Super Zoo

Chapter 613 Dangerous Person

It is limited, and it is limited. One copy for each employee. Except for the template saved in Nangong Yan's computer, there is no more.

Not to mention the employee version, even if Wang Hao's journal was splashed with coffee, it is impossible to reissue it. If it can be reissued casually, the preciousness of the journal will definitely be greatly reduced.

Su Ming occasionally visits the internal website and happened to see this post. After seeing the photo of the "disfigured journal" posted by the female anchor, Su Ming was furious!

You said you want to splash coffee, so just splash coffee, but you have to splash it on my pants in the photo?

A pair of white breeches with a light coffee stain. Those who know will say that someone splashed coffee, and those who don't know will think that I peed my pants when taking the photo!

Punish, must punish!

Leave a message in the forum, saying that this matter can't be completely blamed on the otaku. There is a water dispenser in the unit. Why did you send coffee and autumn spinach? He is an honest man, how can he not be distracted. Of course, it was mainly because the otaku was wrong. He was punished to help the female anchor repair the computer and be available at any time within half a year.

Nangong Yan couldn't stand up straight after hearing this. She said that the technical otaku must be so happy in his heart that he would definitely be devoted to you from now on.

What is this called, picking up girls by order? Look at my heart, what is called repaying evil with virtue.

Su Ming laughed, this otaku brother, I can only help you so far.

This matter is still a happy one, but the other one is not so pleasant.

The factory site and employee dormitories of Dasheng Wine Industry are both in the mountains. Most employees live in dormitories on weekdays. In their spare time, they often drink a little wine and play cards with a little prize.

Su Ming knew this situation. This is different from the nature of some middle-level cadres taking the lead in gambling. It is entertainment and it is impossible to completely eliminate it. There is no need to control it too strictly. As long as it is controlled to a certain extent and not out of line, it will be fine.

The problem lies in the prize.

The initial workers of the winery were mostly from Sunzhen, and they were Su Ming's old team. Later, the expansion recruited some non-local employees. Su Ming was relatively familiar with the situation of the winery. In addition, he had dealt with two cases of middle-level cadres gambling, so the workers knew that the boss would not let them play big, and they usually won or lost tens of dollars.

That day, a worker suddenly had a new idea and used their journals as bets.

The treatment of winery workers was good, with a guaranteed annual salary of 60,000 to 70,000 yuan, but if you take tens of thousands of yuan back home, you will always spend it all. Besides, you can't show off a few stacks of money when you see your fellow villagers. Journals are different. They are placed in the main hall of the house, and anyone who comes can see them at a glance, which is absolutely face-saving.

As a result, the losers refused to pay, saying that it was not enough for me to pay.

Of course, the winners refused to do it, and they had a few words and a fight. They played Landlord. When playing cards, three families beat one. When the landlord won, when fighting, it became three against one, and three losers beat the landlord one.

Fortunately, the surrounding employees intervened and nothing serious happened. The landlord who won at night was unwilling to give up, so he sneaked into the dormitory of the other three people, stole the journals of the three people and burned them.

The nature of this was suddenly different.

The security department of Dasheng Wine Industry reported the situation to Su Ming. After Su Ming understood the situation clearly, he made several decisions.

The landlord who burned the journal was directly fired, received three months of salary compensation and left; this compensation was deducted from the other three people, in addition to the compensation, the half-year bonus was also deducted, and a serious demerit was recorded, and he was kept in the factory for observation.

The leader of the winery security department, Lao Chu, was from the zoo security department. He was a comrade-in-arms of Lao Dong and an old acquaintance of Su Ming. He was also straightforward. When he saw the punishment opinion, he was a little confused.

The cause of the incident was that the other three people did not keep their promises and beat people. Not only did the landlord not get the journal he deserved, but he was also beaten. He couldn't help but steal the journal and burn it to vent his anger. In the end, no serious consequences were caused. Direct dismissal seemed too severe.

From a logical point of view, the main fault lies with the other three people.

Su Ming's handling of the matter seems to be a bit indiscriminate.

"Old Chu, even if you don't ask, I have to tell you clearly about this matter. After you go back, you must also explain the situation to everyone."

Su Ming and Old Chu had a special chat.

Those three people did something wrong, so their punishment was not light.

But in the final analysis, these three people are moral issues, but the problem of the "landlord" is bigger, it is a legal issue.

First of all, theft cannot be escaped; secondly, he burned books in the mountains, which is to say, at the least, it is destroying other people's property, and at the most, it is very likely to cause a forest fire! That's a lot of fun. Arson is enough to get the head, and the winery is also in trouble.

"Old Chu, not only do you have to explain it clearly to the employees, but this matter will also be in the next issue of the journal! The law is the bottom line of morality. In a backward place, if everyone does not talk about morality but abides by the law, then it will eventually become normal and morality will return; on the contrary, in a seemingly civilized society, everyone even abides by the law but talks about morality, and eventually this society will be full of hypocrites and hooligans."

In fact, there is another reason, but it can only be told to Old Chu. The workers' cultural quality is generally not high. Sometimes drinking a little and losing a little money and fighting are not a big deal. Who doesn't get angry? The landlord was not beaten seriously, but he sneaked into the other three dormitories that were not in the same dormitory as him at night to steal things, and set fire to books in revenge, which shows that this person has an extreme personality and a strong desire for revenge.

Su Ming investigated. According to the old employee from Sunzhen who lived in the same dormitory with him, this ‘landlord’ was a bit shady. He often read novels at night and said something like ‘repay today’s insult tenfold’, ‘if you ignore me today, I will make you unable to reach me tomorrow’, ‘you have to be honest when you are out there. If I say I will kill your whole family, I will kill your whole family, not one less’.

This is a dangerous person. Such people cannot be kept.

"Boss Su, I understand what you said." Old Chu said with a bitter face: "I will definitely educate everyone when I go back. Can we not publish the next issue of the journal?"

"What do you think a journal is? I run this journal to tell employees what is right and what is wrong! What is beautiful and what is ugly, not only honor, but also experience and lessons."

Su Ming glared: "What the society outside is like, I can't control it and don't want to control it, but in my own little land, I hope to be a clean person, do things uprightly, and have bottom lines and principles."

Seeing that the big leader had this determination, Old Chu stood up, habitually put his legs together, straightened his back and said seriously: "Don't worry, leader, I understand, I will definitely convey it to all employees to correct the bad atmosphere in the winery as soon as possible."

The two small accidents seemed to have been handled, but they reminded Su Ming.

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