Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1098: Living bones

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Yan Que fled ahead, and Ning Xiaochuan followed.

Ning Xiaochuan traced, while using magic pills to absorb the power of the demons on Yan Kui.

Inspired by the huge attraction on the magic pill, the bone giant controlled by Yan Kui will drop a bone from time to time and fly towards Ning Xiaochuan.

But before this bone flew to Ning Xiaochuan, the demonic spirit on this bone would be absorbed by Ning Xiaochuan completely. Without the demonic spirit, the bone would immediately disappear into pieces.

Pieces of bone fell from the bone monster controlled by Yan Que, and then shattered.

Having absorbed so much of the spirit of the demon, Ning Xiaochuan was so happy at this moment.

In this way, Ning Xiaochuan's speed is getting faster and faster, and he will soon catch up with Yan Que.

Seeing that he had no chance to escape at all, Yan Qun's figure stopped abruptly, the skeleton beast detached from him, and Yan Qun's body was exposed. At this moment, his face was full of terror and despair.

"Skeleton! You are the skeleton."

Yan Que stretched his finger at Ning Xiaochuan, and after a few hoarse voices yelled, the desperate Yan Kui's body burst into a bang.

Yan Que was so scared of Ning Xiaochuan at this moment that he didn't even dare to fight with Ning Xiaochuan, so he blew himself up.

Ning Xiaochuan originally wanted to control Yan Que and retrieve information from Yan Que's memory.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan can only start to collect those scattered bones with a depressed face.

For Ning Xiaochuan, these bones are almost equal to the elixir.

After carefully collecting all the bones, Ning Xiaochuan turned and flew away with satisfaction.

With these bones, Ning Xiaochuan can find a place first, and practice Daocheng to extermination.

As for finding a way out of hell, it is not in a hurry.


Yanquan Department Yanquan City.

This is a large-scale city. The ordinary **** city is only composed of the bones of a skeleton, but Yan Quancheng is composed of the bones of countless skeletons and monsters.

In the middle of the city, the bones of countless skeletal beasts piled up into a hill.


A figure flew directly from the mountain of bones in the center of the city. His powerful breath swept across the city, and the countless evil people in the city immediately fell to the ground. Among these kneeling evil people, even the strongest of the top of the transformation There are also.

"Who is it? How dare he kill my brother."

The angry breath emanated from this figure, and immediately made the evil men kneeling on the ground all trembling.

"Yan Xue, the ancestor of Yan Quan is about to wake up, all our gods must meet in person and give you three days. Three days later, you will return to Yan Quancheng immediately."

A mighty voice passed into the ears of this angry figure, but those evil men kneeling on the ground didn't hear any sound at all.

"I see, the big sacrifice."

The sub-god master named Yan Xue disappeared in Yan Quancheng with a flash of his figure.

After Yan Xue left, those evil people kneeling on the ground got up and got busy again.

What these evil men are doing at this moment is exactly moving huge pieces of bones from outside the city into Yanquan City, and finally accumulating on this bone hill in the center of Yanquan City.

Outside Yanquan City at this moment, there are still countless evil men of Yanquan Ministry, who are driving into the city from a distance with a piece of bone.

The bone mountain in Yanquan City has become larger and larger.

However, these evil men can't see it. In the center of this bone hill, a crystal clear coffin is shining at the moment, and the ethereal figure sleeping in the crystal coffin seems to be absorbing the bone mountain at this moment. Like the strength, all the flesh and blood are releasing a vitality.

Deep in hell.

After Ning Xiaochuan flew for a long time, he didn't even know where he had flown.

However, Ning Xiaochuan didn't care about it. He just found a place and Ning Xiaochuan landed directly.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Ning Xiaochuan began to show a big bone in his hands.

These bones are all those collected by Ning Xiaochuan before.

Holding such a bone in his hand, Ning Xiaochuan felt as if he had entered the city, completely exempting that strange power in hell.

However, just a moment later, the bone in Ning Xiaochuan's hand snapped into pieces.

Obviously, the power in the bone in his hand had disappeared, so it would shatter.

"No wonder the evil people in **** will not use this method to exempt the devouring forces in hell. Instead, they will bring these bones together and build them into a city. It seems that only a large number of bones can be combined to fight against them. This unique power in hell. "

Ning Xiaochuan threw the powder out of his hand, and then began to take out a larger piece of bone.

These bones were almost as large as Ning Xiaochuan. After taking out several such huge bones in succession, Ning Xiaochuan conveniently used these bones to build a simple shed around himself.

