Strange story player

Chapter 671 Alien

When both are for survival, right and wrong lose their meaning.

Li Xi originally thought that based on his friendship with Qin Manjiang since childhood, seeing Yi Lianhai secretly carrying out his own experiments through Jiang Du's plan would probably cause Qin Manjiang and the others to fall into the next reincarnation again. He thought that he Will stand directly on Qin Manjiang's side.

I thought……

But at this moment, when he saw the struggling human figures appearing on the huge face that belonged to Mei Sijun on the screen, he was shaken.

Li Xi discovered that he was indeed another Yi Lianhai.

He could completely understand Yi Lianhai's mood at this moment.

Why are we destined to be destroyed?

Li Xi looked at Yi Lianhai with a complicated expression.

I saw Yi Lianhai murmuring: "I have conducted countless experiments on human body refining. I want us... we aboriginal people like weeds to get rid of the shackles of the red and white eyes, break free from the confinement of the world, and escape from our doomed destiny. Destiny, there is only one way..."

"Transform our bodies into real humans."

The heat in Yi Lianhai's eyes was like substance: "The best material is their bodies! I have tried artificial ghost stories, as you know... it was Miss Qiao's grandma, and it was me who tried to create the first seven souls. An experiment conducted after transforming her dead grandmother into an artificial ghost."

"But... it doesn't work. Only the body of a person born with spiritual eyes can completely transform us into humans. Grandma Qiao who became a ghost can't do it, nor can Qiao Ziru, who was influenced by Qin Manjiang and became a person with spiritual eyes. But... …Xu Yi’s corpse is OK, and all players’ corpses are OK!”

He seemed to want to do something crazy, but Li Xi did not condemn or stop him. Instead, he asked: "What should I do if the God with Red Eyes and the God with White Eyes wake up?"

"Even if you transform everyone in this world into real humans, the God with Red Eyes will still destroy the world, and we will still be destroyed."

Li Xi was very realistic. He knew "his" thoughts very well. Preaching and playing emotional cards were useless. Only real obstacles could persuade Yi Lianhai.

"It doesn't matter, the red-eyed god will not destroy this world."

Yi Lianhai smiled and looked at Mei Sijun's huge face in the sky on the screen.

"If I am an alien among the natives of this world, then Mei Sijun is an alien among the players."

"I have been searching for many years and finally found him who meets the requirements."

"He must be a player, he must have outstanding appearance, he must have compassion, and he must... willingly dedicate himself to become the carrier of the Red-Eyed God."

Yi Lianhai looked at Mei Sijun's face on the screen as if he were looking at an exquisite piece of art.

"The player's identity allows him to easily find the hiding places of other players, and he can sense...them."

"With his outstanding appearance, he can quickly become a new believer when the order collapses. Human's outlook on life can indeed be affected by the five senses, especially at this moment."

"With compassion, you can let him listen to me tell the story. For this reason, I also asked you to save him and deepen the debt he owes."

"And voluntarily sacrificed himself..." Yi Lianhai was silent for a moment, and the enthusiasm and smile finally disappeared from his face.

"I didn't hide it from him. I told Mei Sijun all my thoughts, including everything he would face."

"Mei Sijun... is indeed an outlier among players."

Yi Lianhai looked at Li Xijiu: "You know, when I told him... you are not from this world, you come from another world. When I told him... I want to create a god by myself, build this by myself What did he say about the world?"

Li Xi shook his head in shock.

Yi Lianhai looked deeply at the face on the screen: "He said, OK. I am willing."

"Even if I am a visitor from another world, my relatives, friends, and memories of my past life are all in this world."

"They are treasures far more precious than an unknown homeland."

Yi Lianhai repeated Mei Sijun's last words at that time and took a deep breath:

"If you can lead everyone to be better, if you can make this world a better place...I do."

Mei Sijun's gentle smiling eyes did not seem to be telling her last words, but just listening to a friend talk about his dream.

Compared to other players, he is indeed a weirdo.

He already knows that he is not from this world, and he also knows that every era has its own corresponding, and he...has been reincarnating.

Yi Lianhai did not lie to him, because Yi Lianhai knew very well that when Mei Sijun was promoted, when he transformed into a new generation of red-eyed god, all concealments would be revealed.

The moment the power of the red-eyed god takes over, Mei Sijun will know everything that happened in the past.

As long as Mei Sijun still had any consciousness at that moment, he would most likely choose to die together, and the so-called plan... would naturally come to an end.

Therefore, Yi Lianhai not only told Mei Sijun everything, he even made it clear which things were certain and which were just his own speculations.

Yi Lianhai was very worried. If he missed Mei Sijun, it would be difficult for him to find another person who met the conditions.

After listening to this, Mei Sijun was silent for a long time.

When Yi Lianhai was almost desperate, he suddenly looked into Yi Lianhai's eyes: "Mr. Yi, life is like a play, like a dream. I am an actor, and truth and falsehood have no meaning to me. People like me only care about the experience of this world."

He smiled and said: "I want to believe you."

Yi Lianhai's heart trembled. At that time... he looked at Mei Sijun, but Mei Sijun had already looked away and whispered:

"Life is like a fog or a dream. It is easy to understand the origin and destruction of conditions."

"Mr. Yi, take these words as my last farewell to you..."

Yi Lianhai came back to his senses and looked into Li Xijiu's eyes, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

Mei Sijun is indeed an outlier among players.

As he said himself, he didn't care about that strange hometown.

He didn't even care who he was in his previous life, or who he was when he was forcibly moved to this world.

For him, his life as Mei Sijun was just an actor in the Mei family of Liyuan.

It was this world that created him in this reincarnation, giving him joy, anger, sorrow, love, hatred, and hatred.

So...he is willing to choose to believe a madman's words and give his life for this world.

Yi Lianhai grabbed Li Xijiu's wrist and pulled him out of the base.

The two of them stood in the empty square, looking up at the huge, beautiful, evil, yet compassionate face.

"Li Xi, it's our turn."

Yi Lianhai held Li Xijiu's hand tightly, and Li Xi was a little confused.

But he saw a gaze in the air falling on the two of them.

Yi Lianhai murmured:

“We, and all the people in this world, will be his other set of eyes.”

As soon as he finished speaking, endless transparent shadows flew upward on the wind.

And where the right eye of that giant face is, the outline of the eye pupil has already appeared in the mist.

Yi Lianhai's face showed some relief and joy:

"It's not us who should be destroyed... Destroy people who don't belong to this world, prepare to meet..."

"new world."

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