Strange story player

Chapter 565 Floating Corpse

His words cheered up Qin Manjiang.

He has always wondered, why does it have to be this village?

According to Li Xijiu, two groups of people each created two man-made ghost stories, one in Xiajiang Village and the other in Guanyin Pinghu.

Qin Manjiang himself grew up in Xiajiang Village and had no sense of the weirdness there, and this place... If an accident in any village can spawn a man-made ghost story, it is unlikely that there will only be two man-made ghost stories. exists.

Now listening to what Boss Zhao said, Qin Manjiang vaguely understood something.

The strange stories here in Guanyin Pinghu are probably due to the trend!

"The place you are taking me to tonight will not be..."

"Yes," Boss Zhao didn't wait for Qin Manjiang to finish. He lowered his eyes and showed a bit of ridicule, "Are you afraid? In fact, the underground of the village is completely empty. It is a huge tomb. The whole village is equivalent to other people's tombs. We have been Stepping on the grave."

Qin Manjiang knew that he was irritating him and was afraid that he would regret it.

"Afraid but not afraid... How big is the tomb? Whose is it?" Qin Manjiang asked pretending to be curious.

Boss Zhao turned his head away: "How do I know? I'm not an archeologist. Let me tell you one more thing."

Qin Manjiang listened carefully, only to hear Boss Zhao say: "The current villagers are no longer the first batch."

While talking, he took a breath: "We are the second group. According to records, the ancestors of our group discovered this village accidentally. When they came, they found that it was an empty village, but there were food, farm tools, and stoves." There is a table and all the furniture, as if someone was living there just a second ago.”

"Isn't this the Peach Blossom Land that has been recorded? So our ancestors took over this village and lived in it in a grand manner. Therefore, no one knows what the name of this village is, and they don't even know that it is built on the tomb. Below is tomb."

I see……

It seems that all the weirdness cannot be attributed to Guanyin, such as the big-headed ghost that eats people.

Thinking of Guanyin, Qin Manjiang subconsciously glanced at the woman next to him.

Boss Zhao also glanced at her and asked, "What's your background as a woman? She plays sports? You can't even take a breath."

Qin Manjiang didn't know how to answer. After all, there was a high probability that the person next to him was the "Guanyin" invited back by Boss Zhao's father.

I just don’t know why the Guanyin turned into “her” and ran away.

For the time being, she should be harmless, no... it can even be said that her existence can help humans avoid the evil ghosts to a great extent.

"Forget it, women can handle it, why don't you give it a rest! Let's go!"

Boss Zhao stood up, patted his butt, and continued to lead the way up.

Qin Manjiang followed him. He already felt that the air seemed to be cleaner and fresher, and the reservoir was probably almost there.

Sure enough, when the three of them climbed over a slope and stood on the top of the mountain, a pool of green appeared in front of them.

A gust of wind blew, and it was much warmer than in the village.

Strangely enough, the village seemed to be frozen, but as soon as we left the village and came to the reservoir, the temperature returned to normal. Although it was still quite cold, it was not that outrageous.

At first glance, this reservoir should be more than a hundred meters wide. Although it is not a large reservoir, the depth of the water should be quite astonishing. There is already darkness under the blue water.

"Is it big? It was done by the Bai Group." Boss Zhao's eyes were full of unclear emotions. "This is a well-known good group and company. It has done a lot of good things, huh."

As he was talking, there was a sudden commotion in the reservoir below. Qin Manjiang could clearly see that many reservoir employees had come to the dam and were looking into the water.

"Come on, let's catch up with the excitement. We still have some fun to watch before Pagu comes."

Boss Zhao took the lead and ran towards the reservoir below.

Qin Manjiang and the woman followed him closely, looking into the reservoir as they ran. Before they even reached the place, Qin Manjiang already had a rough idea of ​​what was going on.

There is a person floating on the water.


It looked like a corpse.

When they arrived at the reservoir, a group of people were making noises, and Qin Manjiang heard a general idea.

There must have been an employee who was fishing, and then he smelled a rotten smell. He followed the smell and looked around, and soon found a blistered corpse in the reservoir.

At first, everyone thought they were living people, looking for ropes, throwing lifebuoys, and calling the police. This was the excitement they just saw on the top of the mountain.

But now this group of people, including Qin Manjiang and the three people who had just ran to the reservoir, were a little dumbfounded.

The blistered corpse floated closer and closer, and everyone could already roughly see it, but because they could see it clearly, they found it even more incredible.

It was really because the corpse was obviously rotten and swollen, but its arms and legs still moved occasionally!

"What to do? Live or die?"

"Fetch it out, what else can we do?"

"But it seems to be moving..."

"Then let it soak?"

"I guess there are fish swimming around underneath, or there's an undercurrent or something like that, making it look like it's still alive."

Listening to the words of everyone around him, Qin Manjiang suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Boss Zhao's face.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Boss Zhao's body was trembling slightly, his eyes were red, and he looked like an enraged bull.

"younger brother……"

"That's my fucking brother!"

Boss Zhao rushed over, pushed away the reservoir employee who was thrown into the dispute, tied a rope around his waist, and jumped into the water with a "plop".

His move startled everyone, and soon after seeing the person clearly, these people all started to help fish out the person.

Apparently they all knew this boss Zhao from a nearby village.

Qin Manjiang frowned. It was getting more and more confusing. Boss Zhao's brother disappeared in the village. Why did his body appear in the reservoir on the top of the mountain?

Or is it that his brother was indeed killed, his body was buried in this reservoir, and it surfaced by coincidence?

In the water, Mr. Zhao dragged and pulled the corpse. The hands and feet of the corpse were indeed moving. Qin Manjiang could see it clearly, and even the face that had been swollen by the soaks still had an expression!

After getting closer, not only Qin Manjiang but also other reservoir employees were in an uproar and panicked.

Is that possible?

Really alive? !

This was too outrageous. The man's skin had been soaked into a jelly-like shape and would break if he poked it. When Boss Zhao tried to pull him, he pulled out a lot of the soaked flesh.

How can you still live in such a state?

Impossible...absolutely impossible!

There must be something wrong somewhere...

Qin Manjiang suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart. He turned his head and looked at the mysterious woman beside him.

For the first time, other emotions showed on her face.

It was an emotion of hatred...resentment.

I had diarrhea and fluids, and people are weak. I am coding the third chapter. If I can code it, I will upload it. If I can’t handle it, I will upload it at one or two o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Everyone, go to bed first. Good night, don’t My body is hurt and it’s hard to bear.

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