Strange story player

Chapter 610 Chaos

"Is this okay?"

After the camera was turned off, Mei Sijun turned around and asked.

Yi Lianhai applauded and said with a smile: "It's better than I expected. It's worthy of being a pillar. I don't have any stage fright."

Mei Sijun adjusted his clothes and asked, "Will they really come?"

Yi Lianhai sat down on the office chair, turned around and picked up the tea cup and kettle, then turned around and returned to Mei Sijun.

"Don't worry, you should know the rule that you can't expose the existence of the Pupil Realm." Yi Lianhai handed the teacup to Mei Sijun's hand.

Mei Sijun took the tea cup but did not drink it.

"I know, everyone who enters the Eye Realm for the first time will be warned of this rule repeatedly."

"Yes, that's it," Yi Lianhai snapped his fingers, "a very simple reason. After it is clear that [Tongjie] is controlled by the Bai family, all the rules can be regarded as their concerns."

"[The Eye World] itself has been in a silent state. Even if there were some rules originally, they should not be able to take effect now. What's more, the rules of [The Eye World] and Kaidan Game cannot be exposed. It's weird no matter how you look at it, right?"

Yi Lianhai picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Mei Sijun nodded. In fact, everyone was confused when they first heard about this rule, and it even caused small-scale discussions. Later, those discussions were suppressed.

The reason is also very simple. Judging from the content of the rules, it is deliberately concealing the existence of [Pupillary World] and Kaidan Game. But for [Pupillary World] itself, it does not need to be concealed at all. On the contrary, [Pupillary World] because The victory of the God with Red Eyes is constantly eroding the space of the real world. What it needs is for humans in the real world to create chaos and generate various negative emotions to accelerate the process of eroding reality.

"So, the people who need to conceal the existence of the Pupil Realm have always been the Bai family. There have been people who did not abide by this rule and were wiped out before. I believe that those are the work of the Bai family."

"The Bai family is afraid that [Tongjie] will be exposed to the public. The more the enemy is afraid of something, the more we have to do something." Yi Lianhai turned his seat, slid to the computer, and typed on the keyboard, "Come on, Mei Sir, now is the time to appreciate.”


Yuecheng, Fucheng, and all media were blacklisted for three minutes.

What will happen as a result of what Mei Sijun outputs in these three minutes?

The answer is... utter chaos.

In just half an hour since Mei Sijun's face, which was as handsome as if it had stepped out of a painting, disappeared from the screen, the phone calls of law enforcement agencies in the two cities were buzzing.

All public lines were busy, and the two cities went crazy instantly. There are some people in this world who, although they do not have spiritual eyes, have witnessed real ghosts with their own eyes!

They tell their personal experiences, but they fail to win the trust of their friends, and those horrific facts can only become talk topics at parties.

But now, the man named Mei Sijun stood up and gave a perfect explanation for the strange things they had encountered over the years!

It turns out... there is a pupil realm that is closely connected to the real world.

And that pupil world is full of curses and strange stories.

Panic spread quickly like a torrent, and in the past few days, Fucheng happened to be covered with a thick layer of fog. Under the cover of night and fog, the restless elements who were already in chaos seized the opportunity. They walked out of their homes and went around creating In panic and confusion, they took advantage of the moment when everyone was in shock to fish in troubled waters and do illegal things.

In fact, there is really no time to deal with them at this moment.

Although the official forces are intertwined, the Bai family is still the most influential. After many years of management, there are Bai family members in almost every department, and they can all speak a few words.

When this happened, Bai's Group immediately showed its extremely powerful methods.

In Yi Lianhai's system, the traces of the Bai family's reverse tracking can be clearly seen. With Yi Lianhai's ability, he can completely erase all traces after hacking all media for three minutes.

But he did not do this. Instead, he waited for the arrival of the Bai Group with a gesture of inviting you to enter the urn.

"Do you think it would be better if I resisted?" Yi Lianhai stared at the screen and asked Mei Sijun sideways.

Mei Sijun didn't speak, just listened to the sirens one after another outside.

"Is it really right to do this...?"

Mei Sijun thought that this behavior would cause a huge commotion, but what he didn't expect was that the level of chaos in Yuecheng alone exceeded his expectations.

The mirror Yi Lianhai specifically asked him to mention was not just to scare others.

Most of the spiritual pupils accumulated over the years have been inspired by him by unknown means, and the "terminal" that receives this power is the mirror in every household.

At first, people who had just listened to Mei Sijun’s speech were indeed just looking at the screen with the intention of watching the excitement.

If Mei Sijun hadn't been good-looking and eye-catching enough, they would have turned off the TV long ago.

But after Mei Sijun's figure disappeared, some people noticed something strange.

They saw...

From the dark window glass, from the bathroom mirror... they saw another world!

Darkness, dead silence, vastness, and dense pupils filling every corner that can be seen...

Anyone who inadvertently looks into the eyes of the dark world will instantly feel weak all over, their scalp will be numb, and their brain will go blank with fear.

After a moment of silence, the whole city ushered in the most terrifying screams.

Someone smashed the glass and broke the mirror, but the scene I just saw still lingers in my mind and I can't get it out of my mind!

And there are still quite a few people who think this is just a large-scale illusion show, or... group hypnosis?

If you were a very skilled hypnotist, you wouldn't be able to achieve similar effects, right?

Let everyone see the same scene in the mirror.

Various speculations have appeared on the Internet. After the initial panic passed, things gradually evolved into the direction of solving the mystery and determining the authenticity.

A large number of people still think that this is a large-scale magic show.

Only a small number of sensitive people feel that the world full of pupils they see in the mirror is a bit too real and bizarre...

The majority and the minority try to convince each other.

But soon, they won't need to do this.

Because, all kinds of videos and photos started to appear crazily on major social software!

Someone photographed a bloody human hand in the toilet hole at home.

Someone saw a hideous human head on his pillow!

Lines of bloody footprints appeared on the ceiling.

The moment he turned on the faucet, what came out was no longer water, but... blood.

Everyone was horrified and desperate to discover that...the real world they knew became weird and terrifying after seeing another world in the mirror.

The in chaos.


Paleontological Research Association.

Yi Lianhai has been monitoring the entire city. After seeing various revelations on the Internet, his expression changed.

Mei Sijun stood behind him: "You didn't expect that?"

Yi Lianhai didn't respond, just stared at the screen in silence.

He suddenly understood why the news spread that the Bai family strictly prohibited [Tongjie] and Kaitan games.

The entire world, after almost everyone knew about the existence of [Pupillary Realm]——

Weird stories and evil spirits... have invaded reality.

(I had my second wisdom tooth extracted today and will be back to work tomorrow.)

Thanks to purej999, Orange House, Xiao Huihui, and Book Friends 2021 for the reward, thank you!

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