In the last two months before marriage, Han Yanyan turned into a sticky essence, and as long as he had time, he had to stick with Qiao Chengyu. Everyone knows that the second son of the Qiao family, the high-cold elite Fan Er, will turn into a pet wife and mad monster whenever he meets his fiancee.

Fortunately, the grand wedding ceremony of Golden Boy and Jade Girl finally arrived on schedule.

This wedding address was selected in a long-established old castle abroad. Qiao's house covered the entire castle, and weddings, banquets and guests stayed here.

On the eve of the wedding, according to the custom, the two couples could not meet. But Han Yanyan still quietly touched Qiao Chengyu's room.

When Qiao Chengyu heard the knock on the door, she guessed it was her. He opened the door and pulled her in. He pressed the door and kissed him. Obviously a person who is going to be a legal couple immediately, but like a pair of secret lover, happy.

Joyful to the extreme, Qiao Chengyu pressed his hands firmly on the door panel, and a thin layer of goosebumps climbed from the back to the shoulder. Han Yanyan held his neck tightly, and felt the tiny unevenness between his fingers, like countless currents flowing into the body from his fingertips, jumping and leaping.

Han Yanyan is as tightly wrapped as a vine, and fits perfectly with him. His lips and teeth are entwined, and even sweat is fused together, regardless of each other.

"Qiao Chengyu, Qiao Chengyu." Han Yanyan called his name.

The shivering aftertaste was still there, Qiao Chengyu could not speak at this time, but could only respond with a vague "huh".

"I like you ..." Han Yanyan murmured low, "I like you all ..."

Qiao Chengyu finally earned from the trembling and looked up at her. Han Yanyan staggered with the tip of his nose, his lips almost touching his lips. Her voice was as weak as slang, and only at such a distance could she hear clearly.

She said, "You're almost like, tailor-made for me ..."

The words behind were sealed by warm lips. Han Yanyan was deep in the gentle mud and was unwilling to extricate himself. The person who was going to be a bride the next day was finally too weak to walk. The prospective bridegroom quietly hugged her and took her back to the room while the night was quiet.

Before the wedding the next day, he also worried about her, bribed a bunch of bridesmaids, and smoothly entered the preparation room to see her.

The walls of the ancient castle are high and deep, with huge stones forming walls, colored glass reflecting the sun, and a religious solemnity under the cage. Han Yanyan was sitting in a quaint and beautiful wooden chair in this dim halo, and looking at himself in the mirror. The white skirt of the wedding dress paved the floor, shining with holy light.

She is the bride of his dreams. For a moment, Qiao Chengyu even held his breath, afraid to alarm her.

Han Yanyan saw the man in the mirror and smiled at him in the mirror: "How come? Didn't you say you weren't allowed to meet before the ceremony?" She said this without any shame, as if she had sneaked into his room last night to steal joy. Not her.

Qiao Chengyu let out a breath and slowly exhaled, standing far away, staring at his bride quietly.

Han Yanyan turned around and said, "What's wrong?"

She had a gentle smile on her face, but Qiao Chengyu remembered that she had just opened the door and saw her for the first time. She looked at herself in the mirror. There was no smile on her face ... He was stunned, and at the moment before the wedding, scum was born in his heart.

But Han Yanyan smiled and reached out to him: "Come here."

Qiao Chengyu walked over and held her hand. Han Yanyan's hands are soft and warm. Qiao Chengyu's heart calmed down somehow.

He looked at his bride, suddenly bent down, and kissed gently on the back of her hand, then knelt down in front of her.

Han Yanyan was surprised and funny: "Are you going to marry me again?"

But Qiao Chengyu looked serious and his eyes were serious. He knelt in front of her on one knee, holding her hand, as if the knight swore allegiance to the princess.

"Yanyan." He said, "It is my luck to marry you. I thank God for giving me this luck. I, Qiao Chengyu, swear to you-"

"I will do my best to be the husband you want and give you the marriage you want."

"I will be loyal all my life, to you, to our marriage and family."

"I will be a good husband and a good father."

"In the future we will have children, whether boys or girls, I will love him / her and you with all my heart."

"Parents' meeting, sports meeting, stage performance, reading competition, provincial competition ... I assure you that I will not miss any important time in his / her life ..."

"Smoke, smoke ..." Qiao Chengyu gazed at his bride and asked gently, "... why cry?"

The tear mark ran across Han Yanyan's smiling face. She clenched his hand and replied, "Because I'm happy."

Her throat trembled slightly, and there were three words lingering there, unable to speak.


Qiao Chengyu stared at her for a moment and chose to believe. He got up and kissed her cheeks and eyes, kissed her tears, and told her, "You won't be happier than me."

"Because," he smiled, "I will soon be the happiest person in the world."

He let go of her hand and exited the room.

The bridesmaid group and makeup artist, stylist, costumer, and staff who had just exited just to make room for the newcomers swarmed in. Qiao Chengyu's figure disappeared behind these people. Han Yanyan kept staring at the door and couldn't see him anymore.

"Oh, don't watch it, you can see it in fifteen minutes." A bridesmaid joked.

A group of thousands of people laughed and laughed: "I can't wait for fifteen minutes. Oh, a big bowl of dog food!"

Han Yanyan's uncontrollable emotions were all put away. She slightly raised her chin to reveal the "Miss Han" smile.

