Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1101: New insights

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"Dark Road!"

"The Origin of Destruction!"

"Death to Hell!"


Countless inspirations seemed to flash into Ning Xiaochuan's mind, but then these sparks passed away and disappeared completely.

Sitting cross-kneeed on the top of the skeleton, Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and sighed.

Even if the opportunity is not available, even if Ning Xiaochuan knew the names of these annihilations, he would not be able to understand them.

However, now that Ning Xiaochuan finally has a clue, knowing what to do next in his spiritual practice, this is a small breakthrough.

Ning Xiaochuan already feels that if he really cultivates the extinction way to cooperate with the extinct demonic way, then he can definitely have the power compared to the second **** even if he has not stepped into the second **** state.

Standing up from the head of the skeleton, Ning Xiaochuan looked up and looked into the distance.

The darkness around it was still as usual. After the sub-god lost at Ning Xiaochuan, the figure was completely hidden. Ning Xiaochuan couldn't find where he was hiding.

However, the feeling from the magical power of Qiqiao Shen told Ning Xiaochuan clearly that the sub-god was definitely not far away, but just hid.

Being followed by such a powerful enemy, Ning Xiaochuan was also helpless.

Until this sub-god leaves, he will never be separated from the monsters under his feet.

Sitting cross-legged again, Ning Xiaochuan had planned to consume the other side to the end.

Yao Yao followed Ning Xiaochuan, and Yan Xue's face was extremely gloomy at this moment.

"How could he find me? And how could this skeleton not attack him?"

After following Ning Xiaochuan for a whole day, Yan Xue began to get irritated.

If it was changed to another time, of course, Yan Xue would spend a lot of time with Ning Xiaochuan.

But now it's different. Now the whole **** is on the verge of great change. At this time, if Yanxue leaves Yanquan City for too long, he will definitely be punished by the High Priest of Yanquan.

You know, this time Yan Xue left Yan Quancheng, the high priest gave him only three days.

In order to find Ning Xiaochuan, Yan Xue wasted a day. Now it takes him another day to track Ning Xiaochuan. Taking into account the time to go back, Yan Xue has at least half a day to calculate Ning Xiaochuan.

If he still can't win Ning Xiaochuan within half a day, he will have to return to Yanquan City.

Gritting his teeth continued to follow Ning Xiaochuan for more than half a day, Yan Xue finally retreated with a face full of unwillingness.

At the moment Yan Xue left, Ning Xiaochuan already felt something.

However, for the sake of insurance, Ning Xiaochuan continued to stay on the head of the skeleton.

Anyway, he has nowhere to go now, and it is not a bad thing to be with this monster, at least relying on this monster, Ning Xiaochuan's world-defeating demons are almost practiced to the extreme.

Ning Xiaochuan has now even begun to deduce a new way of extinction based on the demonic way.

So far, Ning Xiaochuan has learned more than a dozen ways of extinction. However, he realized that each of these ways of extinction existed separately.

For example, if Ning Xiaochuan exhibits the sword of annihilation, then he can only use the sword of annihilation. If Ning Xiaochuan exhibits the World Extinction Nebula Road, then it can only perform the power of World Extinction Nebula Road.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan has a deeper understanding of the way to destroy the world.

"I realized that the way to destroy the world was still too messy and there was no connection at all. In this way, every time I deal with people, I can only use the power of a way to destroy the world, which is a complete waste of the way to destroy the world. Ability."

After Nana whispered in her mouth, Ning Xiaochuan's expression immediately excited.

In the past, Ning Xiaochuan was skeptical. If the power of each of the three thousand roads of annihilation was only the point he realized, then even if he would realize all the three thousand roads of annihilation, the strength would not be strong.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan has begun to realize that each of the three thousand ways of extinction should be mutually reinforcing existences.

In this way, as long as Ning Xiaochuan comprehends a way of extinction, his strength will double. If he comprehends all three thousand ways of extinction, then Ning Xiaochuan's strength will probably reach an invincible one. To the point.

If the Three Thousand Roads of World Extinction is a formation method, then every avenue contained in the World Extinction Road can only be regarded as one of the array eyes in this formation method.

Only when these arrays complement each other and are integrated as a whole, this large array can exert its greatest power.

Before Ning Xiaochuan practiced the method of annihilating the world, he just searched for the formation of eyes in this huge formation. These eyes were scattered everywhere without any connection with each other. Naturally, it was impossible to drive the power of formation.

However, now Ning Xiaochuan has begun to realize that he is looking for the training of the nearby array of eyes. With the success of the training of the nearby array of eyes, Ning Xiaochuan can naturally start to slowly motivate the real power of this large array.

"Dark World Road! The Origin World Road! The World Hell Road!"

Following the demonization of the demon world, Ning Xiaochuan's mind immediately appeared with three names of the world's demon world.

