As if to see countless people, countless things, countless fragments of pictures.

Han Yanyan didn't know how he was ejected from that world. She returned to the pure white space and appeared in the space for the first time in an inverted posture. The space is no longer bright, the light flashes on and off, and the harsh alarm sounds stubbornly and regularly. The alert is old-fashioned and it hurts the eardrum. It's especially different from Leo's high-tech fantasy style, which is more like the old movies that Han Yanyan has seen in the past.

Han Yanyan was lying on the floor, his limbs twitched and spasm, and every cell was hurting. You have to tell where it hurts, and you can't tell, but it seems that your hair is hurting.

In a flash of light, Han Yanyan was caught in fear of those eyes.

Obviously the shapes are different, but when Han Yanyan met Yao Chen's eyes, he thought of another pair of eyes. In Feisha walking stones, those eyes watched the collapse of the world indifferently.

Ding Yao and Qiao Wenxing are still in the world, but the master of those eyes is far from these worlds. And now, Yao Chen is the same.

"Han Yanyan! You're crazy! What the **** are you doing!"

Leo's angry roar pulled back Han Yanyan's ingenuity. She wanted to laugh, but the intense pain made even the grin grin.

"This time ... has ... qualified to talk to ... you ... talked ...?" In the extreme weakness, he showed the courage to break the boat.

"Talk about the fart! You're going to die, do you know !!!" Leo frantically said, "If I didn't cut it off in time, you would be dead now!"

"Ha ... ha ..." Han Yanyan tried his best, and finally squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying. "If you die ... find another ... a builder ... a builder ... hmm!"

"You use this to threaten me? I am!" Leo said vulgarly, "Who do you think you are, do you think you are important? Isn't it just the architect? You're right, and I'll find it later One, without much high cost. If you want to die that way, then die! "

This Leo is by no means good. Han Yanyan's heart sank. She lost consciousness and fell into darkness.

Leo closed the communication and jumped angrily: "I want to change someone! Find another builder! This dead woman!"

But the people behind him disagreed.

"This is the first number? Until now, only she has a little effect. Substitution, can you guarantee that you can find someone like her?" They asked coldly.

Leo stuffed. For that one, he has already died three architects. As a last resort, he went to a new place where the birds didn't shit. That kind of place is backward, and it is precisely because of backwardness that often hidden undeveloped saitama, such as Han Yanyan.

But such things also depend on luck. He lost Han Yanyan and may not be able to find a second Han Yanyan in a short time. That one is even more difficult to find, which can't be solved by any architect.

"Yeah, but she's in a terrible situation, not far from death," he argued.

"Treat her," the other said, "Isn't she dead yet? Save her. It's not difficult for you."

The other side said, the muzzle in his hand was still shaking.

Han Yanyan's life is in Leo's hands, and Leo's life is in these people's hands. The person who had just made a ruthless statement to let Han Yanyan die, had to swallow his mouth, swallowed his own face, and turned back to treat Han Yanyan.

Mom's body and mind are so fragile that she has to strengthen her genes to survive! This stupid woman! Leo thought angrily.

Han Yanyan woke up and didn't know how long it had passed. Here, her sense of time has completely failed. But when she woke up this time, not only did she no longer have pain, she also had a strange "energetic" feeling.

This feeling is not just physical or mental, but by analogy, it is closer to the feeling that Han Yanyan feels that his body is full of power in the last days.


"Hey, stupid!" Leo called her angrily. "Live alive? Hurry up and talk."

"I don't seem to die, sorry to disappoint you." Han Yanyan gathered his hair.

Leo snorted.

"Now, can you talk about it?" Han Yanyan asked slowly.

Leo frizzled: "Talk about the fart! What do you want to talk about? I tell you, it's not over, let alone you, I can't leave!"

Leo was emotional, and the words spoken in this case were often the truth. And the information revealed in this sentence surprised Han Yanyan.

After a few moments of silence, she asked a different question: "So I want to know, can anyone in this closed world see you again?"

"Ding Yao? This ..." Leo replied half-stop and suddenly responded, "No, are you referring to Qiao Chengyu?"

Han Yanyan was silent.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Leo seemed to hear something super funny, "I laughed to death, you ... cough, cough, don't think about it, the world is over and it is over."

Han Yanyan remembered Qiao Chengyu's last stare at her, his expression, his gaze. She remembered that he knelt down on one knee with her hand and vowed to her that he would run a happy marriage and a happy family. His eyes were full of longing.

Han Yanyan's hand was fisted.

"However," Oli said, "If you really like who you are, you won't be able to see you again, provided you work for me and make me happy."

Han Yanyan suddenly raised his eyes.

"I can see whoever I want to see?" She asked, "including Ding Yao?"

Ollie froze and said, "That one is out of the discussion."

Han Yanyan looked down, his eyes were unpredictable.

"Just think less and work harder. I'll tell you, I'll give you another chance, you can give me a good job, don't come here." Thinking of her previous work, Ollie's head hurt.

"I tell you, I have died three builders, two of them are like you are trying to kill in the world ... mission objective. This method was originally forbidden, my architect tried to take a risk, and also It has proven impossible. "He sniffed." Not to mention that ... the target of the mission is not something you can move at all. When you come up, you want to kill him and trigger him directly ... that is equivalent to suicide. "

What triggered him? Superpower? No ... Han Yanyan, who had had abilities, felt that what Yao Chen showed at that time was closer to Zheng Xie's ability to destroy the world than abilities.