Fifteen minutes later, she stood on time outside the huge wooden door on time. The giant door slowly opened in the sound of music, and all the guests turned around in their seats, looking at today's bride. Han Yanyan was like a soldier, showing her proud and reserved smile, holding her father's arm and stepping on the red carpet.

At the other end of the red carpet, Qiao Chengyu was erect, but his eyes were full of happiness. He waited for her at the other end of the red carpet, waiting to take her hand, put her wedding ring on, and listen to her say "I do". Since then, she has been his wife.

His expectations were so strong and so strong. Han Yanyan can feel it across a long distance.

Father Han felt that his daughter was holding his hand tightly. He patted the back of her hand with a smile and motioned her not to be nervous. What about marriage, she is the wife of someone else, and will always be his daughter, heir of the Han Group forever,

What's terrible.

Han Yanyan understood what his father meant. She smiled, turned her head, leaned over, and kissed gently on her father's cheek.

She's had a good time here in the past two years, all because of the business man behind her.

Thank you.

The music changed, and the father and daughter looked at each other, holding their arms and striding forward.

The length of this red carpet was quite long. The flower girl opened the road. Han Yanyan took his father's arm, dragged the tail of her long skirt, and walked towards her groom slowly. The closer she approached him, the more she could see the joy and excitement hidden under his calm expression.

Han Yanyan's gaze suddenly turned away from his unmarried husband's body and shot at the guests.

Because of various fronts, Qiao Wenxing did not become Qiao Chengyu's best man. But his position is still very high.

From sitting here, seeing his half-brother in a tuxedo, standing upright as a pine, waiting for his bride, Qiao Wenxing felt weird. He seemed like ... dreaming again.

When the heavy giant door slowly opened, and the noble, proud, and beautiful bride stepped closer and closer to the red carpet, the steps seemed to step on his heart, and clicked like a big drum in his ear. ring.

Just then, the bride who was looking at the groom with a smile suddenly cast a glance.

The earthquake came suddenly. Many people fell on the ground without any precaution. The original solemn and gorgeous wedding was suddenly chaotic.

Qiao Wenxing turned back abruptly.

What is he thinking? This is someone else's wedding, this is Han Yanyan and Qiao Chengyu's wedding. Two of them, one is about to become his brother-in-law, and one has become the heir of the family. Qiao Wenxing thought that this was the end, and he should not think about it any more.

But that's strange.

All these clearly belong to him. Why has everything changed?

The ground shaking stopped for a moment, but the scene was chaotic. Someone has already fled the door, after all, life is still important before the natural disaster.


Han Yanyan heard two people calling her. One is her father and one is her groom. They all called her name and wanted her to evacuate the building quickly.

Han Yanyan turned a deaf ear. Just a few shakes a moment ago, Han's father had already fallen to the ground, and their arms were disengaged. Han Yanyan was not restrained, carrying a skirt, he took two more steps forward. Instead of approaching her groom, she approached her ex-fiance, Qiao Wenxing.

Raiders of this world.

Qiao Chengyu, who just stood still, shouted Han Yanyan's name, but saw his bride ignore him and went straight to Qiao Wenxing. Qiao Chengyu froze.

Han Yanyan walked in front of Qiao Wenxing in two steps, and the two eyes met.

Han Yanyan saw the confusion in Qiao Wenxing's eyes. She smiled and asked, "Are you sorry?"

Qiao Wenxing resembled dreaming and answered, "I regret it."

With this question and answer, the world, which calmed down for a few seconds, shook violently. The window was cracked, the roof beam collapsed, and a thick pillar fell suddenly.

The pillar fell in the direction of Qiao Chengyu, and Qiao Chengyu stepped back to avoid it, but he saw the broken pillar holding down a crowd. Including Korean father who just got up and wanted to pull his daughter to escape together.

He saw the well-dressed guests screaming and rushing, and a swarm of bees rushed to the door.

He even saw his bride turn a deaf ear to all this, and his brother turned a blind eye to everything. Between him and her, it seemed like another world.

Han Yanyan knew what was happening around her and knew that her "father" might have died. She didn't even return.

"They are not important, the mission goal is important. No one cares about it except the mission goal."

That harsh electronic sound seemed to be in my ear. Han Yanyan ignored the panic scene around her, she only looked at Qiao Wenxing.

Qiao Wenxing was bewildered in her eyes.

Why is this happening? Why did he lose everything? Seems like ... because of a woman. But Qiao Wenxing found that he couldn't remember the woman's face or name, and he couldn't remember his original intention of giving up all this for her.

In this bewilderment, a voice floated softly into his ear.

Han Yanyan said, "After remorse, let's end it quickly."

A thunderous thunder exploded in his ears. Qiao Wenxing murmured, "Yes, let's end ... this is not what I want ..."

The world was shaking and rumbling. People's screams and cries were even suppressed, and it sounded blurry. The wall collapsed, the floor cracked a huge gap, and white light poured out of it.

People ran towards the gate at a far faster speed than usual, but glare of white light poured in from outside the gate and from the cracked window.

White light drowned the world and melted the world, including everyone in this world.

"They are not important, the mission goal is important. No one cares about it except the mission goal."

Don't care? At the last moment, Han Yanyan couldn't help turning his head.

Qiao Chengyu didn't run away, he was still standing there, looking at her tightly across the lofty pillars lying between them. He knew everything that was going on had something to do with her, and he thought she would give him an explanation.

But Han Yanyan looked at him for the last time, his lips moved and he couldn't explain to him after all.

Sorry, I came to this world, the goal ... not you.

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