Strange story player

Chapter 611 Cooperation

Baishi Group Building.

The current speaker of the Bai family, Bai Yang's sister Bai Hongdan, is walking hurriedly to the basement at the moment.

The lights are bright, clean and tidy along the way, without the depressing and gloomy atmosphere of the "Evil Villain Base".

Every employee of the Bai family is in a hurry, doing their own thing.

The sound of high heels echoed in the long underground corridor. She went straight down until there was no way down anymore, and a door appeared.


The metal door opens automatically.

"Everything is in chaos, what are you going to do?" Bai Hongdan asked eagerly to the people in the room.

This room is not big, but there are screens in all directions. Screens take up all the space. The man sitting on the office chair heard the words from behind and asked without looking back: "What are you doing?"

"Of course to control the situation!" Bai Hongdan said, "If something like this happened, it must be the man named Shen Kui a few days ago. He knew a lot of secrets when he sneaked in. Why did you stop me then?"

"Now that the secrets of [Tongjie] are exposed to the public, Lingtong has emotional tendencies. This kind of large-scale panic will definitely cause unpredictable changes. You let Shen Kui enter here and let him take him away. I learned the secret, and now it’s like this, isn’t it because of you?”

"You are talking about this," the man smiled, "it was not Shen Kui who caused this commotion. What's more, the reason why I let him out is because the secret he learned from us was not revealed by Qin Manjiang from [ Guanyin Pinghu] will no longer be a secret after returning.”

Bai Hongdan was speechless.

After a while, she glanced at the screen and asked, "Are you planning to do nothing?"

"Because it's useless," the man said simply. "The Bai family has been mending this shabby ship for a long time. Now if someone wants to directly sink the ship, let them do it. You are not a god, Neither am I. When things have developed to this point, the overall situation has been decided, and it is impossible for human power to change it."

At this point, he paused and said: "If you want to prevent an incident of this magnitude, you shouldn't ask me. You should go to Qin Manjiang. He still has some of His power left in him, and it might be useful."

"How is that possible? This fog was caused by Qin Manjiang. He must be happy to see it become like this."

Bai Hongdan said with an ugly expression.

"Okay, I know you are very kind, and you don't want to involve ordinary people in such a horrific incident, but I really can't change the situation, but..." The man turned around, revealing a sunny and handsome face. , it is Yang!

He looked at Bai Hongdan and said with a smile: "Although I can't stop the world of ghost stories from invading reality, it's not like I haven't done anything."

Yang stood up from the office chair, walked to Bai Hongdan, and handed a perfectly fitted "mobile phone" into her hand.

"Isn't this what Mei Sijun showed on the screen?"

After Bai Hongdan took it, he looked at it repeatedly.

Bai Yang nodded slightly: "Yeah, but this thing actually belongs to Yi Lianhai. That man is a genius. He doesn't have a spiritual pupil, but he has an incomparable understanding of the [Pupillary Realm]. He can even use the spiritual pupil to create weird things like this." Creation.”

"Our reverse positioning found Yi Lianhai's location."

Bai Hongdan's face became extremely ugly: "Is he the person who caused this chaos? I will take people there."

"Wait..." Yang quickly stopped his irritable "sister", "He can hack all the public systems in the two cities instantly, and he has the ability to erase his traces. Since he didn't do this, either Waiting for you to come to him and fall into his trap, or..."

Yang turned around and pressed a button on the keyboard. Suddenly... the screen jumped on the largest screen, and a man wearing a white coat appeared.

"Hello, Ms. Bai Hongdan, I'm Yi Lianhai." The person on the screen greeted.

Bai Hongdan's eyes suddenly widened. She turned to look at Bai Yang and then at Yi Lianhai on the screen: "You guys..."

Yang smiled and said: "This is the second situation I want to talk about. Since he deliberately left his whereabouts, he is waiting to have a good talk with us."

"I already talked to him once just now, and the [Pupil Key] in your hand was passed on by him."

Bai Yang turned to look at the screen and said to Yi Lianhai on the screen: "Mr. Yi, this is a cooperation of last resort. The invasion of ghost stories is not good for us. Right now, you have the technology to make [Pupillary Key], and we have the most The key material... the spiritual pupil."

"Now, please explain your plan to my sister in detail, otherwise she may directly take away your base."

After Yang finished speaking, he turned around and winked at Bai Hongdan.

Bai Hongdan frowned, sat down on the office chair in front of Bai Yang, stared at the screen and asked, "What cooperation have you reached?"

"It's so straightforward, Miss," Yi Lianhai laughed, "Didn't you see it? I used a mirror to send you a [Pupil Key]."

Seeing Bai Hongdan's displeased look, Yi Lianhai coughed and said, "It's actually very simple. The [Pupillary Key] I developed can open the [Pupillary Realm]. In fact, it only requires a little modification to reverse that. Door, send back all the evil spirits who have entered the real world."

"I need to say sorry first. Although my purpose is still to seize control of [Tongjie] from your Bai Group, the subsequent impact of this incident is something I never thought of. Continuing to let the situation develop will be harmful to both of us. There is no benefit, so... I exchanged some opinions with Mr. Baiyang, who faked his death."

"The spiritual pupils I have collected over the years have been almost exhausted in this incident. Therefore, I need you to provide spiritual pupils. These spiritual pupils will be used to make the [anti-pupil key]. After the production is successful, the Bai family will also need With help, after all... [Anti-pupil key] will not find ghosts on its own, it needs a large number of people to take it to find the ghosts in person before it can be sent back to the pupil realm."

Yi Lianhai's explanation was very detailed. After listening to it, Bai Hongdan thought about it carefully. If this [Pupillary Key] can really open the [Pupillary Realm], then what Yi Lianhai said is not empty talk. He does have the ability. Create [Anti-pupil key].

Judging from the fact that he has sent a [Pupil Key] over, Yi Lianhai is quite confident in the strange creation he made.

So...this is indeed the best way at the moment.

"Okay, I promise you."

Yi Lianhai was startled, then laughed loudly: "Miss, you misunderstood."

"My explanation just now was just to explain the principle to you out of politeness. I have already negotiated the real details with Mr. Baiyang."

“You don’t have to agree to anything and you don’t have to be responsible for anything.”

Yi Lianhai smiled and made a goodbye gesture on the screen: "This is just a notification."

As soon as the screen went dark, Yi Lianhai's figure suddenly disappeared.

Bai Hongdan's face was extremely ugly. She turned back to look at her brother:

"I dislike him."

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