Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1100: Defeat the sub-god

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"Did all the bones I had come before were all bones in this monster's body."

Although Ning Xiaochuan did not know the details of the skeletal beast, at the moment, he also began to vaguely guess some facts.

These thoughts flickered in Ning Xiaochuan's mind, and Ning Xiaochuan's attention was immediately focused on the spirit of the demon in the body under his feet.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan felt that he was stepping on a mass of energy. With this mass of energy at his feet, Ning Xiaochuan even had the confidence to fight with the sub-god in front of him.

But the only thing he was worried about at this moment was that the monster under his feet had been dumb, as if he didn't have his own consciousness, and it seemed to be difficult for him to cooperate with him.

"I first try to control it with the power of the Seven Tricks, if I can't, then think of another way."

Ning Xiaochuan immediately began to fill the body of the skeletal animal under his feet with the power of the Seven Magical Demon Heart.

However, what made Ning Xiaochuan helpless was that the power of his Seven Magical Demon Hearts was immediately dissipated by a powerful force as soon as he entered the body of the skeleton.

At first, Yan Kui only used the power of the skeleton's bones to resist the power of Ning Xiaochuan's Qiqiao Demon.

Now Ning Xiaochuan is facing a living beast. Of course, this beast cannot be controlled by Ning Xiaochuan so easily.

In fact, no one in this world can control the existence of such a beast.

It's like a stone. It has no consciousness, so you can manipulate the stone to do other things, but you will always control it more than if you want to treat the stone as a living thing.

Control failed, and Ning Xiaochuan grinned helplessly.

This result is not surprising Ning Xiaochuan.

Looking up at the sub-god in the distance, Ning Xiaochuan started madly absorbing the spirit of the demon from the monster under his feet.

With enough demon spirit, Ning Xiaochuan has the capital to contend with this sub-god in front of him.

Yan Xue stared at Ning Xiaochuan and suddenly said, "Are you from that tribe?"

After feeling the strangeness of Ning Xiaochuan, Yan Xue decided to figure out the identity of Ning Xiaochuan first.

"I'm ... a member of the Qingdi Ministry, your Yanquan people attacked the Qingdi Ministry for no reason. After I return, I must tell this to the High Priest of the Qingdi Ministry.

The high priest is the highest existence in the **** tribe, just like the emperor of a country.

Ning Xiaochuan originally wanted to continue to use the fake identity of Skull Dragon, but after thinking about it, this apparently is the big man in the Yan Quan Department, and his fake Skull Dragon is only the lowest existence of the Yan Quan Department. He lowered his head.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan immediately stated the identity of the Qingdi Ministry, and wanted to use the name of the Qingdi Ministry to scare Yan Xue back.

"Youth Ministry!"

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan's words, Yan Xue's face really showed a bit of jealousy.

The Qingdi Ministry can also be regarded as an extremely powerful tribe in hell, especially the **** Qingtian who is enshrined in the Qingdi Ministry, which is a little stronger than the gods enshrined in their Yanquan Ministry.

After a little groaning, Yan Xue immediately said coldly: "You, as a member of the Qingdi Ministry, even ran to the territory of my Yanquan Ministry, but also hunted down the owner of the Yanquan Ministry. You did this to plunder the skeletons that formed the city Beast bones, don't forget, your young emperor department needs skeletal bones to awaken the great emperor, and my Yanquan department also wants skeletal bones to awaken the gods of my Yanquan.

Speaking of later, Yan Xie's tone had already become a little bit fierce.

Apparently, he worshipped the so-called deities in his mouth quite.

"Awaken the Emperor Qingtian?"

Ning Xiaochuan was a little shocked at once.

He had known for a long time that there were real gods in hell, but he did not expect that these gods seemed to be sleeping. And at this moment, the sub-gods in **** are trying to awaken these **** gods.

Yan Xue stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and his voice turned: "However, now that our **** ministries have formed an alliance, we must break the seal of **** and enter the Guixu market. Your Qingdi Ministry has not been established on the Guixu market. Is the Magic Zombie City ... we are one now, regardless of the Yanquan Ministry or the Qingdi Ministry, go to Yanquan City with me. "

It seemed to prove his sincerity that Yan Xue's tone became softened.

Yan Xue naturally wouldn't be really kind to Ning Xiaochuan. He just wants to trick Ning Xiaochuan into Yan Quancheng, and then torture the secrets of Ning Xiaochuan.

Faced with such pediatric tricks as Yan Xue, Ning Xiaochuan naturally would not be fooled.

Shaking his head, Ning Xiaochuan said directly: "This lord, I have other tasks to complete here, I'm afraid I can't go to Yanquan with you."

"You're looking for death."

The look of Yan Xue immediately became angry again.

As a sub-god, he was polite enough to talk to a junior in good fortune. Obviously, the other party did not give himself face.

Therefore, Yan Xue immediately couldn't hold back the anger in his heart. His hands were closed together, and a black ball slowly appeared between his hands.

