Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 32: World III: Underground King

White light drowned everything, Han Yanyan closed his eyes. Open your eyes, and it's familiar pure white space.

Qiao Wenxing, Qiao Chengyu, rich dads, high-dressed guests ... all disappeared. When a world is over, those people end up with the world like bubbles. Like the sand flowing between your fingers, you can't catch it.

Leo calls this world the "fast-wearing world."

Han Yanyan stood quietly with his fists in his hands.

"Oh yeah, I really didn't look away. I solved the world so quickly. How about it, it's easy for you." Leo's awful electronic synthesis sound sounded very happy.

What is this guy happy about?

"Okay, okay, you are very stable now, let's hurry and start the next world." He said.

That's it.

"I specially picked a simple one for you to relax you. This world is very well done, and the last one is actually not bad. Don't be so tense, you are very talented ..."

"Leo, what can you get?" Han Yanyan asked abruptly.

"Ah?" Leo's flurry came to an abrupt end, like a flash of jam in his head.

Han Yanyan is a person who lives by writing stories. She has strong brain association and a sense of picture. With Leo's instantaneous jamming, her mind had drawn a lifelike outline of a dark room. A person hiding behind the monitor and the microphone opened her mouth, and her head was short-circuited.

Really **** happy.

It's a pity not to laugh.

"I solved the mission goal in 'Fast Wearable World'. What can you get?" Han Yanyan asked.

A few seconds later, Leo said very badly, "This doesn't need you to worry."

"I'm being called by you as a laborer. Anyway, I should figure out my salary and bonuses." Han Yanyan said, "Even if there are none of them, at least, I want to know when I can leave here?"

"Leave?" Leo couldn't help but taunt. "Why do you talk to me about this? I tell you, don't even think about it. OK, you've got enough rest, just work."

Leo's voice suddenly lost his emotions and said coldly, "Mark."

Leo used this voice to disguise as "system" from the beginning. After trying out Han Yanyan, it is not difficult to guess that this "mark" is really an instruction issued by something like a computer system, so it is so cold and unemotional.

Han Yanyan's mouth evoked a sneer.

After that "mark", there was another familiar feeling, as if I had forgotten something and was missing a paragraph. But Han Yanyan is not confused. Because she had an idea before she was tagged.

"What are the mission requirements this time?" She asked.

At first, Leo said that she wanted to make her target fall in love with her. In the end, she was replaced by Ding Yaola for the dead, but he said she did a good job. In the previous world, the task requirements have become regrets for Qiao Wenxing. Although simple and straightforward and easy to complete, it loses unity. After all, Han Yanyan's understanding of "quick wear" is clear and unified.

That's why she asked this question.

"Emmmmm ..."

This time, Leo hesitated. He hesitated for a moment and said, "This is still like Ding Yao, you did a good job that time."

"But Ding Yao I failed." Han Yanyan stayed in the last world for two years, and mentioned that Ding Yao was already calm and did not conceal his failure. "He did not fall in love with me."

"This ... is hard to say," Leo said. In his tone, he was eager to gossip, irritable, but seemed to be a little timid. In the end, he could only say something so simple, vague and ambiguous.

Han Yanyan's calm heart seemed to be stung.

She didn't still love Ding Yao. She was with Qiao Chengyu for two years, she was petted, loved, trusted, trusted, respected, and she was not so mean and she still remembered Ding Yao.

It's just that he can't get out of this breath.

"Okay, work!"

Leo switched to a real system, and the electronic voice said coldly, "The world is born."

Han Yan sneered at the corner of his mouth and cut into the next world.

Opening her eyes, she was in a small room, holding a bottle of red wine in her hand, and a trolley in front of her. Looking down, he was wearing a white shirt, black vest and matching skirt. The skirt was tight and narrow, wrapped around the hips, and the neckband of the white shirt hung a bow tie—a very standard waiter outfit.

"Smoke, smoke, are you ready?" The invisible headset hidden in the ear made a sound.

Pre-feed information is activated.

"Han Yanyan" in this world turned out to be a police officer, sneaking into this club and posing as an undercover. Now, she is going to push the dining car to room 812 to serve drinks to the guests there. The guests in that room, not surprisingly, her goal in this world, Yao Chen, the big guy in the underground world of K city.

