronger and stronger.

The third thunderbolt fell down, comparable to the full blow of a third monk in Wangujing.

The black electric dragon has a very solid body, like a real dragon, and it splits down at a very fast speed.

The third thunderbolt was too powerful, and Ning Xiaochuan could no longer use the power of thunderbolt to refine his body, so he immediately punched Yang Xinding and hit the black electric dragon.


Yang Xin Zhen Ding was deformed by the black electric dragon and was uneven, like a strange iron scrap.

Countless lightnings shuttled between Yang Xin Zhen Ding, like melting it.

The power of the third thunderbolt did not completely pass. Immediately after that, three electric dragons rushed out of the clouds, and each electric dragon was comparable to the full blow of the third monk of Wangujing!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Ning Xiaochuan struck out the magic sword and fifty figurative magic swords at the same time and slammed into the three electric dragons.

In just a moment, the magic sword and the fifty-figured figurative magic sword were blasted back and fell to the ground. Some swords were split and bent, and some swords melted into a twisted iron ball.

Ning Xiaochuan took all the magic sword, Yangxinzhending, and fifty figurative magical swords back into his body, ready to use his own strength to face the fourth thunderstorm.


Recommend a very beautiful fantasy book, "Eternal God" written by Feitianyu, be sure to go! Absolutely fantasy book.

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