Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 916: Space teleportation array

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Hearing Ning Xiaochuan just asked her sister's whereabouts, Nie Lanzhi's heart could not help but lose her face slightly, so that Ning Xiaochuan could not see her emotions, she said softly: "Sister is temporarily absent. Will be back."

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, and Nie Lanxin was absent.

It seems that it is only by their own strength to fight off the kiss kiss and the waitress.

"Langzhi, this array of gold stones was also arranged by your sister? What kind of array is this?" Ning Xiaochuan also has some research on the array, standing on the edge of the array, but not See why.

This array of formations is very weird. The space in the formations seems to be completely static and incompatible with the outside world. Even when the wind in the mountains blows to the side of the formations, it stops immediately, and the space in the formations cannot be stirred.

Nie Lanzhi followed Ning Xiaochuan and said, "This is a space teleport array. My sister left through this space teleport array. She asked me to wait here. If I encounter danger, I will hide in the array."

Ning Xiaochuan stopped and nodded suddenly, it turned out to be a space teleportation array!

The space teleportation array can be said to be quite complicated and consumes a lot of vitality. Even if the average monk is highly advanced, he cannot arrange a space transmission array. Only monks in the eternal realm can arrange the formation.

In addition, the space teleport arrays arranged by monks in Wangujing are generally small arrays, and the number of people that can be transmitted at one time is not too large, and only a maximum of 20 can be transmitted.

Consumption of black stone is a large figure after completing a space transmission of 10,000 miles away.

If you want to teleport a distance of one million miles, or even across territories and across the continent, the consumed black stones are even more scary, and you must also be supported by the energy of the heavenly stones to transmit the monks so far. local.

In fact, almost every sacred earth in the heavenly continent has a space teleportation array. It ’s just that the space teleportation matrix consumes too much basalt, and it is too troublesome to open. Therefore, if it is not really critical, the space teleportation array will not be used at all.

"Have your sister told you where she went?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

Nie Lanzhi said: "She said that she wanted to return to the imperial city of the Yujingmei people, and it seemed that she wanted to take something important, and the territory of the Yujingmei people did not seem to be on the continent, but on another continent."

"You mean this space teleportation is connected to another continent?" Ning Xiaochuan stared at this space teleportation, a little surprised.

The matrix method that crosses the continent is not something that ordinary people can arrange. Even if it is a monk in the ancient world, it is not so capable!

Is the cultivation of the Queen of Sounds completely restored?

Ning Xiaochuan's vibration was not small, and she was very curious to what extent was Wan Yin's current cultivation? You know, when she was still alive, it was the ninth important practice of Wangu Realm, which was only one step away from the realm.

If she really captured her own good fortune, it is estimated that Xiuwei has really surpassed the Supreme.

Nie Lanzhi nodded gently, saying: "It should be connected to another continent! Anyway, my sister said so, I'm not sure."

If Ning Xiaochuan was given ten days and a half months, maybe he could study the opening method of the space teleportation array clearly.

Unfortunately, there is very little time left for him now. There is no time to study this space teleport array. Otherwise, you can use the space teleport array to escape, even if the kiss kiss waiter and the wait waitress can't catch up.

When the monk in the ancient world arranges the space teleportation array, he usually arranges a powerful defensive formation on the edge of the formation to prevent the space transmission array from being destroyed by outsiders.

The defensive formation set by the monk in the ancient world, even if it is the ninth-level monk of a real person, it is impossible to break the formation within one and a half minutes.

If you hide in the space teleportation array, you can use the defensive formation to resist the demon kiss and the demon servant.

As long as Nie Lanxin, who is the queen of Wanyin, can come back, or Ning Xiaochuan's injuries are mostly recovered, then it is the death of the kiss and waitress.


In the forest, the sound of a shaking mountain came.

Countless mysterious beasts and monsters are like escapes, rushing out of the dense ancient forest, all rushing towards the other direction. A large flock of demon birds flew across the sky, making a cry of fear, and flying into the dense forest in the distance.

Over the ancient forest, there was a rolling black demon cloud. Two very horrifying forces came from the demon cloud. The mysterious beasts and demon beasts on the ground kneeled on the ground, shaking and daring to move. Move it.

The demon kiss demon servant and demon demon servant flew out of the demon cloud and landed on the shores of the golden lake. They were both very beautiful, with flawless faces and beautiful bodies. Any man who saw such a demon girl would be very excited. However, except Ning Xiaochuan, seeing them is like seeing two killing stars.

In order to prevent Ning Xiaochuan from escaping again, the demon servant sacrifice a set of beads, and hit the void of dozens of feet high.

The anchoring beads suspended in the void, emitting an invisible force, locking the space in the entire ancient forest.

