Strange story player

Chapter 638 Conspiracy

Real world, Fucheng.

It's night now.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, but it is not peaceful.

The streets were full of people, smashing things wildly, setting fires, and committing crimes... After that live TV broadcast, both Yuecheng and Fucheng were in chaos.

Everyone knows that the end... is coming soon.

At this moment, the collapse of order only happens in an instant, and the evil of human nature is vividly displayed in the blink of an eye.

In the chaotic crowd, there were two people, one man and one woman, who had been watching with cold eyes.

The man's name is Lian Yan, and the woman's name is Xin Xin.

The two rushed back to Fucheng from Yuecheng.

But the situation in Fucheng is worse than that in Yuecheng. Maybe... Yuecheng has also become very bad now?

In short, under the premise that catastrophe is about to come, almost everyone has fallen into some kind of "crazy" emotion.

And when this emotion becomes the collective emotion of the group, chaos and disorder will inevitably appear.

"What are we doing here?"

Xinxin asked.

Lian Yan looked at the crazy crowd and whispered: "This is your city, don't you want to go home and see it?"

Xinxin ignored him and dodged the crazy man rushing toward her.

Seeing that the other party was about to continue to move forward, Lian Yan kicked him to the ground.

"Of course, we came here because there is a madman doing crazy things in Yuecheng. In order to escape temporarily, we can only come to Fucheng first." Lian Yan said helplessly.

Xinxin looked confused: "Yi Lianhai?"

"Who else besides him?" Lian Yan snorted coldly.

"But what can he do? He can't even enter the pupil world. He can't have spiritual pupil, and he can't see the world in our eyes." Xinxin said.

"So that lunatic found a spokesperson, the one named Mei Sijun, your former companion. He is the perfect candidate."

As soon as Lian Yan finished speaking, he found that Xinxin was standing still.

"What's wrong?"

Lian Yan looked at her.

Xinxin stood there, bowed her head in silence, and then asked for a long time: "Will Mei Sijun die?"

"It depends on how you understand it. If everything goes as Yi Lianhai predicts, Mei Sijun will become a carrier of emotions, and through some of his methods, he will be promoted to a god. But even if he becomes a god, as a human being Mei Sijun must have disappeared, in a sense, Mei Sijun will indeed die."

Lian Yan replied.

Xinxin's body trembled slightly, she raised her head and looked at Lian Yan: "I want to go back to Yuecheng."

"Why, you want to save Mei Sijun?" Lian Yan's smile was full of sarcasm, "Think carefully first, if Mei Sijun doesn't agree to promotion, no one can force him to do it. Submission, in other words, Mei Sijun did it willingly."

"Moreover," Lian Yan's face turned colder, "Now that you are back in Yuecheng, apart from adding more data to Yi Lianhai's experiment, it will have no other effect at all."

"..." Xinxin was silent.

She originally thought that after she died once, she could let go of the past things and people.

But obviously, she overestimated herself.

"Mei Sijun has been deceived, but he is not a stupid person. Being able to be persuaded by Yi Lianhai at least shows that there is merit in Yi Lianhai's remarks, even... because the merit is very big, big enough. To make Mei Sijun ignore the loopholes and willingly help Yi Lianhai, guess...what should Yi Lianhai have to say to impress Mei Sijun and make him believe?"

This answer is not difficult to guess. Xinxin responded in a low voice: "Maybe he said... he can help Mei Sijun resurrect important people, maybe... it can end the strange rumors."

"I don't know Mei Sijun. Based on your understanding of him, which possibility do you think it will be?"

Xinxin's eyes dimmed: "The second kind."

Lian Yan retracted his gaze and stopped looking at her. He just looked up at the sky: "Yes, that's the second type."

"Yi Lianhai told Mei Sijun that doing this can completely end the ghost stories and get everyone's lives back on track."

Xinxin finally figured out one thing. She looked at the chaotic crowd and...the strange stories that were intruding into reality.

There is no way that Yi Lianhai didn't think about the consequences. He knew the consequences. He did this on purpose!

"Understood?" Lian Yan looked at her again.

"Allowing the Pupil Realm to invade reality will inevitably lead to two results. The first is that the weak areas of time and space in the real world will be more easily broken through, resulting in large-scale horror stories. This needs to be repaired artificially, and it can be done The only people who know about this matter are the players from the Tongjie and the Bai family."

"And the second result is what you see in front of you. The emotions of the two cities are almost completely unified at this moment, panic, fear, despair..."

"The Bai family has been collecting and guiding for so many years, but Yi Lianhai has not come here this time."

Lian Yan sneered: "Let the Bai family and the Tongjie players repair the weak time and space. What will happen to all the remaining humans, of course, no one has time to care about. I have to admit that Yi Lianhai is an extremely outstanding person, [ The Pupil Realm completely ignores ordinary people. For the Pupil Realm, ordinary people are just grass growing under the trees, and only those with [Spiritual Pupils] are the flowers blooming on the trees."

"The Bai family has also inherited this view and has been collecting players' emotions for many years, and that Yi Lianhai..."

Lian Yan looked serious: "He failed once in promotion. That time, his experimental subject was the woman he loved most. That failure caused the woman to lose her body and can only exist in a conscious state."

"All the materials that time were exactly the same as those prepared by the Bai family, but... he failed."

"So this time, he changed the material. He wants to use the unified negative emotions of all ordinary people to let Mei Sijun complete his upgrade."

"He is indeed a genius," Lian Yan sighed. "Gods and players are trees and flowers. The grass under the trees has always been ignored, but he saw the grass and grass that were completely ignored, and... he guided Out of the power of emotion.”

"What results can this ordinary power produce?"

"I am also very curious……"

"So...his experiment this time consumed everyone in Moon City."

"Of course we have to go."

Lian Yan glanced at Xinxin: "If you still want to go back, I won't stop you."

After saying this, Xinxin had already suppressed her thoughts. What Mei Sijun and Yi Lianhai wanted to do might actually have a chance of success.

Then...just let them do it.

There is only one other thing that she is really confused and curious about now.

What I just described is by no means the result of a simple investigation.

This person... is just one of the players in Moon City this round, and he is trapped in the strange story of [Ping An Hospital]. How could he know so much about the past, the things that happened twenty years ago?

"who are you?"

Xinxin stared at him.

Lian Yan smiled, shook his head, and said, "Maybe you don't know one thing. There is a corresponding relationship between Yuecheng and Fucheng, the past and the present."

"Those of us with spiritual eyes will encounter flowers that bloom from the same bud as ourselves."

"And the bud where I am has three flowers."

"Twenty years ago, it was the chief of Moon City."

"Twenty years later, it is Yuecheng's continuous words."

He paused for a moment, his eyes flashing with confusion:

"It's also... the remains of Fucheng now."

(Second update in about half an hour)

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