Strange story player

Chapter 612 Return

Moon City.

After cutting off communication again, the smile on Yi Lianhai's face completely disappeared.

Mei Sijun walked out from the side and asked, "Can it really be done?"

Yi Lianhai pressed his temples, stared at the screen without looking back, dragged out the keyboard, and started typing: "I lied, [Pupillary Key] was indeed made by me. I made it twenty years ago." It has been released. Many functions have been improved over the years.”

"But it's almost impossible to create an [anti-pupil key]."

Yi Lianhai looked calm: "The difficulty of making a faucet that releases water as soon as it is turned is completely different from the difficulty of making a faucet that draws water in the opposite direction once it is turned."

"and you……"

"It has to be done." As Yi Lianhai spoke, he had already built a precise model on the screen. "This is something I did. I hate letting other people clean up the mess."

"By the way..." Yi Lianhai finally stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Mei Sijun.

"Yi Yu is about to wake up. When he wakes up, you take him back to Fucheng. You are needed there now."

Mei Sijun frowned slightly: "What happened in Fucheng?"

Yi Lianhai shook his head: "In the live broadcast just now, Yuecheng and Fucheng were synchronized. There is no fundamental difference between the two cities. The only difference is that there are two places in Fucheng where time and space are chaotic. Now If there is human intervention, extremely terrifying large-scale ghost stories may break out.”

He paused for a moment, memories flashing through his mind.

"The first place is called Guanyin Pinghu, and the second called Xiajiang Village."

Yi Lianhai looked at Mei Sijun: "These two places are in Fucheng. They are already in chaos in time and space. If they become two huge exits of [Pupillary Realm] during this commotion, Fucheng will be wiped out in an instant." Nothing left.”

"You, who have a large number of spiritual eyes, are the only ones who can deal with abnormalities."

After Mei Sijun listened quietly, he nodded: "Okay."

"Well," Yi Lianhai turned his head and continued typing on the keyboard, "Go ahead and I will contact you if there is any progress."

Mei Sijun was about to leave, but stopped before taking a step, looked back at Yi Lianhai's back, and asked, "Who are you?"

The sound of the keyboard suddenly stopped.

Then, it continued to crackle again.

He didn't answer.



Qin Manjiang was still generating fog, but when it was almost midnight, someone came.

The visitors were none other than Zhong Xueran, Shen Kui, and Yan Xiao.

The expressions of these three people were very strange, and Qin Manjiang immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

"Can you change back to a human now?"

Shen Ku asked.

"That's fine, why do you ask so suddenly?" Qin Manjiang had some bad guesses in his heart.

Didn't you already agree to take back control of [Tongjie] from the Bai family, and then liberate [Tongjie], so that the real Kaitan Game can come?

Have they all regretted it?

"Something happened." Zhong Xueran had already heard Shen Hu and the others mention Qin Manjiang's current condition on the way here, so he was not surprised when he saw it.

"Mei Sijun suddenly exposed the existence of Tongjie on TV. He was still holding Tongjie's mobile phone in his hand. It can be inferred that Yi Lianhai was standing behind Mei Sijun. Yi Lianhai used the power of the spiritual pupil to let Yue All the mirrors in Cheng and Fucheng show the scene of the pupil world. Now, the boundaries of the two worlds are blending. Some evil ghosts have entered the real world. They have not caused great harm yet, but if they are left unchecked, they will definitely An unimaginable disaster breaks out.”

Zhong Xueran spoke very quickly and clearly summarized what happened before.

Qin Manjiang was trapped on the lake, focusing on creating fog and had no idea this was happening.

Now at first glance, he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

The three of them are not so bored that they form a group to amuse themselves, that's what it means...

After thinking about it quickly in his mind, Qin Manjiang gathered his thoughts and said, "Wait for me."

The power from the Guanyin statue at the bottom of the lake gradually drained away from his physical strength and returned to the body of the statue. In the eyes of Zhong Xueran and the others, the fog slowly condensed into a human figure by the lake and slowly walked onto the shore.

It was Qin Manjiang.

"The fusion of the Pupil Realm with the real world is due to the influence of emotions," Qin Manjiang said straight to the point without any pleasantries, "The creator of the real world is the God of White Pupils. Unified positive emotions will make the real world stronger, and [The Pupil Realm] The creator is the God of Red Eyes, and the accumulation of negative emotions will also cause it to swell."

"The sudden exposure of [Tong Jie] to the public eye triggered the fear of the unity of [Tong Jie] and [Li Gui]. This emotion is the reason why it can invade reality instantly."

"But there is no need to worry." Qin Manjiang looked at the night sky. The fog was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye. "The ones that can be squeezed out from the gap between the two worlds are relatively weak ghost stories and ghosts, which cannot create large-scale monsters." Panic.”

Having said this, Qin Manjiang turned around and glanced at Guanyin Pinghu, and said: "Actually, this is the place that needs to be worried about. Its time and space are chaotic, and the barriers between spaces are weak, which means that it is likely to become a huge [pupil] boundary] export.”

Qin Manjiang's words made Shen Hu and the others look at Guanyin Pinghu.

The fog dissipated, and Guanyin Pinghu Lake under the moonlight was as silent as the dead pupils of a corpse.

"You mean, we have to deal with this place first?" Shen Su asked.

Qin Manjiang shook his head: "That's not necessary. There is a divine statue of Guanyin under the water. His remaining power is not much, but it shouldn't be a big problem to suppress the exit."

At this time, Zhong Xueran suddenly looked at Qin Manjiang: "Hey...your hometown! Isn't this the same situation in Xiajiang Village?"

Qin Manjiang nodded solemnly: "Well, this is the most critical issue. I must go back to Xiajiang Village immediately. Once a large-scale ghost story passes through the exit of Xiajiang Village, the impact and casualties will be incalculable."

As soon as he said this, suddenly, two car horns sounded "didi" on the ramp behind the four people.

In this silent night, these two sounds were too harsh.

The four of them followed the sound and saw a man opening the car door and getting out of the car under the street light of the ramp. He was standing there with a smile on his face, looking at the four people by the lake and waving: "Everyone, long time no see." .”

Qin Manjiang, Shen Kui, Zhong Xueran, and Yan Xiao all changed their expressions completely.

What appeared under the ramp lights was a person they never thought would appear at this moment.

Everyone had seen his body, everyone believed in his death from the beginning, and later suspected that he had faked his death.

From being grateful to him at the beginning, to becoming doubtful and complicated later on.

this person--


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