Hate the key point, this guy Leo held his tongue in time.

"Don't do this again! I heard no stupid!" Leo was not at all irritated at the thought of it. "It was because you had a little effect on Ding Yao's method. Next, Yao Chen, you just follow this. Let's go. "

Han Yanyan's pupils narrowed: "Yao Chen? He's not dead?"

"The beauty you think, is he so easy to die?" Leo was angry again. "It's all because of you, not only has you delayed so much time, I have to restart the world! I tell you, this time Don't come here! "

Han Yanyan remembered the picture where the bullet was blocked by an invisible barrier. Time was stagnant, but Yao Chen was out of time. In the moment Leo forcibly cut off the world, Han Yanyan did give a sense of dying.

If Leo starts slowly, she may die in that world directly. The most frightening thing is that Han Yanyan has a faint feeling. This time the "death" is not the same as the death originally caused by Zheng Shasha.

Zheng Zheng collapsed the world, but never looked at her. At that time she just died out with the world.

This time, Yao Chen saw her. The meaning of destruction in Yao Chen's eyes was not to that world, but to her. If Leo had slowed her hands, she might have truly died, never woke up, and never resurrected.

Han Yanyan's mind was full of speculation and questions. Leo said at this time: "Mark." Han Yanyan was marked again.

After the mark was completed, Leo said, "I won't give you a hard task, anyway, you think of him as Ding Yao, and you follow your instincts."

"The world is born."

With this electronic synthesizing command, Han Yanyan was once again sent to the "fast-wearing world". Opening his eyes, the small room was holding red wine in his hand. She wears a short skirt with a bow tie and a dining car in front of her.

Han Yanyan opened his eyes and opened the napkin next to the ice bucket. A bottle opener lay there quietly without a gun. There are no invisible headsets in the ears, and no eavesdropper in the collar.

The door of the preparation room suddenly opened, and another waitress came in and said, "Smoke, I'll take the wine in room 812."

Pre-feed information is activated.

The world restarts and the settings are corrected. This time, Han Yanyan did not have the status of a policewoman. She was an ordinary waiter working and earning money in this club. The waitress who came in later was the real policewoman.

Han Yanyan knew that she had a gun hidden on her body, an eavesdropper in her collar, and an invisible headset in her ear. A team ambushed outside the clubhouse, waiting for her to give a signal, intending to arrest Yao Chen with the stolen scene.

This policewoman replaced the "women Han Yanyan" from the previous round. Obviously, Leo was afraid that she would come back again, depriving her of the policewoman's personnel and trying to weaken her.

Does this work? Han Yanyan also wanted to know.

"That's not okay." Han Yanyan refused directly. "In 812, President Yao was very generous. President Yao was generous. He gave Xiaomei two thousand tips last time."

In the impression of the policewoman, this girl who came to work to earn extra money was full of words, but she never expected that she would be rejected for tipping at a critical moment. She was secretly anxious, begging Han Yanyan to say, "Yanyan, I have been tight at hand lately, so please let me have this opportunity, and my sister will pay you back if she has ample hands."

Han Yanyan said, "No, I'm short of money. My brother's medical expenses ..."

Han Yanyan has a sick number at home. She worked so hard part-time to make money. The policewoman was dumb, watching Han Yanyan pushing the dining car before leaving. Anxious, she gritted her teeth, and when Han Yanyan wiped her with her, a hand knife slashed to her neck.

Han Yanyan seemed to have eyes behind his back and suddenly stooped down. The policewoman's hand knife went straight into the air.

Han Yanyan sorted out the dining car, straightened up and opened the door, and yelled outside: "Asson, Assen." A boy outside ran over and asked, "Call me?"

The policewoman originally wanted to make up another hand and had to take it back.

Han Yanyan said, "There aren't many bottles on this wine rack. You need to replenish it quickly?"

Assen said, "Oh, the foreman said just now. I was busy and forgot."

The policewoman watched as Han Yanyan pushed the dining car out of the preparation room and headed for Room 812.

There were still two bodyguards standing at the door of Room 812, one of them was more handsome. This time Han Yanyan didn't fly any winks. He pushed the car to the door orderly. The bodyguard looked at it and opened the door for her.

Two people in the room apparently had just concluded the business, so they called wine. Except that Han Yanyan is no longer a police officer, everything is exactly the same as the previous round.

She stopped the car, pulled the red wine out of the ice bucket, and opened the napkin next to it-this time, the real corkscrew was covered under the napkin. Han Yanyan skillfully opened the red wine and leaned over to pour wine for the two most important men in the private room.

Yao Chen leaned forward and glanced at the waitress naturally.

The girl was very young, her eyes lashed, and her nose bridge was pretty. With a touch of work makeup, the face is soft and charming, and looking at it makes people feel comfortable.

When Yao Chen's fingertips touched the goblet, the girl Bai Shengsheng's face was less than twenty centimeters away from him, and suddenly said gently, "A woman in the waiter is a policeman, and a policeman ambush outside, ready to catch you."

She is very quiet and speaks quickly. People only saw her leaning over and pouring wine, and only Yao Chen, who was closest to her, could hear what she said.

The man's knife-like sharp eyes shot into her face with a sharp eye.

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