Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 917: Realm breakthrough

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When Ning Xiaochuan healed his wounds fully, the kiss-killer and the witch-killer attacked even more violently, breaking up this ancient barren forest almost completely. Except for the ground around the space teleportation array, everything else became scorched earth. No one can see a living vegetation.

All those mysterious beasts and monsters have been crushed into powder, and no one lives.

The golden halo guarding the periphery of the space teleportation array also seems to have faded, and it looks like it will always break.

"Ning Xiaochuan, this defensive formation will not last long! Once the formation is breached, kisses and slugs will surely kill you. Let the Emperor ’s spirit out, and the Emperor assures you that you can What he has done is not blame, not only that, but the Emperor can also work with you to jointly control the Tianxu continent. What do you think? "The voice of Tianmeng Demon Emperor sounded in Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow.

Ning Xiaochuan said faintly: "I have no interest in dominating the heavenly continent, Tianmeng Demon Emperor, you need to know that even if the kiss demon servant and demon demon servant break the formation, they may not kill me."

The Tianmeng Demon Emperor was deliberately delaying time. Ning Xiaochuan stopped paying attention to her, and took a soul-level human-level Dan "Qicao coagulation Dan" into his mouth.

Qicao coagulation Dan can not only repair the damaged blood vessels of the warrior, but also increase the cultivation of the warrior.

Ning Xiaochuan can clearly feel that while his injury is gradually recovering, Xiu Wei is also rapidly improving, and he has the opportunity to hit the fifth level of real life in one fell swoop.

After a series of wars and another two days and two nights of escape, Ning Xiaochuan's potential was inspired, and the repair was promoted extremely quickly.

If it is possible to break through to the fifth level of real life, then it is easy to get out of the hands of the kiss and the demon waiter, and even have the opportunity to kill them.

Perceiving the opportunity to make a breakthrough, Ning Xiaochuan took another three kinds of elixir, "Zhen Yuan Dan", "Five Stone Dan" and "Dragon Blood Protecting Heart Dan".

"Zhen Yuan Dan" can increase the strength of Yuan Shen and increase the purity of Zhen Yuan. When the monk breaks through the realm, he serves Zhenyuan Dan, which can greatly increase the chance of breakthrough.

"Five Stone Dan" is an elixir made from five kinds of medicinal stones. It can not only help monks heal, but also improve the monks' physical fitness.

"Dragon Blood Huxin Dan" is an elixir used to heal the martial arts heart.

In normal times, Ning Xiaochuan would not take so much elixir at all, but this time is different, not only to heal, but also to race against time, he must break through the realm before the two demon servants break through the formation.

Consecutive serving of four human-grade dans, Ning Xiaochuan's body was completely covered with dan, and a ray of danxiang was emitted, and a ray of glow was flowing out of each pore, enveloping the body into a misty mist.

"Great talent has actually inspired potential in desperation. Is this a breakthrough?"

Outside of the formation, the kiss-killer and the demon-killer also saw the changes of Ning Xiaochuan and noticed that they were not good, and immediately accelerated the attack speed.


After more than ten consecutive attacks, the golden halo finally couldn't withstand the Moon Star treasure wheel's attack and shattered into a few golden light spots.

The formation was broken, and Nie Lanzhi, who was in charge of the formation, immediately turned pale and made a muffled sound in his mouth, apparently suffering a minor injury.

"Haha! Finally broke the formation!"

The kiss demon waiter smiled, staring at Ning Xiaochuan, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, chopped out the moon star treasure wheel, and hit Ning Xiaochuan's head.

Nie Lanzhi saw that Ning Xiaochuan was breaking through at a critical moment, unable to escape the attack of the kiss kiss demon waiter, and endured the injury, immediately stood up, with a bit of firm determination in his eyes.

"Little Houye, farewell! You were saving me before, this time I will save you."

Nie Lanzhi knew that he was not an opponent to kiss the demon waiter anyway, and ran directly to the moon star treasure wheel.

"The praying arm is in the car, look for death!" The kiss kiss devil sneered, thinking that Nie Lanzhi was too naive, and the power of the moon star wheel, could she stop it?

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan, who was sitting in the middle of the formation, waved his arm, hit the town demon tower, and hit the moon star treasure wheel, with a loud noise, the moon star treasure wheel was shifted out.


Ning Xiaochuan's body turned into an afterimage, rushed to Nie Lanzhi's side, grabbed her shoulder, and said, "Lanzhi, you step back first, then give it to me!"

The town demon tower draws an arc in the air and flies back to Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

Ning Xiaochuan was standing on the edge of the formation, his body was like a javelin, holding the town demon tower with one hand, staring grimly at the kiss kiss demon waiter and the demon waiter, saying: "I asked you to return before To me, you have to be my enemy. Now even if you kneel and ask for mercy, you can't escape. "

"It's a big tone, even if your practice is a breakthrough, it's only the fifth most important thing in real life. I really think that if you practice this, you can defeat us?"

Although the kiss kiss demon servant said so on the surface, she didn't have the bottom of her heart at all, after all, Ning Xiaochuan's biggest reliance was on the sub-blood of blood.

