Strange story player

Chapter 670 The cry of destruction

Fucheng, Yuecheng.

Two cities that were born because of Him are now dying because of Him.

Human wailing can be found in every corner of the city.

Destruction is always much easier than creation. In just two days, Fucheng and Yuecheng were already devastated. High-rise buildings fell to the ground, and thick black smoke and black fog were wrapped together, blocking the sky and the sun.

The human wail that was still present at the beginning has completely disappeared now.

There are not many survivors left.

Everyone who is still alive knows that absolute silence should be maintained at this time.

The huge human face in the sky was fully formed, and human fear surged toward him like a tide, making him even stronger.

Despair has become a word on everyone's mind.

Paleontological Research Association.

At this time, Yi Lianhai had dismissed everyone.

There are only two and a half people left in the huge base.

Yi Lianhai, Li Xijiu, and Yi Yu whose consciousness was temporarily suppressed by Li Xijiu.

"Are we just going to wait like this?" Li Xi asked. He glanced at the screen. The huge human face on it had been completely formed. There was only an independent red pupil in the left eye, and the right eye was empty.

"What if the God with White Eyes doesn't show up? Or, if he does appear, what if He is unwilling to deal with the God with Red Eyes?"

Li Xi's series of questions did not receive any answers from Yi Lianhai. He stared at the screen for a long time.

"Hello? If you don't answer, I can leave..." Li Xi was not joking. If Yi Lianhai continued to be in such a daze, Li Xi was going to set off to find someone else.

"Don't worry." Yi Lianhai finally spoke.

"It'll be ready soon."

Yi Lianhai looked a little strange.

All his actions were exactly as agreed with Jiang Du, except for one thing, which he did unreasonably.

That is... I chose Mei Sijun specifically.

Although he gave a high-sounding explanation to a certain extent, citing Mei Sijun's outstanding appearance.

But no one wants to delve into this explanation.

Judging from the current situation, the reason for specifically choosing Mei Sijun is simply untenable.

After all, their purpose from the beginning was not to upgrade people to gods, but to awaken the red-eyed god.

Li Xi seemed to have noticed the strangeness in Yi Lianhai's words.

He glanced sideways at his arm. His arm, or... this body that should belong to Xu Yi, was already covered with goosebumps.

"Do you have other plans?"

Li Xi finally asked.

Yi Lianhai's eyes moved from the screen to Li Xijiu, this...other self.

"We are different from them."

Yi Lianhai's words made Li Xi a little stunned.

"They are players, and this world is just a cage created specifically for them."

Yi Lianhai's voice was low and hoarse: "But for us, this world... is everything to us."

"Whether it is withered, ruined, prosperous, collapsed, or flowing into a river of blood, we only have this world."

"In order to get rid of this world, they can completely seal the creator of the world and make the red pupils and white pupils disappear."

"What about us? This world is gone and they return to their own world...then...what about us?"

Resentment and anger flashed in Yi Lianhai's eyes.

He, Zuo Xian and Jiang Du have always been good friends.

Yi Lianhai himself had always thought so, but since the appearance of the [Pupillary Realm] and the secrets involving the origin of the world gradually emerged, he found that... he had fallen behind.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not enter the Eye Realm.

Without a shred of spiritual pupil power in his body, he cannot become a player.

In order to keep up with his friends, Yi Lianhai tried his best.

But just twenty years ago, when they were about to clear the level, they chose that plan at the same time after seeing a future that they didn't even know was an illusion.

But...what about me?

After Yi Lianhai suddenly came to his senses, he discovered that although he had his place in their plan, after the plan was successful, he had no future at all.

No...Jiang Du is indeed great. After all, he even gave up himself. Zuo Xian is also great. In order to win the trust of others and to deceive the giant pupil hidden in the sky, she also dedicated her body and always Suffering endless torture.

At first glance, I seem to be the easiest one.

All you need to do is conceal what needs to be concealed and proceed step by step according to Jiang Du's plan.

But Yi Lianhai was shocked, where was his position?

The plan was successful. Jiang Du's body was destroyed, with his red and white pupils imprisoned forever. Zuo Xian's body was destroyed, and he spent the rest of his life in a strange body.

And this world, because the creator is sealed, will lose its original power and gradually collapse.

Forty-nine outsiders returned to where they came from.

So...what about him?

What about the indigenous people of this world?

What should we do?

Just because we were born, humans they created to make the game more realistic, should we naturally become tools and be destroyed?

Yi Lianhai felt despair.

What he despairs about is not the future that is already doomed.

Instead, they regard Jiang Du and Zuo Xian as good friends, but Jiang Du and Zuo Xian still regard him as a real "tool man" in their hearts. Compared with players, they are indeed just tool people.

Although they all appear to be human beings, they are not the same kind at all.



Neither Jiang Du nor Zuo Xian had ever considered what he would do after the world was destroyed.

Players can go back to their own world.

What about everyone in this world?

There was no resentment in Yi Lianhai's heart, only unwillingness.

He also wants to see a wider world, and he also wants to have a more exciting life.

Why was he, a genius, born in prison?

He refused.

He wants to find a way to free himself... no, let all the aborigines in this world get rid of the shackles of red and white pupils!

to this end……

He needs a huge experiment!

Yi Lianhai has been conducting human body refining experiments since twenty years ago. The bodies of Li Xijiu, Qin Manjiang, Qin Yiyi, Zuo Xian...each one was made by him.

Twenty years later, this technology had completely matured, and he successfully implanted the soul of an aborigine into the body of a dead player.

That corpse... called Xu Yi.

And the soul of that aborigine is called Yi Yu.

Yi Lianhai stared at the screen closely.

Now, he is going to conduct a bigger experiment, and the huge face of Mei Sijun in the sky is the "corpse" used in the experiment.

This "God with Red Eyes" was born because of the negative emotions of the indigenous people.

The process of collecting negative emotions was also handled by Yi Lianhai himself.

The moment when negative emotions merged into electric current and penetrated Mei Sijun's body...

What entered Mei Sijun's body was not just spiritual pupils and negative emotions.

And...the souls of all those collected by Yi Lianhai have been ionized!

In the sky, on the face of the giant Mei Sijun, the right eye was about to move, as if something was about to grow out.

Yi Lianhai's expression changed suddenly, and he excitedly said to Li Xi:

"Why should we destroy? Look!"

"That's what I created, it belongs to our future!"

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