Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,264: Risking everything and fighting to the death


The arrest operation continues.

Actions are taking place throughout the United States, and a large number of Fountain of Destruction members are arrested every day.

The members of the Fountain of Destruction themselves were confused.

"How did he do that!?"

"How is this possible!?"

"We all fell silent. Why are we still being arrested!?"

"This is outrageous, right!?"


The entire Fountain of Destruction headquarters was in chaos.

No one understood what was going on.

"This is unscientific..."

"Could it be that a core figure with a large amount of intelligence has rebelled?"


They all can't understand that the Source of Destruction has continuously evolved its communication methods over the past hundreds of years, and has also verified the safety of their silent state.

Even if the United States used all its methods, it could not do anything to them.

In the end, the United States had to give up. After all, using all technology to search and arrest was also very expensive.

It's just money spent with no return.

Naturally, it is impossible to give you approval every year.

Therefore, they are confident that this silent method is so perfect that there can be no omissions.

In the past, Ye Yang could find some of their members very rarely, which was already considered a remarkable method.

Nowadays, a large number of people are caught in one day, which really frightens everyone at the Source of Destruction.


But now they have no better means, they can only sit back and wait for Ye Yang to come to arrest them one by one.

"No, we can't sit still and wait for death!!!"

They were really scared.

According to Ye Yang's current detection efficiency, they would lose everything within a month!

"I think I suddenly obtained information about some people. It's impossible to keep arresting them like this."

"hold on……"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute and they'll find the door!"

"Maybe they found some new way to extract a confession."

"Like an evolved version of Veritaserum?"



President of the Fountain of Destruction knocked on the table: "Observe for another week. If things still don't improve, just take a look. The power we have in our hands is not small. If we launch a surprise attack, we may not be able to catch him off guard. . As long as Ye Yang dies, everything will be over."

"I have wanted to kill him for so long, and I must have exhausted all means... but he is still unscathed..."

Concerns were raised.

"Haha, before, it was just a small fight. As the source force with the biggest trump card, if we desperately launch a surprise attack, he may not be able to withstand it. No matter how strong the mecha is, there will be a moment when its energy is exhausted. His After all, the body is still a human being, and if a cannonball is fired, it will still be destroyed.”

The president said calmly.

“The president is wise!!!”

All the members of the Fountain of Destruction praised it repeatedly.

We are not afraid that the leader will brag, but we are afraid that the leader will have no idea.

Nowadays, life and death are at stake. No matter where the president's confidence comes from, it is always good to have a backbone.


A few days later.

As Ye Yang masters more and more information, the member speed deduced by the quantum computer calculation model becomes faster.

Not only has the speed of arrest not slowed down, it has even sped up! ! !

In the past few days, they even destroyed an arsenal of the other party!

Destroyed a hidden airport.

"This can't be tolerated!"

"No more observation!"

"They are obviously targeting us with purpose. If this trend continues, we will be finished within half a month!"

"Yes...their speed of obtaining information is obviously getting faster and faster."


All the MPs were anxious.

The president frowned: "We still haven't found out why the other party obtained our information so efficiently!?"

"not yet!"

"A bunch of trash!"

"However, we have some hearsay, and we can't be sure whether it is true or not. It is said that China has made a technological breakthrough, and they are using high technology to conduct deductions."

"What!? Are you kidding me!? High-tech deduction? You don't want to tell me that they are using computers to tell fortunes, right? One calculation is accurate, and then they caught us all!?"

"Well...that's indeed what the intelligence said."

The head of intelligence lowered his head and said with some disbelief himself.


"Okay, no matter what the reason is."

The president stood up: "We can't wait for him to come to us this time. The destruction of the previous black source and fallen source was because of this."


The congressmen also nodded deeply.

They will also learn lessons.

Facts have proved that although their underground fortress construction technology is the best in the world, and can even be claimed to be unprecedented, it has reached a pinnacle.

Under normal circumstances, without using nuclear bombs, even if the underground fortress of the headquarters is discovered and you want to storm in, it will be completely impossible within a month or two.

Moreover, these two months are still calculated against the three superpowers.

But Ye Yang's Fierce Sun Mecha doesn't make sense at all. It seems to be specially designed for underground fortresses.

Small in size, fast in speed, and powerful in destructive power.

The nuclear bunker-level floors between the various levels of the underground fortress could not stop its impact at all.

All kinds of traps and traps are useless to him.

If a few mechas rush in, the underground fortress will soon fall, and it will be impossible to escape temporarily.

Even if the Fallen Source holds an old nuclear bomb, it has not been spared...

So, this time, we must not wait for Ye Yang to come to the door.

They must take the initiative to attack.

A desperate blow!

As long as Ye Yang can be killed, everything will be over.

In this world, the only one who has the ability, permission and determination to wipe out their Destruction Source is Ye Yang.

Kill him, and the Destruction Source will enter a silent state again. After three to five years, it will be a group of heroes again.



"I can't help it!"

"We will win this time!"

"We have accumulated strength for hundreds of years! Are we finally going to show our fists!?"

"We have been frustrated for so long, this time we must kill Ye Yang!!!"

"Mobilize the three armies, while Ye Yang is still in Linhai City, directly use all the trump cards to kill him!!!"

The eyes of the parliamentarians were red, and they were extremely excited.

Ye Yang is now a nearly god-like figure in the human world. Even in the eyes of his opponents, he is extremely terrifying and can even shake their reverence for the prophet.

Today, they will kill the gods!

Those who block the coming of darkness must die!

A group of rats in the gutter are now collectively excited.

If you don’t know the inside story, you will think that they are the righteous side...

Since the quantum model came out, Ye Yang is no longer worried. After all, it is only a matter of time to wipe out the source of destruction.

At that time, a decisive battle will inevitably take place.

He plans to send Liu Qianqian back to her university in advance, so as not to be unable to take care of her when the decisive battle is about to begin...

(First update)

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