Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 918: Soul fusion, capture the good

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Ning Xiaochuan looked up and looked at the bright moon floating in the sky, saying: "Luna, you still catch up, still want to fight me?"

Luna took the **** ancient sword back into the scabbard, and flew down from the sky in the emptiness. Standing opposite Ning Xiaochuan, a strange brilliance emerged from his eyes, staring for a long time, saying: "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry for me?" Ning Xiaochuan nodded gently, and said, "I see! It seems you already know something, in fact, you don't need to blame yourself at all, because you weren't wrong. "

Nie Lanzhi stood behind Ning Xiaochuan, completely unable to understand the conversation between Ning Xiaochuan and Luna.

She just felt that a beautiful woman like the fairy of the moon palace seemed to have done something sorry to Xiaohouye.

During the Yulan Empire, Nie Lanzhi also saw the Moon God once or twice, but the reflection was not deep. After all these years passed, she completely forgot about her.

When Ning Xiaochuan saw the Moon God silent, he smiled a little, saying, "Don't take too much thought into your past. This will be very detrimental to your practice. You should know that I'm not stingy. Man. Wouldn't you just come to apologize to me this time? "

Ning Xiaochuan's smile really eased Luna's inner self-blame a bit, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, did you kill the Heavenly Demon Emperor?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said calmly: "The spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is too powerful. Based on my current cultivation, it is estimated that within one and a half minutes, she cannot completely defeat her spirit. There is one more Thing, you must go back and tell your mother-in-law that the three thoughts of the Heavenly Demon Emperor escaped, and each thought may cause a great disaster! "

"I'll rush back to tell my mother-in-law about this immediately!" Luna nodded, and suddenly asked, "What's your plan next?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "My immediate priority is to thoroughly refine the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor in case it changes. As for other things, I may not be able to help. In addition, the bone bone altar has been destroyed. ? "

After Ning Xiaochuan suppressed the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, he went to kill Dasao, so I don't know if the Supremes of the Terrans have destroyed the bone bone altar?

Luna: "Mother-in-law personally uses the Wanlong Dan Shending to refine the white bone altar. The white bone altar should be converted into a furnace of holy character and human grade Dan to promote the cultivation of young talents. If that furnace of holy character is human With the successful refining of Dan, the strength of the human race will definitely be improved. "

"Great! The bone bone altar is piled with the bones of the heroes of all human races. It has gathered the grievances and blood of hundreds of millions of human beings. If it can be made into a furnace of holy character, Dan, it can really increase the strength of the people. The predecessors of the human race who once died in the hands of the demon will use their will and blood to give the young generations the motivation to avenge their revenge. "

Ning Xiaochuan didn't think there was anything wrong with using the bones of the human race's sage to refine the alchemy. The current human race needs these elixir to enhance their strength. Only when the human monk's strength really improves, will it be possible to win more in the next turmoil. Chance of survival.

The ugly mother-in-law is obviously not a pedantic person, and she also knows to maximize the value of the bone bone altar.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The bone bone altar condenses the sentiments and grievances of all beings, plus the alchemy level of the mother-in-law Shennong level. It is estimated that it is not just as simple as being able to make holy character-level alchemy, maybe it can also be made. Once the refining of this pot of elixir, the high-grade and low-grade elixir is estimated to be hundreds of millions. After a few years, there will definitely be a new batch of supreme among the people. On the virtual continent, the human race can at least have a certain counterattack force. "

The alchemy levels of those medicine kings and medicine saints have already been established. As for the alchemy level of Shennong during transmission, it is not conceivable by ordinary mind-raising masters, and even the supreme-level characters are hard to imagine, which has exceeded the cognition of ordinary people.

Ning Xiaochuan's alchemy refining skills are now approaching the soul-level great spiritual master. He has a certain estimate of the holy potion of sacred medicine refined by the ugly mother-in-law using the sub-artifact-level Dan furnace.

Once the refining of the elixir is successful, it may even lead to disaster.

It can be said that the pot of elixir made by the ugly mother-in-law even determines the future of the human race.

Luna: "Rest assured! Once the refining medicine is released, there must be your share. Now that the two demon servants are dead and you are safe and sound, then I will go back first!"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the lonely beautiful back of Luna, and said, "Wait a minute!"

Luna stopped, a pair of eyes like stars, and pursed his lips gently, staring at Ning Xiaochuan a little uneasily.

Ning Xiaochuan walked up to her, smelling a faint fragrance of a woman, patted her shoulder, stared at her with a certain look, and said, "Keep what you insist on in your heart, you never Nothing wrong, I believe you will be able to become the new generation of the Moon Palace Lord, the God of the Moon God. "

Luna's heart was very moved, knowing that Ning Xiaochuan said this because she didn't want to make her feel guilty.

The five fingers in her sleeve tightened slightly, biting her lips, and a pair of crystal haze was formed in the cold eyes, and she almost leaned on Ning Xiaochuan's chest and shed her tears.

