Strange story player

Chapter 613 Meeting

He stood under the street light, and his face, clothes, clear eyes, and clean smile seemed to have shortened the distance by dozens of meters and were directly reflected in the eyes of the four people.

No one was prepared to see him again, but he did appear so suddenly but at the right time.


Qin Manjiang's voice was slightly cold, and even the moonlight seemed to suddenly become darker.

"Yang?" Yan Xiao's heart was also beating rapidly. He had seen Yang's body with his own eyes. If Yang could be resurrected perfectly, could others be able to...

"Long time no see." Yang stepped forward and slowly walked towards the four of them.

The dark and gloomy lake surface, the cold and white moonlight, and... a dark path extending to the lake.

Bai Yang came over, and seeing him getting closer and closer step by step, Qin Manjiang's heart became calmer and quieter.

When he first saw Bai Yang, his mind was full of distracting thoughts, his thoughts were surging, and his heart couldn't calm down at all. But as he continued to get closer, Qin Manjiang found that the confusion, anger, panic, doubt and other negative emotions in his heart actually disappeared. The ice melted and disappeared magically.

"Should I call you Bai Yang, or should I call you Bai Gu?"

Qin Manjiang asked calmly.

"Whatever," Bai Yang smiled, "But Bai Gu is Bai Yang, but Bai Yang will never be Bai Gu."

"So, where did your body in the fire come from?" Zhong Xueran asked with a frown.

"That is indeed me," Bai Yang looked at everyone helplessly, "I know you won't believe it, but I will really die ten years later, and I will just use his body for some purpose."

Zhong Xueran was confused. Ten years later...he is really dead?

What's the point?

" mean, you went to ten years later? And you brought back your own body ten years later?"

Zhong Xueran asked with doubts.

"Well," Bai Yang sighed, "according to the original plan, I planned to go back twenty years ago to see it. Unfortunately, the previous attempt failed. The Guanyin underwater seemed to only recognize you, Qin Manjiang. The last time I went down there , He directly released all the living corpses suppressed by Him, you should still remember, right? If Chen Zhiyuan hadn't come down to save me, I might have died here last time."

Of course Qin Manjiang remembered it.

That was when he first entered [Pupilla Realm] and learned that Chief Yang was going to carry out an exploration mission, and during that exploration mission, he heard news about Li Xijiu from Yang's mouth.

When he, Chen Zhiyuan and his team arrived here, Bai Yang was swimming out from the center of the lake, and there were densely packed corpses under the water, each of them stretched out their pale arms to drag him down.

Now it seems that it was Guanyin at the bottom of the lake who stopped him.

"Tell me, what are you doing here? I think we have nothing else to talk about." Qin Manjiang said coldly.

Yang was silent for a moment, then came to Qin Manjiang and stood still.

"I know a lot of what I do makes you confused, but please believe me, I can't say."

Yang looked into Qin Manjiang's eyes. Faced with Qin Manjiang's suspicious, cold, and even slightly angry eyes, he still did not dodge.

"You just need to know that you are the only variable in the beginning," Yang whispered. "Any words I explain may change your thoughts and behaviors, so I can't."

Shen Kui, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Hey, I want to ask you something."

Yang turned to look at Shen Hu.

Shen Kui stared directly into his eyes: "What's the reason why you faked your death?"

The eyes of Qin Manjiang, Zhong Xueran and Yan Xiao also fell on Yang.

Shen Ku asked the most critical point.

"If you can't give a reasonable explanation, I can't guarantee that you can leave here safely." Although Shen Su was expressionless, it was obvious that he was serious.

He is a person who rarely trusts others, especially in the early stages of entering the Kaidan game, but even for him, he received a lot of care from Yang in the initial stage.

Shen Kui has never been able to deal with a good old man like Yang, so he chose never to confront Yang and stay away from him.

Unexpectedly, the "good guy" who had made up his mind at the beginning actually fooled everyone.

This was even more humiliating than a slap in the face.

"Is this the case?" Yang's reaction didn't seem surprising. "There is only one reason for faking death. You should be able to guess it, right?"

Qin Manjiang and the other four people all frowned slightly. After they realized that Yang might have faked his death, they did consider various possibilities.

But "suspended death" can only exist in a few situations at most, even if it is put into ghost stories that are not very logical.

"You have to use your body to accomplish something? Like a sacrifice?" Zhong Xueran asked.

Yang shook his head.

"You are being targeted by something, and the other person is something you can't handle." Shen Kui said.

Yang nodded: "That's almost it."

He stopped being pretentious and explained: "This is why I am here today to look for you."

"The reason why I faked my death is indeed the same as what Mr. Shen Kui said. I was targeted by an incomprehensible existence, and I could only escape by faking my death."

Having said this, Yang looked at the dark and deep Guanyin Pinghu: "At that time, I did choose to challenge the permanent escape mission. Qin Manjiang, your permanent escape challenge is here. Where do you think I will be that time?"

His eyes moved from the lake to Qin Manjiang's face.

"Xiajiang Village." Qin Manjiang said.

Yang had already made it so clear, how could he still not guess?

"Your permanent challenge mission is in Xiajiang Village. If I guess correctly, Xiajiang Village is the same as here. Time and space are unstable. The corpse of yourself ten years later you burned is the evidence," Qin Manjiang replied, "My challenge is From Guanyin Pinghu, go back twenty years ago. Your challenge should be Xiajiang Village, ten years in the future."

Yang laughed, still sunny and free and easy: "Yes, Guanyin Pinghu and Xiajiang Village are two huge weak points. A little power of the spiritual pupil will cause time to be disrupted. However, the time can be disrupted, which just shows that in our current situation In this world, time has died."

"The timeline we are on is no longer a straight line extending infinitely along both ends of the past and future."

"It has become a line segment, with a beginning and an end. Even the present we are in, ten years from now, will seem like the past. The past, present and future are just three points on a line segment."

Yang looked calm: "There are no variables, it's a foregone conclusion."

"I came here to look for you because I want to go to Xiajiang Village with you, go there again ten years later, and complete the unfinished business."

"Ten years from now, I will do it even to the death."

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