Strange story player

Chapter 639: Finished

A dead body? !

Xinxin was shocked speechless by his sudden news.

How can it be?

Are Shen Kui and Lian Yan the same person?

"This is impossible. The chief executive of Yue City twenty years ago was Nie Yunzhen!" Xinxin immediately retorted.

Nie Yunzhen appeared in Fucheng Tongjie after clearing a strange story called "The Man in the Coffin".

But according to her own words, she was from twenty years ago and has been trapped in a strange story until now.

And twenty years ago, she was the chief of the Moon City Tongjie!

"She is right," Lian Yan did not defend himself, but recalled, "Twenty years ago, when the Yue City Pupil Realm was about to end, Jiang Du and Zuo Xian entered the final game, and those two people... look I arrived in the future and chose to give up on completing the game.”

Lian Yan walked forward as he spoke.

"After leaving the final game, Jiang Du left his last words. Perhaps it is more appropriate to say a prophecy."

Lian Yan seemed a little emotional when he thought of the name Jiang Du.

"He said - I will die and come back in Guanyin Village. If you see me coming back, then our world... is indeed dead."

"Only a few people know this sentence, and I am one of them because I was the chief at that time."

"Zuo Xian, after she gave up on clearing the level, she talked with Yi Lianhai for a long time. In the end, the two cooperated and conducted an upgrade experiment. The experiment ended in failure. Zuo Xian's body was destroyed. Yi Lianhai was in great pain and frantically developed abilities. Technology to resurrect the human body.”

"Now it seems that he has made considerable progress." Lian Yan paused for a moment and continued.

"Zuo Xian and Yi Lianhai went to Guanyin Village at the time predicted by Jiang Du, and actually saw Jiang Du there. Although Jiang Du called himself Qin Manjiang, later, Jiang Du and Qin Manjiang split into two, and Qin Manjiang returned to his time. Jiang Du stayed behind twenty years ago, and everything is as Jiang Du said, he is really back."

"However, the only change... was that a woman of unknown origin appeared next to Qin Manjiang. That woman's body was temporarily possessed by Zuo Xian. Later, Yi Lianhai used her in a large number of experiments to create human bodies. ."

"That woman is the one you are talking about - Nie Yunzhen."

Lianyan's voice rang in Xinxin's ears.

A large amount of information rushed in, making Xinxin's eyes slowly widen, and his brain could hardly move for a while.


She murmured: "You mean, Zuo Xian and Jiang Du were participating in the last round of the game twenty years ago, but they chose to give up after seeing the future."

"Then Zuo Xian chose to be promoted, and Jiang Du chose to commit suicide? Then he made a prophecy that he would come back?"

"Wait...I'm too confused."

Xinxin felt that she had lost some clarity, and she sorted it out again: "Jiangdu created Qin Manjiang twenty years ago, and Qin Manjiang twenty years later traveled back to twenty years ago through Guanyin Village, and successfully resurrected Jiangdu. Fulfilled his prophecy..."

"But how is this possible?"

Xinxin was puzzled. She looked at Lian Yan: "How did you do this?"

After Lian Yan fell silent, he looked at the night sky and whispered: "Look."

Xinxin followed his gaze and looked up.

"It's very dark. We who have spiritual eyes can occasionally see a different world, but the real world is not distorted, and we are not crazy. What we see... is the pupil realm that overlaps with the real world."

"One of the two gods who created this world."

"The God of White Eyes creates the real world, and the God of Red Eyes creates the world of pupils."

"But the biggest problem... is here."

"There is a family named Zhong. The Zhong family has recorded all the battles between the red pupil and the white pupil god, and has also witnessed every opening of the pupil world. In the records of the Zhong family, the white pupil god has gathered positive emotions. No match for the red-eyed god who has gathered negative emotions."

"The irony is that the God with White Eyes had an overwhelming advantage at the beginning. However, when humans in the real world saw the aftermath of the battle between the gods, they immediately fell into panic."

"A large amount of negative emotions flooded into the God of Red Eyes. In the end, the God of Red Eyes turned defeat into victory, and the God of White Eyes disappeared."

What Lian Yan told was exactly what Qin Manjiang and the others learned.

He looked at the shocked Xinxin and said: "As the Lord of the Pupil Realm, the God with Red Eyes can immediately completely occupy the real world. But when the God with White Eyes dies, he shoots his pupils to all directions in the real world. A total of ...forty-nine.”

"Human beings who carry the eyes of the God with White Eyes in their bodies have become another form of pillars supporting the sky. If the God with Red Eyes wants to completely engulf the real world, these forty-nine people must be eliminated first, but the God with White Eyes remains. Although the pupils under the eyes cannot stop the murderous intention of the God of Red Pupils, they leave the last glimmer of hope——"

Lian Yan said slowly: "No matter what the God with Red Eyes wants to do, no matter how terrifying and unbelievable the ghosts and ghosts in the Eye Realm are, it must be consistent within the logic established by the God with White Eyes. This is why ghosts cannot directly attack humans. The reason for killing people is also the reason why we always have a glimmer of hope in these monster games."

Xinxin was already so shocked that she subconsciously asked: "Then what?"

"Then?" Lian Yan smiled, "The God with Red Eyes underestimated these forty-nine people. He tried to catch them all in strange games again and again, but some of them would always pass the level, and there would always be someone who left their bloodline and hidden secrets. The spiritual pupils in the blood branched out and scattered more or less. In the end... the number of selected spiritual pupils was far more than forty-nine. However, when the game progressed to a certain stage, the ones who gathered back The true number of spiritual pupils is always forty-nine."

"So, although each of us has a different number of spiritual pupils, they are all artificially designated standards. The real number of spiritual pupils has always been forty-nine. However, after many years of reproduction, each spiritual pupil has The power is more or less dispersed."

"You should have heard that if you collect five hundred spiritual pupils, you can get a chance to escape permanently, right?"

Lian Yan suddenly asked.

Xinxin nodded blankly, she was already a little unable to react.

"Actually, the five hundred spiritual pupils calculated in the [Pupillary Realm] game are the initial number, which is exactly the number of one real spiritual pupil. In other words, only those who have accumulated five hundred spiritual pupils can truly change. It has become a spiritual pupil to hold, holding a complete spiritual pupil."

Lian Yan said these words in one breath, which suddenly gave Xinxin a bad premonition.

"Wait, why are you telling me this..."

Before she finished speaking, Lian Yan continued: "Aren't you unable to understand why Jiang Du and Qin Manjiang can do such a thing?"

"The story of the God with Red Eyes and the God with White Eyes is the reason."

"The God with White Eyes has disappeared. The God with Red Eyes tried to devour the real world, but failed to do so for a long time."

"And now... there is no trace of the God of Red Eyes, and the [Eye Realm] has long fallen into the control of the Bai family."

A gust of cold night wind blew by, and Lian Yan's voice seemed a bit colder amid the noisy commotion:

"Both gods are dead."

"The present, the past, and the future, three timelines exist at the same time."

"I, Shen Ku."

"Jiangdu, Qinmanjiang."

"Including you...I can probably guess who you were twenty years ago."

Lian Yan smiled sarcastically: "So, Jiang Du can do this kind of thing. Our world, our time... is already dead."

"We are always making the same mistakes again."

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