Strange story player

Chapter 614 Answer

He said the last words very softly, but everyone heard them.

Yang doesn't seem to be lying, but he is indeed very good at lying.

"One more thing," Yang looked at Qin Manjiang and said, "[The Pupil Realm] is colliding with our real world. Some curses and ghosts have emerged from the weak gap, although there won't be any corpses in a short time. There are rivers of blood everywhere, but Xiajiang Village and here, where time and space are already weak, will become two huge exits from the [Pupillary Realm] to reality. There is an underwater Guanyin statue here to suppress it, so it should be fine for the time being."

Yang shook his head: "But Xiajiang Village cannot. If we don't solve it, the evil ghosts and curses in [Tongjie] will emerge from there and destroy the entire world."

Chen Kui sneered: "Boyang, you are the first person who can talk about taking advantage of someone so righteously."

Bai Yang glanced at him: "You are the first one who can threaten me in front of me."

Shen Su raised his brows, and the disgust in his eyes disappeared a bit: "You are much more interesting now than the hypocritical look before."

"I did help you in [Tongjie] for other purposes, but you did accept my help. So far, my actions have not caused any harm to you." Bai Yang said.

"A good gentleman talks about his deeds but not his heart," Shen Kui took a step forward, approached Bai Yang, and whispered, "Without your Bai family, the Ghost Story Game would never have appeared."

"It seems that you have learned a lot," Bai Yang nodded. His expression still showed no hint of explanation or embarrassment. He glanced at the four people one by one and finally stopped at Qin Manjiang: "Indeed, [Tong Jie 】My Bai family is currently in charge of running it, but have you ever thought about why the Bai family does such a thankless job?"

"Unpleasant?" Shen Shi smiled sarcastically, "Throughout the generations, the number of spiritual pupils you have collected over the years should already be an astronomical figure, right?"

"Create a god," Qin Manjiang spat out two words, followed Shen Hu's words, and continued, "Those spiritual pupils are enough for you to complete the sublimation of a human being into a god."

Bai Yang was silent for a moment, opened his mouth, but finally said no more.

"Can we talk after we leave? I think some of you also want to rush to Xiajiang Village as soon as possible."

The four of them looked at each other. Baiyang came to see them alone, probably to express his attitude.

Moreover, what he said just now made everyone feel doubtful.


No matter what Yang's purpose is, all his actions so far have not caused harm to other players. On the contrary, Shen Kui has deceived many people in the past.

Moreover, the Bai family has been running [Pupillary Realm], is it really just for the purpose of creating gods?

Although this purpose is astonishing enough, when viewed in conjunction with Yi Lianhai's behavior, it seems insufficient.

If they are creating gods, the Bai family will definitely not only collect spiritual pupils. They should also, like Yi Lianhai, study various applications of spiritual pupils, study the nature of [Pupillary Realm], and even... study The remains of [God].

In short, what the Bai family owns does not match what the Bai family does.

They did too little. If they wanted to create a god or do something more crazy, their actions should be bigger and more.

"Please, everyone."

Bai Yang stepped aside.

Qin Manjiang took the lead towards Yang's car.

The four of them did not stay where they were. Yang was right about one thing, that is, everyone had the same understanding in this regard.

That is, the exit of Xiajiang Village must not be completely opened, and large-scale strange rumors must not break out.


The sky is darkest just before dawn.

Baiyang's car was big enough. After Qin Manjiang and the others got in the car, they rushed to Xiajiang Village overnight.

Qin Manjiang sat in the passenger seat and Yang drove the car without saying a word.

It had been driving for three hours now, and it was almost dawn. Qin Manjiang looked out the window. He had already left the city at this moment, but it was really dark at this moment when the stars and moon disappeared and the sun did not come out.

On the edge of the dark clouds hanging in the sky, a ray of orange-red light appeared and the hazy sunshine first appeared, and it was almost dawn.

Chen Su slept soundly in the last seat. Zhong Xueran, like Yan Xiao, didn't sleep all night. They were both thinking and looking out the window quietly.

In fact, before getting in the car, their reason told them not to trust Bai Yang so much.

His purpose was not pure from the beginning.

But all the precautions and vigilance disappeared inexplicably after meeting Bai Yang and talking for a few words.

He is still Yang...

"Now, you should be able to think of me." Yang asked softly after driving all night.

The sky is slowly changing from dark to bright. It was pitch black just now, but now there is some hazy sunlight.

But this little light really can't illuminate everything outside.

After Yang's words came into his ears, Qin Manjiang still looked out the window, holding his chin and not looking back: "Ah, I remembered, I met you twenty years ago, when I was a child."

"Right," Yang smiled happily, "Sometimes, I feel that our dead timeline is particularly romantic. Everything that happened and did not happen is history that has already been settled. We are on this line. We are piecing it all together here and there, and everything we do seems to have been tried our best, but in fact it is just restoring history itself."

"Just like the moment I saw you enter the pupil world, my heart beat uncontrollably. That face, that person... has been engraved in my memory since childhood. That day, that person suddenly disappeared from my memory. Li walked in front of me."

Yang glanced at the rearview mirror, but could only see Qin Manjiang's profile. He smiled: "Isn't it romantic?"


Qin Manjiang turned his head and looked at Yang.

"Huh?" Yang Yi raised an eyebrow.

Qin Manjiang closed his mouth: "Forget it, it's okay."

Yan Xiao, who was sitting in the back, did not say his first words to Bai Yang in a long time after his appearance:

"You may not have sorry us, but you did hurt someone."

Yang tilted his ear and asked, "Really? There is no such person in my memory."

"His name is Chen Zhiyuan. He has implemented the beliefs you passed on to everyone more firmly than you yourself."

Yan Xiao's voice was not loud, but it penetrated into Bai Yang's heart like a big bell.

"He tried his best and lost himself in the end."

Yan Xiao could see that Baiyang's hand grasped the steering wheel tightly.

He looked away and looked out the window calmly:

"You have never hurt us, and you don't need to say sorry to us."

"But you owe the people who truly believed in you an apology."

"If he can come back."

Thanks to Shuang Jingwan Leng, wangyao023, no way, book friend 2023, No. 95 Bing Kuo, for the reward.

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