Strange story player

Chapter 669 The meaning of existence

"I can't teach you how to go down. You are unknown. Maybe you will lead the world to destruction, or maybe you can bring it new life. Everything... depends on your choice."

Qin Manjiang lowered his head. Everything Jiang Du said had a great impact on him.

Destiny, the future...such things can actually be seen.

And your own future cannot be predicted or observed.

Among all the ruined futures, only oneself is unknown.

No wonder they bet everything on themselves.


Why should I?

Qin Manjiang was at a loss.

The consciousness left by Jiang Du was about to disappear, but he seemed to realize that the confusion in Qin Manjiang's heart at this moment had not disappeared. Instead, he became even more at a loss because he knew his life experience.


To put it nicely, Qin Manjiang has been on a mission since he was born.

To put it harshly, Qin Manjiang was born purely because everyone needed him as a "tool" that could potentially save everyone.

That's right... although everyone is looking forward to his appearance and working hard to make him appear smoothly.

But all the attention is not because of "Qin Manjiang" himself, but because of the uncertainty that "Qin Manjiang" possesses.

"A person will face countless choices in his life. I am Jiang Du, and I am not Jiang Du. Jiang Du will persuade you to rush to the sky, crash into the body of the red-eyed god, and become one with him. But, I will not do this explain."

The voice in Qin Manjiang's heart became softer and softer, and seemed to disappear soon.

"I am just a piece of consciousness he left behind. My existence is to allow you to recognize yourself. This is the reason why Jiang Du kept me. His original intention may indeed be to persuade you to do what he wants, but he still Leave me behind who won’t seduce you.”

"Qin Manjiang, you are envied by everyone in this world because you have countless choices."

"No matter which choice you make, it will weave an unknown path."

There was indeed envy in Jiang Du's voice, and he said slowly: "And for us, when we choose to fight, our fate becomes fighting. When we choose to perish, the future scene will correspondingly become perdition."

"No matter what choice we make, we cannot change the future that has been fixed. Perhaps Jiang Du realized this and left only me instead of another glib consciousness."

"He knows very well that leaving any consciousness that will guide your thinking is actually him making the choice, not you. Once he interferes with your choice, maybe... your future will change from unknown to unknown. Become fixed."

Qin Manjiang's mind was in confusion when he heard that. He asked: "If this is the case, then weren't all your previous efforts in vain? Aren't they all interfering with my consciousness?"

"No, everything they did was just to give birth to you as the God of White Eyes. At this moment, you are already on the way to becoming the God of White Eyes, so it is up to you to make the choice."

Jiang Du's eyes gradually disappeared in Qin Manjiang's consciousness space: "We cannot break fate. Even if we break reincarnation, it may be just another established fate."

"All our efforts are to allow you to give birth to a person who is not interfered by the red and white eyes."

"If the meaning of your existence is to make a choice."

"Then the meaning of all our players' existence is to create a you who has the right to choose."

Jiang Du's voice became lower and lower until it completely disappeared...

"Whose existence is more tragic, us... or you..."

Qin Manjiang looked at Jiang Du's disappearing eyes, and finally shouted and asked: "You haven't told me, are you still alive?"

Deep in the spiritual world, Jiang Du's eyes had disappeared, but at this moment, Jiang Du's voice suddenly sounded. He changed his usual elegance and shouted: "It doesn't matter how you got here."

"It doesn't matter what others want you to be."

"How you choose to live is the most important thing!"

Qin Manjiang was shocked, and a flash of lightning seemed to flash through his mind.

He was smart in his own right, and his confusion was just the doubts and loneliness accumulated over the years. Now that he was solved by Jiang Du's words, Qin Manjiang's eyes suddenly welled up with intense emotions!

His brain was running extremely fast, and what he was thinking about at this moment were questions he had never thought of before.

Why does the God of White Eyes symbolize positive emotions?

Why does the God with red eyes symbolize negative emotions?

At this moment, Qin Manjiang suddenly understood many things.

No matter how you are born, as long as you recognize yourself as a human being, you are a human being.

As for humans, everyone has been subconsciously avoiding something for such a long time.

For example...negative emotions.

Everyone knows to stay away from negative emotions and embrace positive energy.

Even when blessing each other, people often say to others: "Be happy every day."

People are full of enthusiasm and expectations for positive emotions, but avoid negative emotions.

When we really encounter negative emotions, the first reaction of human beings is how to eliminate them.

Is it really eliminated?

No, the negative emotions have not disappeared. Most of the negative emotions are just temporarily suppressed by more exciting things, such as alcohol and overeating.

Strange stories will appear, and the God with Red Eyes will exist,'s because humans have never accepted their negative emotions.

People do not allow themselves to be angry, sad, depressed, anxious, nervous, angry, sad, painful, angry, self-blame, regretful...

These emotions that are not allowed to exist and are not accepted have become energy in another dimension.

And derived from "weird stories", such specious and strange things.

Does the God of White Eyes represent positive emotions?


At this moment, Qin Manjiang, who understood his own heart and understood everything, had seen through the truth of "red and white pupils".

There is no such thing as a white-eyed god!

The so-called God, there is only one from beginning to end!

He came from nothingness and had a pair of pale pupils. He was attracted by the negative emotions abandoned by human beings. He fed on them and absorbed them into himself. The other eye gradually turned red.

The so-called conflict between the red and white gods is basically that the original one with pale eyes had a mutation after absorbing too many negative emotions in the human world. To use a human analogy, it may be similar to "split personality" ?

His battle with himself even shook his fundamental power, which was his spiritual pupil.

This... is the beginning of everything.

Qin Manjiang closed his eyes suddenly. When he opened them again, his eyes were no longer red or white. Although his face was still covered with dense white lines, his eyes had turned back to clear black.

He raised his head and looked at the familiar figures floating in this space.

Qin Manjiang's face showed a warm smile.

He knew how to choose.

If you follow Jiang Du's thoughts and merge with the red pupils in the sky, then enter Jiang Du's body and be sealed forever, you can indeed solve the immediate crisis immediately.


As long as human beings still exist, negative emotions can never be erased. They will continue to arise, and eventually there will be a second pupil world and a third pupil world.

If you want to cure the root cause, there is a way...

only one.

Qin Manjiang glanced at all the floating figures with nostalgia.

Turning around, I thought silently in my heart——

Farewell, everyone.

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