Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1099: Best partner

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Skeletons and sub-gods are rare in hell, but now they all appear here.

After the appearance of this deity, Ning Xiaochuan immediately discovered his existence.

In the dark hell, such a figure with a whole body of light is indeed very conspicuous.

However, in Hell, even the light is absorbed, and the figure in front of him is even full of light. Just by this point, you can see how powerful he is.

"Second **** in hell!"

Ning Xiaochuan immediately recognized the strength of this figure, and looked back at the sub-god, Ning Xiaochuan's face was full of fearful expression.

Even though Xiuwei has been promoted to the seventh level of good fortune, but Ning Xiaochuan knows that he is still not a rival to a sub-god.

Only after Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation has been promoted to the ninefold level of good fortune, and he realizes more ways to destroy the world, will he be able to compete with the next god.

Staring at that distant god, Ning Xiaochuan did nothing.

He didn't know the origin of this sub-god at all, so naturally he could just wait and see what this sub-god wanted to do. Of course, if the other side just passed by, it would be best.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's idea is obviously a little too optimistic.

The figure of this sub-god passed across the sky, and then paused in the sky dozens of feet high above Ning Xiaochuan's head.

The sub-god who appears now is the Yan Xue who had previously left Yan Quancheng.

In order to take revenge on his brother, Yan Xue rushed here to search for the enemy who killed his brother.

Relying on a unique tracking secret technique, Yan Xue traced all the way, and finally found Ning Xiaochuan.

However, staring at the figure who killed his brother at the moment, Yan Xue's face looked stunned.

The reason to make him so stunned is very simple, because the following murderer who killed his brother actually squatted a skeleton.

Skeletons are natural enemies to anything in hell.

Even if this sub-god of Yan Xue is very scared to encounter a skeleton beast.

It's not that Yan Xue isn't an opponent of this skeletal beast, but that the skeletal beast is too difficult to entangle.

First of all, these beasts are so strong defenses that it is difficult for the next **** to hurt them. Secondly, these beasts are extremely resilient, even if they cut off half of their bodies, they can recover quickly.

In the face of such a monster that can't be moved or killed, naturally everyone has a headache.

Fortunately, the attacks of these skeletal beasts are not too strong. They have only one trick, which is to eat, catch what to eat, and even the skeletal beast sent by the **** can eat them.

At this moment, Yan Xue looked at Ning Xiaochuan, he was just curious, what kind of disease did this skeleton beast have, and he did not swallow Ning Xiaochuan.

You know, these skeletons usually like to eat the evil people in hell.


Just as Ning Xiaochuan and Yan Xue looked at each other, the skeletal beast standing behind Ning Xiaochuan had suddenly pounced on Ning Xiaochuan and rushed towards Yan Xue.

Yan Xueshen is a sub-god, and the blood on his body is too powerful, so it naturally became the primary target of this skeleton.

"Sin beast."

In the face of this beast rushing at him, Yan Xue made a cold voice.

Immediately, a figure was split on his body, his body began to entangle with the skeletal beast, but the split mind split had already rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan.

"This second **** came at me."

Seeing this scene, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't see where Yan Xue was directed at himself.

"Dare to kill my brother, you **** it."

The avatar from Yan Xue swept coldly across Ning Xiaochuan, then waved towards Ning Xiaochuan.

The sub-god's avatar, although not as powerful as the sub-god itself, is even more powerful than the strongest in the top of the realm.

"Demons of World Extermination."

In the face of this attack of the second god, Ning Xiaochuan's face changed greatly, while he retreated sharply, at the same time, he exhaled a spirit of demon.

In the face of the second god, Ning Xiaochuan did not dare to have the slightest reservation.

Fortunately, in the past year, Ning Xiaochuan has cultivated the genie of extinction in the god's shell to the level of Dacheng, and the spirit of the demon accumulated in his body has been strong enough to compete with the sub-god in front of him.

However, the extermination of the demon demon road is full of power and strength, but this trick is not lasting. After the demon spirit in Ning Xiaochuan's body is exhausted, he will have to disclose other means.

"First use the annihilation demon, if it does not work, then use other means."

For a moment, Ning Xiaochuan made a judgment in his heart.

In the environment of hell, Ning Xiaochuan still did not want to use other means as much as possible, because the use of other means meant identity exposure.

A powerful spirit of demons erupted from Ning Xiaochuan's hands. These demons' spirits left Ning Xiaochuan's body, and suddenly, like thousands of troops and horses, rushed towards the second **** in front of him.

The scene that made Ning Xiaochuan feel astonished was that the demonic spirit of Ning Xiaochuan was crushed directly by Ning Xiaochuan when the secondary **** clone had no resistance.


