Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,265 An unprecedented grand scene

Philadelphia is not far from the ocean.

Now, Ye Yang and Liu Qianqian are holding hands and walking along the banks of the Daraville River, which enters the sea in Philadelphia.

Enjoying the comfort after sunset.

"After tonight, I will go all out to solve the source of destruction. This trip will end here."

Ye Yang smiled.

Liu Qianqian looked at him with some reluctance, but she knew that her man was now the pillar of mankind, and what he was doing was not something she should delay.

At this time, he nodded wisely: "I just don't know when the next time I will travel like this again."

Ye Yang pinched her little face and said with a smile: "Don't be so sad. The source of destruction will probably be solved within this month. When you graduate, if you want to go on a graduation trip with me, you can come to me at any time."


Liu Qianqian's eyes lit up, and then she pouted: "Forget it, you are such a busy person, I don't know if you will have time by then."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang smiled and rubbed Liu Qianqian's bare hands.

He really couldn't make that promise.

With his current status, under normal circumstances, he has no power to stop what he wants to do, because he has enough permission not to deal with any matter at any level.

But the geomagnetic reversal is imminent, and various plans are in full swing. He must be responsible for such things that are related to the survival of mankind. Time is indeed not something he can decide.


While they were chatting, a call suddenly rang.

"Boss, there is a big move at the Source of Destruction."

Over the phone, the person in charge of the hurricane nervously reported...

Just finished speaking.

All surrounding lights dimmed.

The whole city seemed to fall into silence.

Many people came out and ran around in surprise.

Apparently, the sudden blackout made them feel uneasy.


"Whoosh whoosh..."

In the sky, various small bombs suddenly struck.

"I didn't expect that they would dare to do something like this."

Ye Yang looked at the missiles in the sky.

"what happens?"

Liu Qianqian was obviously shocked.

"It's fine."

Ye Yang touched her head and comforted her.

The Source of Destruction obviously used all its strength.

It's scary when this ancient organization spends everything it has.

It's normal to be able to hide things from the outside world and stand out directly.

"Do you want to kill me with a sneak attack?"

Ye Yang sneered. If he had faced this situation before, with an ordinary person beside him, it would indeed be more troublesome.

But now that he has taken the Gamma Super Potion, his physical fitness is directly comparable to that of the Hulk.

What's a little bomb?

Missiles may not be able to kill him.

"Stay in my arms and don't move."

Ye Yang hugged Liu Qianqian and jumped directly into the distance.

At this time, he didn't bother to hide any strength, and he jumped over a hundred meters.

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

What kind of creature is this! ?

Are you still human? ?

The bombs chased behind him, but they couldn't catch up at all. Only some of the bomb net at the beginning covered him.

However, he punched them all in mid-air.

The flames and explosion force were all borne by him alone without hurting Liu Qianqian in his arms.

His eyes were cold.

The Source of Destruction really does not follow common sense.

However, since I was killed in front of him...

Don't even think about leaving!

In the distance, the members of the Fountain of Destruction organization who were projecting bombs all stood there blankly.

Looking at the terrifying creature that jumped dozens of meters high and jumped hundreds of meters in one go, some people were so scared that they peed their pants.

"He obviously hasn't put on the mecha yet!"

"This, this, this..."

"Could it be that his armor is just a gimmick? In fact, he is a non-human creature with extremely terrifying strength. Wearing armor is just to hide this fact! It makes everyone mistakenly think that he only relies on armor to fly. In fact, he can fly in the first place. !”

"I also have this feeling……"

"No, this is impossible..."

"I could tell at a glance that he was not a human being! If he were an ordinary human being, how could he have achieved what he has achieved today! He is indeed not a human being!!!"


Those who could still speak were complaining wildly.

After the rain of bombs.

Lieyang III finally flew from a distance.

"Kacha kacha..."

Soon, Ye Yang's armor was completely possessed.

The energy shield unfolded to protect the whole body.

After the rain of bombs fell, many black shadows flew from the distant sky, all of which were the most advanced fighter jets! bomber! Helicopter!

He rode the mecha and stood in the air. He saw in the distance, many tanks, armored vehicles, various equipment and dark figures pouring out of the ground, pressing towards him from all directions.

On the broad Daraville River, ships came in, and the original official base on the river was destroyed by an instant strike.

Although the interception system intercepted many mid-range missiles, many still came in.

Many important places in the city were destroyed.

The apparent military strength and facilities were instantly razed to the ground.

The Fountain of Destruction is a huge ancient organization dormant in North and South America. Once it made up its mind, it showed its terrifying strength.

Any force that is not prepared and is suddenly attacked by such a terrifying killing frenzy will almost have a narrow escape! ! !

In the distant sea, many submarines and surface ships lined up, madly pouring medium-range and long-range missiles.

The dense ammunition was like a giant net, instantly sealing the sky.

Countless bombs, missiles, large-caliber bullets, special high-explosive bombs, aerosol bombs, flame solid bombs...

In just a few seconds, they poured on Ye Yang's energy shield.

The deafening roar resounded throughout the city.

The light shone in the air, like a new sun, burning for a long time, brighter than before the power outage! ! !

"Crazy! The source of destruction is crazy!"

It sounds slow, but from the launch of the raid to now, a total of less than ten seconds have passed.

At this time, all parties gradually received the news.

The moment they heard the news, they all felt their scalps tingling.

The seven-star general of the United States went crazy: "It's really crazy!!! Gather all the forces for me! Use all the forces that can support! A bunch of rats, you still want to kill the Sky Eagle that rules everything!!!"

He was not eager to save Ye Yang, on the contrary, Ye Yang had made him lose face before.

But he cares about the glory of his country!

After all, his identity is also a general, and he will never allow such a thing to happen on the land he is responsible for...

An unprecedented decisive battle, at this moment, started without any warning!

(Second update)

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