These ways of extinction all existed before Ning Xiaochuan. As long as Ning Xiaochuan can successfully cultivate any of these three ways of extinction, his power of extinction will be greatly increased.

However, what Ning Xiaochuan has to do now is to choose the one of the three ways of extinction that is most beneficial to the exorcism demon.

Sitting cross-legged on top of the skeleton's head, Ning Xiaochuan slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment in Yanquan City, countless evil men are still carrying bones to the bone mountain in the center of Yanquan City.

At the top of this bone mountain, in a bone cave, Yan Xue looked respectfully on one knee before an old man with an old face.

The only high priest with the highest status of Yan Quan Bu can make Yan Xue, the second god, treat him so respectfully.

"You mean, when you went out this time, you met a Qingdi tribe who was able to work with skeletons and be able to practice with the spirit of demons?"

Holding a bone staff in his hand, the high priest frowned at Yan Xue.

The high priest's name was Yan Wushuang. He was also a great generation, but countless years have passed, and now he is very old.

Yan Wushuang looked ordinary, just like an ordinary old man, with no fluctuations in his strength.

Just by looking at the appearance, the momentum of Yan blood is countless times stronger than Yan Wushuang.

However, before Yan Wu had both sides, Yan Xue didn't dare to have the slightest heart.

Being able to settle in the seat of the High Priest of Yanquan Ministry for many years has shown that Yan Wushuang's strength is definitely not as simple as his appearance.

Yan Xue looked up at the high priest, and then lowered his head deeply: "Yes, the high priest, and his strength is weird. Obviously, only the cultivation of the realm can be borrowed from the power of the beast. I was wounded this time by God. "

Before Yan Wu double-sided, Yan Xue didn't dare to conceal anything, and said everything he knew.

"How could such a figure appear in the Ministry of Youth?"

Yan Wushuang said, after a long silence, he shook his head and said, "The most important thing right now is to awaken our ancestors. As for other things, we must put them aside."

"Yes, the high priest."

Yan Xue nodded, not even daring to refute Yan Wushuang.

The moment Yan Xue nodded, a voice suddenly appeared in Yan Xue and Yan Wushuang's ears.

"Where is this person you are talking about?"

Hearing this voice, Yan Wushuang and Yan Xue were both shocked.

This is the core of Yan Quanbei, and both of them are sub-gods, but the voice appeared so suddenly in their ears as if someone whispered in their ears.

"What are you ...?"

Yan Xue was shocked, and immediately put on a posture of alertness.

Yan Wushuang also looked around with alert look, but suddenly, he suddenly seemed to have guessed something, and his face was surprised.

"Ancestor, this is the voice of the ancestor, and the ancestor finally woke up."

"What? Ancestor?" Yan Xue's eyes widened suddenly when he heard the words "Ancestral Ancestor," even more shocked than before.

The ancestor of Yan Quan Bu was a true deity.

Although Yan Xue is a sub-god, he has always lived in hell, and he has never seen a real god.

In the eyes of Yan Xue and Yan Wushuang's surprise, countless streams of light poured out from their feet, and then slowly gathered into a figure.

At this moment, in the crystal coffin under the bone mountain, the figure sleeping in the coffin slightly moved, and then went silent again.

After watching this light and shadow appear in front of himself, Yan Xue and Yan Wushuang knelt on the ground with excitement.


With a shout of excitement, Yan Wushuang dared to look up at the light and shadow in front of him.

As for Yan Xue, he didn't even dare to look up at this moment.

"My body hasn't fully awoken yet, but what is now in front of you is just a consciousness of mine, unparalleled. When you were young, we had a spiritual communication. I did not expect that after so many years, you would even grow old. It looks like this. "

A sigh came from this light and shadow mouth.

Yan Wushuang was a sub-god, and Shou Yuan had almost reached endlessness long ago.

However, in an environment like hell, Yan Wushuang was aging as he is now.

It seemed to be infected by this sigh of light and shadow, and Yan Wushuang's face was a little darkened, but then he looked solemnly: "Ancestral, now we have opened the seal of the gate of **** a gap, many in **** The tribe has even established a stronghold in the Guihui market. As long as we wake up all the ancestors and other gods, we will be able to invade the world of Dayan immediately. By that time, I will naturally be able to absorb enough heaven and earth essence and become young again. "

"I already know these."

Guang Ying nodded at Yan Wushuang, but his eyes stopped on Yan Xue.

"Don't resist, I want to look at the Qingdi tribe you said."

Light and shadow suddenly approached Yan Yan's side, and stretched out his illusive palm, and stuck it on Yan Quan's head.

Countless pieces of memory were immediately drawn from Yan Xue's head by this light and shadow.

"Is this ... the breath of the world?" Feeling the image in Yan Xue's mind, the light and shadow suddenly felt astonished.

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