This ball gathers the power of the sub-gods in Yan Xie's body, and has a powerful swallowing power.

After the ball was coagulated, Yan Xue immediately threw it at Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan looked dignified and was about to knock out the spirit of the demon that had just been absorbed, but the skeletal beast at his feet suddenly jumped up and swallowed the ball that had been hit by Yan blood.

As if eating a tonic, this skeletal animal absorbed the power of the sub-god from the blood of Yan, and it seemed to be very comfortable.

"Great, even the power of the second God did not hesitate to devour it."

Ning Xiaochuan glanced down at the beast beneath his feet, and couldn't help but sigh.

In the distance, Yan Xue had a somber face, and looked coldly at Ning Xiaochuan.

He did not expect that this skeleton beast would suddenly block his attack for Ning Xiaochuan.

There was a cold snoring in his mouth, and Yan Xue appeared next to Ning Xiaochuan.

He still wanted to capture Ning Xiaochuan directly. As long as he grabbed Ning Xiaochuan, the skeleton was no threat to him.

However, just as he approached Ning Xiaochuan, a powerful force suddenly burst into his body.

The demon power, which was more powerful than before, was shot out of Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Just now Ning Xiaochuan used all the power of the demons to break the bone knife in Yan Xue's hands at once. Now Yan Xue was afraid of confronting these demons' spirits, but the figure flickered towards him Dodged.

However, Ning Xiaochuan shot very quickly at the moment. After sensing the trace of Yan Xue, a powerful spirit of demons struck out immediately.

A steady stream of demonic spirits were uploaded from the skeletal body below Ning Xiaochuan's body.

At this moment, this skeletal beast is like a perpetual motion, which is continuously passed on to Ning Xiaochuan.

"It's cool, it feels so cool."

Ning Xiaochuan has been playing so fast for the first time since he realized that the demons are extinct. He doesn't have to worry about the evil spirits on his body.


Finally, Yan Xue was hit by the spirit of a demon that Ning Xiaochuan punched out.

His figure flew backwards with the spirit of this demon, and a few drops of glitter flew from the blood of Yan.

Ning Xiaochuan reached out and took these drops of glittering things into his hands, and suddenly felt like a small hill pressing on his hands.

These glittering things are just as big as beans, but they weigh as much as a hill.

"Second blood."

Ning Xiaochuan immediately distinguished.

These glittering crystals are like crystals, clearly blood dripping from the blood of Yan.

Before, Ning Xiaochuan drank three cups of sub-god blood at the demon. Although those sub-gods were powerful at that time, they were far less powerful than those drops of sub-gods now in Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

In terms of spirituality alone, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan's blood in these sub-gods can be compared with the spirituality contained in the three cups of sub-gods.

Ning Xiaochuan has not seen the blood of the sub-god before, so I do not know the power of the sub-god.

But now, holding these drops of sub-blood of blood, Ning Xiaochuan only knew that the three glasses of sub-blood of blood that he drank at first had definitely been moved by the demon.

"No, the spirituality in these sub-Gods blood is so powerful, but don't be swallowed by the earth."

After a few thoughts flashed in Ning Xiaochuan's heart, he immediately realized that it was not good.

But it was too late at the moment, the glittering sub-god blood in his hand slipped from his hand, like a drop of water dripping into the desert, and disappeared instantly.

This wasted a few drops of blood, which made Ning Xiaochuan quite frustrated.

But immediately, he looked up in the direction that Yan Xue disappeared. Just now Ning Xiaochuan injured Yan Yan by using the spirit of demons, which greatly increased Ning Xiaochuan's confidence.

Now he believes that even if Yan Xue appears from then on, he is confident to beat him back again.

"Thanks to this monster, with this monster, my doomsday demon road can really be considered to have exerted its strength."

Ning Xiaochuan bent over and patted the skeletal animal under his feet, and couldn't help but admire it.

Adding his extinct demon to this skeletal beast is a perfect match, even the gods were defeated by them.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan knew that the Yan Xue who had been beaten by him must be the lowest-order sub-god.

Waiting for a while, Yan Xue's figure never appeared, as if he had escaped.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the distance for a moment, then his face looked helpless.

He could feel that in the darkness in the distance, a consciousness locked himself.

There is no doubt that the demigod of Yan Quan Bu was not willing to fail, so he has been tracking himself secretly at the moment. He must also see that most of Ning Xiaochuan's power comes from this skeletal beast, so now he will wait silently Ning Xiaochuan was separated from the skeleton.

"If I can control this monster set, then my doomsday demons will really reach their peak."

Ning Xiaochuan sat cross-legged on top of the skeleton animal and sighed.

However, with just a sigh, Ning Xiaochuan's heart suddenly flashed like a thunderbolt.

"No, if the devil's path is so huge, what qualifications can be called one of the three thousand paths? There must be a way to do it, but I can have enough demon power.

Countless thoughts began to flash in Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

Vaguely, he even felt that there was a new way of extinction to be realized by him.


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