The gangster straddles both black and white, with both legitimate business on the bright side and unseen industries such as drug trafficking, **** and gambling. And these underground industries are the big head of his income. The bigger role of business on the bright side is to launder money for these black industries.

Han Yanyan has browsed all the pre-delivery information and can clearly define Yao Chen.

Bad guy.

Yes, a bad person.

No matter what his past or any troubles, how tenderly he cares for his family / wife and children, how much he cares for his friends, what he does is enough to go down to eighteen hells.

The goal of this strategy is to set up such a person, it is awesome!

Han Yanyan was in a good mood, bowed his head slightly, and said to the eavesdropper hidden in his collar, "I'll pass now."

She tilted her mouth, hummed the small song, swayed the exquisite waist, pushed the dining car out of the preparation room, and went to room 812. She was in a very good mood at this moment, and saw the two bodyguards standing at the door of the room, and flirted her handsome one.

Fei Meiyan's skill was inherited by Han Yanyan from "Miss Han".

Although the two bodyguards wore neat black suits, they were obviously not Sven men. Let Han Yanyan hook up, and opened her private room door with ambiguous eyes.

As soon as the door was opened, Han Yanyan Xiaoquer didn't hum, and his winking eyes didn't fly anymore. With a professional smile on his face, he pushed the dining car in order.

The light in the private room was dim, but there were no sensual scenes. There were a dozen men in total, but no woman. These men are distinct, obviously two people, several of them are standing, their bodies are very tight. There are also some people who are sitting easily and casually, but stare sharply at each other.

Only two people are really relaxed, Yao Chen and his counterparties. The other person is a man with deep skin and facial features, looking like a foreigner. Because the contrast was too stark, Han Yanyan didn't have to go to see another person, and knew he was Yao Chen.

In fact, when she walked into the room, she knew that he was her target. This is another man whose gas field is too strong to be ignored. When Han Yanyan pushed into the car and walked in, he glanced up at her, like a blade running across his spine, which made him feel cold.

Han Yanyan was honest and honest. He had his own duty, his eyes were slightly down, and he did not look at Yao Chen. She stopped the car, professionally took out the red wine from the ice bucket, opened the napkin next to her, smiled, as natural as picking up a corkscrew, and took the gun.

Raising his hand gave Yao Chen a shot.

Ah, a completely villainous person is so pleasant!

No psychological burden. Unlike Qiao Chengyu, knowing that he will sooner or later fail, racing against the time of the world every second, only fighting for the twilight.

Killing Yao Chen, Han Yanyan always kept smiling.

Killing is not difficult, as long as you pass by in the last days. At this time, Han Yanyan had the decisive results of training in the last days, as well as the superb marksmanship of the world's "woman policeman Han Yanyan". With this shot, the bullet went straight to Yao Chen's eyebrows.

No one can react. The time in the private room seems to be stagnant, falling into the "bullet time" in the stunt movie.

Han Yanyan watched the bullet fly out of the barrel of the gun, slowly tearing the air, pulling up the airflow, and running towards Yao Chen's brows. All of them were frozen, and became the backdrop for this "bullet time."

Han Yanyan's mood became very happy with the bullet flying out of the barrel to cut through the airflow.

She was thrown into this "fast-wearing world" and she could do nothing. Forced to separate from Qiao Chengyu, she can do nothing.

Now that she has finally shot, she can take the initiative to do something to fight against Leo. This can not help but make people happy!

Han Yanyan's gaze chased the bullet and shot at Yao Chen. She hadn't had time to look closely at the person's looks, and had no interest at all to see it. Her gaze slid directly from the muzzle to Yao Chen's eyebrow, where the bullet was expected to hit. Such a close-range shooting, Yao Chen's head, was afraid that it would explode.

Well, even if the whole one doesn't explode, it can at least explode. The actual gunshot wound is not a small blood hole like in the movie. The gunshot wound in reality is much more horrible.

The more so, the more pleasant Han Yanyan is.

In this happy mood, she saw Yao Chen narrow his eyes.

In the "bullet time" everyone was stagnant, Raider Yao Yao raised his eyes. His gaze first fell on the shouting bullet, and the bullet seemed to touch an invisible barrier, and the air in front could no longer be torn, instead it was like a soft but tough shield, holding the bullet, It can no longer go forward half a minute!

Han Yanyan's breathing was stalled.

At this point, Yao Chen's eyes continued to rise, crossed the bullet, and faced Han Yanyan.

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