Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,266: The Power of Lieyang III


The power of the hurricane and the power of the United States also gathered together.

However, before they arrived.

Ye Yang still faced the enemy rushing over like a tide alone.

Obviously, the source of destruction has made up its mind. No matter how much it costs, as long as he is replaced, it will be worth it.

So, they are all attacking him frantically, and they didn't stop him even if someone rushed over.

"But you think I'm too weak."

Ye Yang's eyes turned cold and he waved his hand.

A gravity field with a radius of 100 meters fell heavily in front.


The whole ground sank, and the tanks and armored vehicles on it were instantly flattened, and blood flowed out of the gap.

The members inside were obviously crushed by the sudden falling gravity field.

"What kind of attack is this!?"


"Is he a god!?"

Don't blame these uneducated guys, even if there are top students here, they will be dumbfounded.

As a field, the gravity field has no entity.

It instantly increases the gravity coefficient of an area, making the gravity there more than a hundred times the previous one. A person who originally weighed 200 kilograms was equivalent to bearing 20,000 kilograms of gravity at that moment, and was instantly crushed.

And as long as you are within the field, this force is everywhere, and it is impossible to escape.

The only thing that can be observed with the naked eye is that the space seems to have suddenly twisted, and the air seems to be too hot and has become a wave shape.

However, this phenomenon only appeared for a few seconds, and the gravity field dissipated.

Although this attack method is unpredictable, powerful and handsome, the energy that supports it is also terrible.

If it is not upgraded to the generation of Lieyang No. 3.

The first generation machine, maintaining the gravity field for ten seconds, the energy is basically exhausted.




Ye Yang's hand pressed once in the void on all four sides of his body, and each time, a huge gravity field pressed down.

The enemies and weapons closest to him were directly crushed into a circle of iron biscuits.

He rushed up to the sky, punched out, and smashed all the air-to-air missiles that rushed over first, and then directly attached super strong opposite magnetic force to the two nearest fighters.


Although the two fighters were hundreds of meters apart.

But under the attraction of strong magnetic force, they directly twisted their flight paths and collided with each other.

It turned into a discus in mid-air.

Then, it fell and exploded into a huge fireball on the ground.

"This, this is too strong, right?"

"These are all the most advanced fighters!"

"These attack methods of his have never been shown before..."

"The mecha on him seems to have changed, and it is completely different from the previous one."

"Not bad..."


The people of the source of destruction were stunned. According to their assessment of the combat power of the Lieyang mecha in the battle in the Pacific Ocean, although it was strong, it also had many limitations.

According to the current situation, the opponent's mecha energy shield should not last more than three or five minutes.

And it is also difficult to cause too easy damage to the truly most advanced weapons.

They couldn't beat him, but they could delay for a while, wear down his energy shield, and then they could fight him at will.

After all, the melting point of the Lieyang alloy used by the Lieyang Mecha was 6,000 degrees, and its resistance was within ten times of the previous strong alloy. Without an energy shield, it could not withstand the bombardment of real missiles.

But they found out as soon as they started the battle.

Their estimate was simply a serious mistake!

Absolutely wrong!

The new mecha on Ye Yang, which they had never seen before, used methods that were beyond their imagination, just like ghosts and gods!

It could also directly destroy a large area from a distance! ?

Let the two most advanced fighters collide uncontrollably! ?

What kind of supernatural event is this! ?

They all began to doubt their lives.

"Continue to attack and consume his energy shield!"

"This time our plan has received the full support of the Tongji Association core, and their support will arrive soon. Delay a little longer! Not only do they have mechas, we also have mechas! And there are a lot of them!"


After this order came out, everyone on the side of the Source of Destruction was excited.

"Drag it a little longer! This Ye Yang is just a desperate struggle!"

"We must kill him!"

Everyone roared.


Ye Yang sneered and kept attacking.

Soon, he tore apart the first wave of fighters that rushed over.


He supported Liu Qianqian with the mechanical arms extending from behind, freed his hands, and directly inserted them into the fighter, giving both sides the same magnetic force.


The repulsive force instantly tore the entire fighter in half, and it shot to both sides...

Everyone looked at this scene with their mouths wide open. This scene was really too shocking!!!

Ye Yang looked down at the dark armed forces around him, sneered, and dived down directly.

Liyang No. 3 is completely cost-free, and it is the ultimate product of all the black technologies in this era.

In terms of energy, it is naturally equipped to the top.

There is no need to worry too much about energy loss.

"Since you're here, don't leave!"

A blade of light shot out from each of his hands, and the particle blade light extended to both sides, each extending a hundred meters!

He rushed into the crowd like a terrifying giant bird with a wingspan of 200 meters.

Wherever the light blade passed, there was nothing that could stop it, and it was cut off in an instant.

Armored vehicles, tanks, black-eyed biochemical experiments, metal experiments, ground-to-air bomb vehicles, members of the Source of Destruction...

Ye Yang swept across the ground, and in an instant, there was no life in the 200-meter-wide rectangular land he passed by...

"This is the King of Hell in the world!"

Ye Yang's speed was extremely fast. After a few flashes, he plowed four or five death rectangles on the ground.

The people of the Source of Destruction were terrified.

There was no hope at all!

Their mentality began to waver and collapse...

Ye Yang's speed in killing the enemy was really too fast...

The blood flowed into the Daravil River, dyeing the wide river surface bright red...

At this time.

Two streams of light came from the city.

It was the mecha of the Xiao sisters.

"Take Qianqian away. Don't stay here. Go and clean up the missile vehicles and the ships providing long-range support at sea."

Ye Yang handed Liu Qianqian to the Xiao sisters.

His Lieyang III is completely different from the previous models.

The two mechas on the Xiao sisters have less than one-fifth of his combat power, and joining the battlefield will not change anything.

"Got it!"

The Xiao sisters also saw the horror of Lieyang III just now, and they all understood Ye Yang's idea.

At this time, they did not hesitate and all flew away...

(First update)

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