Those beasts cultivated as lower ones can not move under the action of the anchor beads.

Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation is deep, but under the suppression of the strength of the bead, the speed of action has been more than ten times slower, as if he has fallen into a quagmire.

If the speed of the two demon servants is not suppressed by the set beads, and Ning Xiaochuan is suppressed, it will be quite unfavorable to Ning Xiaochuan.

Xun Wenxie stared at Ning Xiaochuan, who was standing on the edge of the formation, and her eyes sank, and she said, "King of Destruction, why don't you run away? Just give up?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The kiss demon waiter, the demon waiter, how can you say that you are also the ninth most powerful demon tribe in the real world. You ca n’t help me if you ’ve been hunting for two days and two nights. If you wait for me, Is n’t that when your wounds are healed? ”

The corner of Xun Yaoshi's eyes raised slightly, sneer: "Do you think you can escape this time?"

"If you hadn't resorted to the power of the sub-blood, you would have died in our hands. It's best to let the demon emperor out of the town demon tower honestly, maybe you can spare you a dog." Holding a crescent-shaped supreme device, holding his chest high, he looks imposing, as if he still regards Ning Xiaochuan as a subordinate of the demon tribe.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled gently, took a step back, stepped back into the space teleportation array, and slightly tickled his fingers at the kiss kiss demon servant: "Come and kill me if you have the ability!"

"When I can't kill you!"

The kiss kiss demon servant injected the thick demon element in the body into the crescent-shaped supreme device, the bumpy and delicate body ejected, raised the crescent-shaped supreme device above his head, and chopped down toward Ning Xiaochuan, who was standing on the edge of the space teleportation array.


Seeing that crescent-shaped supreme device, it was necessary to smash the top of Ning Xiaochuan's head. Suddenly, a layer of golden halo blocked the crescent-shaped supreme device, making a sound of metal collision.

A rebounding power came from the golden halo, shaking the kiss kiss demon servant back more than 20 meters away, and then shivering backward more than ten steps.

After the golden halo made ripples, it gradually calmed down and disappeared invisible.

"Defense formation!"

After kissing the demon servant standing firmly, staring at the golden boulder around Ning Xiaochuan, he finally understood why Ning Xiaochuan had no fear. He originally wanted to use the power of the formation to resist their attacks.

"Shooting together, I don't believe in a defensive formation, and we can block us." Seeing Ning Xiaochuan in front of her, the kiss kiss demon waiter was very angry and naturally refused to close.

She awakened the crescent-shaped supreme device's spirit, and a white glow exploded from the supreme device, the light was brighter than the hot sun in the sky.

Power is constantly growing.

That crescent-shaped supreme device, named "Moon Star Treasure Wheel", reached the peak level of the top-class supreme device. Once the full power is inspired, even if it is not much weaker than the supreme king device, it is a quasi-extremity. King.

The demon servant took out a supreme kingware, which was a purple dish-like vessel, and a series of brass-like metal stripes were densely inlaid on the surface of the dish.

The demon servant injected the demon element into the dish-shaped Supreme King Device, and gradually awakened the Spirit of this Supreme King Device, erupting a powerful source of power.

Of course, there is a broken piece of the Supreme King's weapon under the control of the Puppet Demon, and it can't exert the full power of the Supreme King's weapon, and it can only be regarded as a quasi-Extreme King's weapon.


At the same time, the two demon servants knocked out the quasi-extreme king device and collided into the space teleportation array.

On the periphery of the teleportation array, a golden halo appeared again. Under the attack of two quasi-permanent kings, the layer of halo trembled violently and sunken downward, as if to be broken.


In the end, that layer of golden halo blocked the attack of the kiss kiss demon servant and the demon waiter, without being broken by two quasi-extreme kings.

"Both the kiss and the demon servants have a quasi-extreme king device. Even if this array is very defensive, it is unlikely that it will last long."

Ning Xiaochuan is very aware of the power of the Supreme King. Under the constant attack of the Supreme King, even the defensive formations set up by monks in the realm may be broken.

Ning Xiaochuan put Nie Lanzhi in control of the defensive formation, but he once again took a wounded human-level Dan and began to heal the wound.

This time he was really badly injured, his physical body was torn and shattered, and even the martial arts heart was seriously damaged. Even if he took the six-return-to-yangdan treatment of Baodan, it took him a whole hour It took 60% to heal the physical injuries.

On the surface, Ning Xiaochuan's injuries seem to have healed and no scars can be seen. However, the blood, martial arts palace, five internal organs, and six sacral wounds were not so easy to heal at all, and continued healing was needed.


In order not to make everyone think that only one chapter is updated sometimes, the two chapters will be updated in the evening. The next chapter, before 12 o'clock.

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