Yan Xue, who was still dealing with the skeletal beast in the distance, turned pale for a moment.

Losing a mental avatar has also affected his strength.

But what really surprised him was the means Ning Xiaochuan exhibited at this moment. A pure demon spirit was struck out, and even one of his avatars was destroyed.

"What means is this, is there any special technique in this boy's hand?"

Shocked by Yan Xue's heart, looking at Ning Xiaochuan was a little greedy.

As the second **** in hell, Yan Xue certainly has a certain understanding of the origin of hell. He is very clear that a place like **** is a cage at all.

Moreover, the people who created the cage did not want the people in the cage to continue to cultivate, so the environment in **** was so bad that there was no aura for the people to cultivate, only a pure evil spirit.

This demon breath, even his sub-god-like evil man dare not use it for cultivation. If this demon breath enters the body, then his sub-god will become crazy because of the charm of the demon breath .

But now, Yan Xue felt the pure demon breath from Ning Xiaochuan.

"He can control this demon breath, does it not mean that he has found a way to cultivate with the breath in hell."

Yan Xue looked at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes fiercely.

Such cultivation methods are much more precious than his brother's life.

Yan Xue did not know at all that Ning Xiaochuan was able to grasp the spirit of demons because it was because of the practice of annihilating the world.

However, thinking in a different direction, Ning Xiaochuan's practice of extinguishing the world can indeed make people continue to cultivate in the harsh environment of hell.

The way to destroy the world is to cultivate all the ways, and **** is also within the scope of the way to destroy the world.

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, Yan Xue began to show his real strength at this moment.

A long knife like a bone appeared in the hands of Yan Xue.


This bone-long knife dragged a splendid fan-shaped light, and passed directly through the middle of the skeleton's body.

Then, this fan-shaped brilliantly rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment, Yan Xue's body was attacked. This trick was almost ten times more powerful than the trick played by Yan Xue's avatar just now.


Ning Xiaochuan gritted his teeth and immediately mobilized all the demons in his body.

He has accumulated so many demonic spirits for so long, including the demonic spirits that have been absorbed from those bones in the past year, and are all driven by Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

The huge demonic spirit almost condensed into a skull-shaped phantom in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

After Yan Xue's figure appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan, the skeleton-like ghost image flew towards Yan Xue.

Yan Xie held a stalemate for a while holding a bone knife and a skeleton ghost, and his face suddenly changed.

The power of these demonic spirits is much more powerful than Yan Xue imagined. Vaguely, Yan Xue even felt a sense of oppression from it.

The extermination demon Tao has the attribute of suppressing all demons, even if Yan Xue is a sub-level master, it will be suppressed as well.


Yan Xue's figure was blown out by the ghostly shadow of the skeleton, and the bone knife in his hand was now cracked into two pieces.

However, looking at Yan Xue's figure flying backwards, Ning Xiaochuan's face was not a little happy.

He exhausted the spirit of the demon to make this move. Admittedly, this powerful move surprised him a little, but this move only interrupted the bone knife in Yan Xue's hand. Yan Xue itself did not What damage.

Next, Ning Xiaochuan has no more tricks to fight with Yan Xie, the second god. Even if Ning Xiaochuan uses Shinto or other means, he cannot be Yan Xue's opponent.

Just hesitating for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan's figure suddenly rushed out.

He did not escape because he knew that at the speed of the sub-god, even if he escaped, he could not escape.

The direction Ning Xiaochuan rushed through at this moment was the direction in which the skeleton was.

Although the origin of the skeletal beast is unknown, this monster is obviously also opposed to Yan Xue, so now Ning Xiaochuan can only choose to join forces with this monster to deal with Yan Xue together.

The figure hovered across the void, and by the time Yan Xue pounced on again, Ning Xiaochuan had stood on top of the skeleton's beast, facing Yan Xue far away.

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan, who stood on top of the skeleton, Yan Xue was completely shocked at this moment.

He had never seen a skeleton that would allow someone to stand on top of his head to fight.

Moreover, at this moment, this skeleton beast looks like a well-behaved, if it is not known that the skeleton beast has no consciousness at all, I am afraid that Yan Xue would think that this skeleton beast is a pet raised by Ning Xiaochuan.

"How exactly did he do that."

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, Yan Xue exclaimed in his heart.

At the moment, Ning Xiaochuan also set off a stormy sea in his heart.

The moment he stepped on the top of the skeletal beast, Ning Xiaochuan felt a familiar atmosphere.

"The spirit of demons is also very powerful. How could these monsters have such a strong spirit of demons?"

Standing on top of the skeleton beast, Ning Xiaochuan was also exclaiming.

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