When Ning Xiaochuan was fourth in the real world, she had the power to compete with them when she wore the blood coat of the last god. Today, Ning Xiaochuan's Xiuwei has reached the fifth level of real life, how strong is Xiuwei?

In addition, Ning Xiaochuan also has a master-level town demon tower in his hands, specializing in restraining the demons.

It can be said that the situation is quite unfavorable to them now. Their only advantage is that Ning Xiaochuan's injury has not healed, and he cannot fight for a long time.

Ning Xiaochuan's injury did not heal, so he must make a quick decision.


He immediately put the blood of the second **** on his body, and a strong blood radiated from Ning Xiaochuan's body, covering a space of hundreds of miles.

That blood with very terrifying evil power can affect people's mind and will, and instantly turn this land into a **** land.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan possessed a magical supreme body in order to resist that evil force. If you change people, even if you have the practice of eternal realm, as long as you are adhered to by evil forces, you will also suffer heavy damage.


As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's body moved, she flew to the front of the kiss and kissed the demon servant, and split her palm on her neck.

Knowing that Ning Xiaochuan could not touch the secondary god's blood suit on Ning Xiaochuan, when he saw Ning Xiaochuan rushing over, he immediately performed a demon to make his body as big as a date core, from the finger gap of Ning Xiaochuan Fly over.


After evading Ning Xiaochuan's blow, the kiss kiss demon stunned the original power of Moon Star Baolun, hit the Moon Star Baolun, and hit Ning Xiaochuan's vest.


A layer of dazzling blood appeared on the surface of the second god's blood suit, blocking the nine-layer power of the Moon Star treasure wheel, and the remaining power was also blocked by the Aoki sky suit of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan was not hurt at all by the blow from the kiss kiss demon servant.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "My cultivation has reached the fifth level of real life, there is a sanctuary of the blood of God, do you still want to hurt me?"

"Second Blood Cloth" is the former battle suit of the Emperor Zijin. As long as Ning Xiaochuan's repair is strong enough, it can make the Sub-God Blood Cloth erupt enough defense.

With his fifth cultivation in the real world, the power under the Supreme has hardly hurt him.


A half of Xing Luo Ji appeared in the left hand of Ning Xiaochuan, showing the speed of Shenlong, carrying the Xing Luo Ji suddenly stabbed out, hitting the heart of the monster monster.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's attack, the demon servant's heart was shocked, and he immediately put the purple dish in the shape of the Supreme King Sacrifice and blocked it in front of him.


The demon servant was knocked down by Ning Xiaochuan's full blow, and the bronze hair band on his head was shattered by powerful air waves, and the long blue hair was scattered on both sides of the cheek.

It was actually repelled by a human race's juniors, which made the demon servant extremely angry.


There was a long howling in the mouth of the demon servant, and the original Na Na's body immediately swelled, turning into a demon bird with blue flames burning all over the body.

The demon bird hovered in the void, opened its mouth and spit out, a blue flame spit out.

The blue flame completely wrapped Ning Xiaochuan.

The flames spit out by the demon servant, the temperature was hot, and the destructive power was amazing, causing the entire earth to burn. The soil melted and turned into reddish magma.

"go to hell!"

Seeing such a good opportunity, the kiss kiss demon servant immediately shot, fully excited the power of the moon star treasure wheel, chopped down towards Ning Xiaochuan in the blue flame.

The Moon Star Treasure Wheel shows 10% of its power. Even if Ning Xiaochuan is wearing the blood of the second god, it is impossible to completely block that power.

Ning Xiaochuan unfolded a pair of flame dragon wings, flying out of the blue demon fire, holding the town demon tower in his hand, and injecting the true elements in his body into the town demon tower, which was originally only one foot tall. Immediately became ten feet tall.

"Give me!"

The town demon tower flew out, and directly suppressed the moon star treasure wheel and the kiss kiss demon servant at the same time under the tower.

The kiss kiss demon servant exhibited a powerful black art, resisted the power of the town demon tower, and supported for a moment outside the tower door of the town demon tower, yelling: "Hey, you are not his opponent, quickly Flee ... After returning to the demon clan, tell the demon emperor and demon queen the news that the extermination king betrayed the demon clan ... "

Having said this, the kiss kiss demon servant was put into the tower.

The door of the town demon tower, closed again.

The town's tower has a great restraint on human monks, and the town demon tower has a great restraint on monks. Even if it is the ninth-strong monster of the real world, it is difficult to resist the power of the town's monster tower.

Seeing the kiss kiss demon servant was taken into the town demon tower, the demon servant immediately spread her wings and fled towards the sky at a fast speed.

But at this moment, in the thick black demon cloud, a bright bright moon flew out.

In the middle of the bright moon, she looked like a slender figure, she was like a fairy flying out of the moon palace, holding a war talisman in her hand, and beheaded with a sword.


The skull of that blue demon sparrow immediately broke, and gushing blood like a waterfall. The giant demon head, like a blue hill, fell to the ground.

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