Strange story player

Chapter 637 Confrontation

In this urban environment, finding two people is not as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack, but it is no less difficult.

What's more, not only Qin Manjiang and the other three are taking action, but twenty other people, including [Zhen], are also taking action.

The world is collapsing, and they cannot sit still and wait for death.

If we want to talk about hatred or conspiracy, the two sides can't actually talk about it. They have never met at all. How can there be any chance of enmity?

But their respective positions determine that they can only fight to the death, because there can only be one world and the real world.

Zhen was still staying in the villa area, looking at the total of nineteen people gathered around him, including her, there were exactly twenty.

"This is the world of the dead..."

Beside Zhen, a beautiful middle-aged woman looked at the similar person next to her and said elegantly.

"We all come from Fu City ten years ago. The history of that world is different from this world. This place is just an illusion. We are the only real humans."

"But now, five people have come from the real world. They are completely different from us. We came to this world after we drowned in Xiajiang Village."

"But the five of them are not dead. They are people who came to this world alive."

"They...are not our kind."

The middle-aged beautiful woman's eyes swept over everyone one by one. Some of the people who came to this world because of drowning in Xiajiang Village were accidents, and some paid a heavy price.

In fact, there are only three people who actually came to this world due to accidents.

One is Qinling Han, the other is Xi Wutong, and the last one is [Zhen].

Between them, when "real" humans come to this world, they all have feelings for each other.

They also went to meet Qin Linghan and Xi Wutong, but unfortunately the former was just an old farmer with little knowledge. After they took the initiative to make friends with him but met with disappointment, they no longer bothered to associate with him.

But another person named Xi Wutong only came in this year.

She also appeared because of a pure accident, and had less contact with everyone. After just a brief meeting, everyone decided that Xi Wutong was indeed just an unlucky doctor.

As for [Zhen], she was the first person to come to this world, and it was only after her that the Xiajiang Village in this world came into contact with the Xiajiang Village in the real world.

As for the others, their origins are basically the same.

They are all powerful people in Fucheng, but their life span is about to end.

Take the middle-aged beautiful woman herself as an example. She started from scratch, had many ups and downs, and finally reached the leading position in the jewelry industry in Fucheng at the age of forty. However, she was also diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer in the same year and died soon.

Of course she was not convinced. Once a person has fame and fortune, there are not many things he can pursue.

She was reluctant to die. After many inquiries, she finally learned a piece of news from the top elite.

The Bai Group has a way for people to survive in another world.

Even though this sounds like crazy, when she truly understood the methods of the Bai Group and witnessed various strange phenomena, she had to believe... that there was indeed another unknown side of the world.

So, she spent almost everything she earned in the first half of her life to buy a place, a place to come to this world and continue to survive.

What excited her was that what the Bai family said was true. After drowning in the river in Xiajiang Village, when she woke up again, she would indeed appear in another world.

And in this world, as long as no accidents occur, they can survive almost forever!

But... they soon discovered that the other people in this world were all false. They just "lived" according to fixed patterns, and they were not real human beings.

Just like now, the world begins to collapse, and there is a problem with the only ghost, and the false humans in this world will be the first to collapse and become distorted.

The twenty people present have replaced themselves in this world. Their property and power can almost cover the entire Fucheng, but now they cannot move a single person or a car.

Because they are the only ones who are truly unaffected by the collapse of the world.

Everyone else in the city was undergoing changes, and at this moment, a strong and extreme sense of loneliness surged towards them.

"This is an opportunity. We can't take action against them until we confirm whether they have replaced themselves in this world, but now, we can confirm it."

"If the replacement is not successful, they will be distorted and deformed like everyone else in this world. In this case, we don't need to pay attention to them and just wait for them to die naturally."

"If they have been replaced, they will be just like us and will not be affected. In this way, they... need us to correct them."

"Everyone," the middle-aged beautiful woman looked at everyone, "it's time for us to take action ourselves."

This group of high-ranking people had indeed not taken action in person for many years. Now that all their subordinates had become deformed and no longer listened to instructions, they had no choice but to take action themselves.

However, although these people are not old, weak, sick or disabled, they are not sure that they can personally subdue a few young people.

Good thing they have guns.

As long as it is still flesh, it can be destroyed with firearms.

The group of people each took their weapons, got into their cars, and set off together.

Even the beautiful middle-aged woman went.

Only [True] still stayed in the villa.

There was a strange light in her eyes, and she murmured: " familiar..."


Yan Xiao stumbled and swayed on the street.

His state is different from everyone else's.

Now Yan Xiao is about to turn into the terrifying look with dry hair, yellow eyes, and black lips, but his consciousness is still very clear.

In other words, he is using his strong will to force himself to wake up!

He doesn't want to die, and he can't die, let alone turn into the ghosts of those people on the street...

At this time, Yan Xiao paused and stared blankly at himself in the street window mirror.

As soon as I took a look, his lips began to disappear quickly!

Almost simultaneously, the color of his pupils also turned back to black at the same time as his lips disappeared!

Faceless corpse...

The appearance of the corpse last night suddenly appeared in Yan Xiao's mind.

Is it because of the mirror?

He immediately looked away, and at the same time he also realized that the two states of the faceless corpse and the yellow-eyed alien seemed to be completely opposite.

I just glanced at him, and his ghostly appearance began to return, but his facial features were disappearing.

In other words, if you want to completely change back to a human, you can only keep staring in the mirror, but if you keep staring in the mirror, your facial features will disappear again.

In these two situations, there is only one choice, and there is no way to check and balance each other.

Yan Xiao covered his face, lowered his head, and hurriedly left the window.

He didn't want to choose either.

But at this moment, the sound of a car engine suddenly came to his ears.

somebody is coming?

Yan Xiao immediately hid on the side of the street and looked warily.

I saw a white car driving over. It was full of people, all of them old, but... they were holding guns.

As if she knew where he was, the middle-aged woman driving the car raised her pistol and pointed it at Yan Xiao's hiding place on the street.

"Come out. In this world, hiding makes no sense to you and me."

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