Sitting in this bone shed, the unique power in **** was indeed exempted again.

Ning Xiaochuan is very satisfied with this, what he wants is this effect.

Although it seemed a bit wasteful to do so, at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't care less.

With a wave of his hand, he took out the god's shell, and Ning Xiaochuan went directly into the god's shell.

With this bone shelter, Ning Xiaochuan didn't worry that the shell would be absorbed by the devouring power in hell.

However, Ning Xiaochuan also knew that this bone shed could not last for too long, and at most it would only last for two or three days.

In two or three days, the time in the shell of the **** is two or three years.

For Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, this time is enough.

After entering the shell of the god, Ning Xiaochuan immediately lost most of the bones in his hand, scattered scattered, large and small bones walking around Ning Xiaochuan, feeling the power emanating from these bones, Ning Xiaochuan's face Shang Cai suddenly smiled bitterly.

"I see. It turned out that these bones felt the spirit of demons on me, so my whereabouts were leaked, not the anomaly found by the Yankuo Lord himself."

Ning Xiaochuan grabbed a bone in his hand with some depression.

Only now did he realize that the breath emanating from these bones was indeed almost the same as the evil spirit in him.

That is to say, if Ning Xiaochuan wants to enter the city in **** in the future, there is still a chance that Xie * will leak.

"No matter, let's stabilize your state first."

He summoned more bones to his side, and Ning Xiaochuan immediately began to cultivate.

A steady stream of evil spirits poured into Ning Xiaochuan's body, and Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation was completely stabilized in the seventh place of the good fortune.

One year later, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation has even begun to break through towards the seventh and middle stages of the good fortune.

And in the **** at this moment, a giant beast like a thru hill is shaking forward in the hell.

This is the only living creature in Hell.

The appearance of skeletons is not fixed, almost any appearance of skeletons.

But no matter what the beasts look like, they all have one feature: they don't have their own wisdom.

Each skeletal beast is completely relying on instinct to move, and their instinct is to devour anything in front of them that is interesting.

The rocks in hell, the minerals in hell, the dirt in hell, and even other skeletons ... these are the targets that the skeletons devour.

Of course, the beast's favorite is the flesh and blood of the evil man in hell.

Now, this giant beast, like a mouse, staggered forward.

Soon, a small pile of shining things in front of him caught the attention of the skeletal beast.

The skeletal animal has no eyes, but it can feel everything.

Shakyly approached in front of the pile of glowing things, the skeletal beast grew up excitedly and began to devour the things in front of him.

A huge suction appeared, and the skeleton sucked almost everything around it into its mouth.

However, in the middle of this suction, Ning Xiaochuan's figure came out.

"What is this stuff?"

Spreading aside, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly looked at the huge mouse in front of him.

He was practicing in the God Shell just now, and suddenly felt that this thing appeared, so he had to rush out of the God Shell in advance.

If it wasn't for his appearance in time, I am afraid that even the **** shell would be absorbed by this big mouse at this moment.

In the memory of several evil men that Ning Xiaochuan successively absorbed, there were no skeletons, because only those demigods in **** were qualified to deal with them.

So at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't tell what the thing was in front of him at this moment, he thought that some kind of beast in this hell.

"Hey, who are you?"

After hesitating for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan began to send a voice to the skeletal beast in front of him.

He felt extremely strong oppression from this big mouse. In the world of Da Yan, the monsters with such strength are the kings of monsters.

So Ning Xiaochuan instinctively regarded the big mouse in front of him as something similar.

Skeletons have no wisdom, so naturally he has no reply to Ning Xiaochuan's voice.

After feeling that he didn't eat what he wanted to eat, the big mouse shifted the target to Ning Xiaochuan.

He felt a similar breath from Ning Xiaochuan, but in the eyes of Skeletal Beast, there was no such word. If it wanted to, it would be swallowed together with the class.

"What the **** is this monster?"

After Ning Xiaochuan spoke several times with this big mouse, he didn't get any response at all.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan didn't notice that on a hill a few miles away, dozens of evil people shivered at this moment.

"Who is that elder brother, even the skeletal beast is not afraid?"

Feeling the calmness of Ning Xiaochuan standing in front of the skeletal beast, the courage of these evil men to Ning Xiaochuan was admired to the extreme.

When the beasts met them, they were never polite.

Just as they trembled, these evil men suddenly saw a glorious figure flying over their heads.

In Hell, the only person who can fly with light is the sub-level god.

"A sub-god came to a place like ours, was it for the hunter's head and bones?" These evil men were all very surprised.

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