Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,267: Tongji Society mechas come out in full force


Ye Yang held up the energy shield and took a look at the remaining energy.

The fierce battle just now had consumed a lot of energy!

After all, whether it was the gravity field energy, the 100-meter light blade, or the energy shield holding up the bombardment of so many bombs.

It was extremely energy-consuming.

At this moment, his energy had dropped to... 95%!!!

Although it was still recovering at 1% per minute.

But it was estimated that it would not last for a few days if it continued like this.

“It seems that we have to fight quickly.”

He said lightly.

Although he knew that within an hour, the local support of the United States and the military force of Hurricane would be able to break in from the outer blockade.

But it was more fulfilling to solve his own troubles by himself.


He shook the mecha, and a pulse of energy spread out from him to the surroundings, directly sweeping away everything within a kilometer around him.

The land was scorched by the shock wave.

No creature within the range could survive!!!

This is the most lethal attack trick of Lieyang III, which is also the ultimate trick of Lieyang III.

No creature within a radius of one kilometer can escape this pulse shock!

There are not many missiles that can reach this killing range, let alone guarantee that all enemy units within a kilometer can be completely wiped out.

Overclocking shock directly paralyzes electronic equipment.

Shock energy makes steel twist and scrap.

Buildings collapsed, and people were torn into pieces.

Everything seemed to be gone.

Within a kilometer, the ground collapsed directly...

"Human missiles!?"

The people outside were so scared that their courage broke.

This is too terrifying! ! !

If the bombing continues like this, although they have a lot of people, how many times can they withstand such bombing! ?

Ye Yang raised his head and looked around.

Wherever he looked, everyone was retreating frantically.

They wanted to keep a distance from him.

After all, the one kilometer around him was almost a restricted area!

Whoever approaches will die!

Ye Yang sneered.

This kind of big move consumes a lot of energy, and he can't use it all the time.

"Precise positioning, deploy micro missiles!"

Ye Yang spread his arms and rose into the air.

The micro bomb launch holes in the Lieyang No. 3 mecha were all stretched out.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish..."

The 108 micro missiles on board rushed out of the launch holes of the Lieyang No. 3 mecha within a dozen seconds! ! !

The explosion range of each micro missile is extremely large.

They dispersed and automatically avoided other targets on the path, heading towards the missile vehicles, bombers, rocket vehicles, base guns, and large-caliber surface ships that posed the greatest threat to the energy shield...

The firelight illuminated the entire city again.


When the firelight dissipated, more than a hundred top targets were all flattened! ! !

The enemy's firepower was instantly weakened.

Ye Yang stood up calmly and removed the energy shield.

The top firepower was not so dense, so he could rely on the super mobility of the mecha to move between the firepower nets.

Some minor attacks on the Canyang alloy did not cause any damage.

Ordinary bullets hitting his mecha were no more harmful than the wind blowing on steel.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

He was like lightning, winding, flexible and swift in the firepower net. Every time he arrived at a place, blood and explosions rose.

Photon blade, gravity field, magnetic field, super electromagnetic cannon.

Various attack combinations.

He was like a demon walking on the battlefield. Wherever he walked, countless people died.


Centered on him at the beginning of the war.

The entire battlefield was cleared to form a charred area of ​​several kilometers in radius. There was no breath of living people here.

All were cleared.

"Why hasn't the support from Tongji Society come yet!?"

The members of the Source of Destruction all took the stage in person.

This is a life-and-death battle. It's either you or me. There is no way to hold back.


"Here they come!"

Someone shouted.

"Damn it! Finally here! This demon Ye is too terrifying! If we don't get support, we will die here today..."

The councillors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

More than ten streams of light shot from the horizon.


A sharp sonic boom sounded.

Ye Yang also noticed these dozen figures.

They were obviously Tongji's mechas.

Most of them were the three purple mechas that he had seen at the Sotheby's auction that night.

There were only two dark green mechas, which looked very different and were obviously more maneuverable than the purple mechas next to them.

"These two dark green mechas, together, should be able to suppress Lieyang No. 2."

Ye Yang evaluated.

The purple mechas were the eliminated first-generation mechas, which were much worse than the second-generation ones. Even if five of them were put together, they could not withstand a Lieyang No. 2.

Ye Yang's eyes darkened. These two were obviously advanced mechas.

If there were three such mechas that night, he would not have won so easily...

But seeing this moment of imminent confrontation, the opponent could only send out two of these dark green mechas.

This dark green mecha is probably very rare, and the restrictions on its deployment are also very large.

At that time, they simply couldn't use them.

"The headquarters has taken out all the mecha combat power that can be activated and repaired now!"

"We also have mechas!?"

Some of the lower-level members of the Source of Destruction didn't even know that they also had mechas, and their confidence was instantly swelled countless times!

How could they tell the difference between mechas.

Ye Yang only had one, and they had more than ten!

Directly crushed!

There was no suspense at all, Ye Yang would definitely be killed instantly!

"This Ye Yang is finally going to die!"

"His death is coming!!!"

Everyone watched eagerly, hoping that the Tongji Association's mecha could kill Ye Yang instantly.

They even imagined countless scenes in their minds...

"Come on!!!"

Ye Yang took off again.

I was afraid that you wouldn't come!!!

Only he could be calm and fearless with these mechas.

If these mechas were used as a military deterrent and wandered around the world, few countries would be able to withstand it.

Even the purple mecha that corresponds to the first generation of Lieyang mecha can only be sunk by sacrificing at least an aircraft carrier fleet.

This price, except for the three superpowers, almost no country can afford.

Now that they all come to kill him, it makes him feel relieved.

"Today, I will kill you all here!!!"

Ye Yang rushed towards the dozen mechas...

The ground attacks also decreased significantly.

Most of the battles between mechas have to be fought in close combat. Guns and cannons have no eyes, and it is not worth it to hurt your own mecha...

The next moment.

Ye Yang and a dozen Tongji mechas that dived in, rushed in mid-air, and fought hand-to-hand! ! !

(Second update)

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