But she was a reserved woman, still keeping her cold appearance, turned around, and turned into a white shocked flying away.

Flying to the place where Ning Xiaochuan couldn't see, the tears in her eyes flowed like a dyke.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the bright and bright moon that flew farther and farther, and there was a slight arc in the corner of his mouth. It was indeed the **** of the moon and always gave people a look that could only be viewed from a distance.

"Fancy words, playing tricks, Tian shameless, King of Destruction, you really are a master of cheating women's heart!" The voice of a cold woman came from the space teleportation.

"Sister, you are back!" Nie Lanzhi rejoiced, staring at the tall beauty standing in the middle of the formation, and immediately walked over.

Nie Lanxin has a tall body and a long bun, with four golden long-tailed golden pheasants on her head. She wears a big red robe, and the hem is more than ten meters long when dragged to the ground. Of jade. The legs protruded from the red robe.

Even if Xiu Wei was not released deliberately, the momentum on her body was still very strong, there was a deterrent stance of the queen, and ordinary monks stood in front of her and did not dare to look directly at her.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Are you Nie Lanxin or Wan Yin Fairy?"

At this moment, the sun has gone down into the night.

Obviously, it should be the flesh that dominates the queen of the queen of sounds.

However, the Queen of Yin Yin never absolutely ridiculed Ning Xiaochuan, which was Nie Lanxin's speaking style.

Nie Lan said: "You can now call me either‘ Queen Yin Yin ’or‘ Nie Lanxin ’. The souls of the two of us are no longer separated from each other.”

"Soul and soul are united!"

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes widened slightly and said: "It seems that you have really seized the good fortune and surpassed the Supreme."

"I think you have some insight." Nie Lanxin's eyes were condensed, and he glanced in the direction of Nie Lanzhi, and said a little displeasedly, "Ning Xiaochuan, what are you doing here? You haven't already trusted in Tianmeng Yaohuang, could it Still want to make an idea for my sister? "

Nie Lanzhi immediately said: "Sister, you have misunderstood Xiaohouye, Tianmeng Yaohuang has been suppressed by Xiaohouye."

"Suppressed the Heavenly Demon Emperor?" Nie Lanxin shot two jade rays into his eyes, staring at Ning Xiaochuan.

After Nie Lanxin and the queen of Wanyin were united, they became very powerful. Her eyes looked like Ning Xiaochuan could see through her. In front of her, Ning Xiaochuan felt that he had no secret at all.

After a short while, Nie Lanxin looked back and said, "It's a bit interesting! Ning Xiaochuan, yours have hidden a lot of secrets, and they really suppressed the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor in the Yuanshen. That is a secondary god. , Aren't you afraid of being counterattacked by her? "

"Fear! How could I not be afraid? But if I don't suppress her spirits, there will be more dead people." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Nie Lan nodded heartily and said, "It's your luck. I just brought back a sacred artifact from Yujing Beauty. I was going to deal with the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Since the Heavenly Demon Emperor has been suppressed by you , I wish you a helping hand to thoroughly refine her soul. "

Nie Lanxin brought back the artifact from the Yujing Beauty clan, called "Jiuli Jade Bottle", a sub-artifact, and the treasure of the Yujing Beauty clan.

The most powerful force of Jiu Liyu Jingping is to suppress the monks' souls, especially for the demons, ghosts, and demons.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor after the first secondary **** body is condensed, which is really powerful, but after all, she is only a **** soul formed by the thoughts of the five gods. The power of the **** soul is not strong, and it is far from being the real god. compared to.

Therefore, the greatest weakness of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is too weak.

If Nie Lanxin really has reached the realm of creation, with the suppression of the spirits by the "Jiu Li Yu Jing Ping Bottle", maybe he really has a chance to fight against the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Although the ugly mother-in-law is also the cultivation of the good fortune, after all, she is only a mind trainer, and she is proficient in Dan Dao. Her combat strength is not strong, and she is naturally far from being able to compete with the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Nie Lanxin is different. She is a warrior and possesses dual intelligences. In terms of fighting power only, Nie Lanxin is much higher than the ugly mother-in-law.

When Nie Lanxin said that she would use the Jiuli Yujing bottle to challenge the Heavenly Demon Emperor, Ning Xiaochuan also felt that she was too arrogant, but after Ning Xiaochuan really saw the power of the Jiuli Yujing bottle, she really realized that Nie Lanxin might Really have that strength.

The ugly mother-in-law practiced more than 80,000 years before seizing the good fortune and achieving the good fortune.

The Empress Wanyin did not know how many thousands of years she had cultivated, but also experienced the test of death and rebirth, and then merged the two gods in Nie Lan's heart to achieve the realm of creation.

The monks in the realm of realm cannot really be underestimated, and they have taken away the good fortune. It is like detaching from the five elements and using the means displayed, it is not the supreme imagination of eternity.

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