Strange story player

Chapter 566 Left String

"Hey! Water...there seems to be something under the water!"

A voice suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at the bottom of the water, and there was really something floating up!

Even Qin Manjiang, who had seen many strange phenomena, couldn't help but feel a little numb when he suddenly saw this scene.

One, two, three...

Densely packed, there are at least dozens of corpses floating up from the bottom of the water!

There was a sudden silence around them, and everyone felt a chill that penetrated their souls.

There are so many corpses under the reservoir...

The staff were all stunned and had called the police immediately.

Only Boss Zhao, who had just pulled his younger brother ashore, had only shock and fear on his always irritable face.

Because he knows all these people!

The corpses that emerged from the water were all missing villagers from Guanyin Village!

And the most chilling thing is that these terrifying bloated corpses can even move their hands and feet!

Most of the reservoir staff had been scared away, and soon there were only five people left on the dam. Apart from Qin Manjiang and the other three, there were only two reservoir employees left.

Although one of the employees was younger, Qin Manjiang recognized him at a glance as Xie Xingrong, the man who was imprisoned in Mianshan Mental Hospital twenty years later.

As for the other one, I think it was Wang Youfu who Yi Yu visited in prison.

The densely packed corpses slowly and silently surfaced from the water.

"Brother!" Boss Zhao pulled his younger brother out of the water, but what he never expected was that this "person" who could still blink in the water and was still doing things would be pulled to the shore as soon as he left the water. At the same time, all the flesh and blood on his body immediately rotted and fell off!

In the blink of an eye, the man dragged ashore by Boss Zhao turned into a pile of bones.

At this time, Qin Manjiang also discovered a figure that looked particularly familiar to him among the corpses that floated up.


His eyes were wide open, his face was pale, and his skin was so swollen that it was almost translucent. Only his eyes were still moving, and his mouth was also moving!

Ever since Yang Zeng mentioned lip reading in [Huangquan Opera], Qin Manjiang had devoted himself to understanding lip reading. Although he was not proficient in it, it was not difficult to read a rough outline.

And from the mouth of "himself" in the water, what Qin Manjiang read was...





He deserves to die!


What is he expressing?

Is he really me?

Qin Manjiang looked at "himself" in the water and fell into confusion for a moment.

He remembered the dream in which the woman said "Three times."

If she is indeed referring to the strange story that Qin Manjiang has come to Guanyin Village for the third time, then what explanation should be given to "his" body in the water?

If it had been repeated three times, the corpses of other people should have appeared repeatedly, but now there was a duplicate corpse, only Qin Manjiang himself.

But if it hadn't been repeated three times, was "his" body just an illusion?

In fact, in other people's eyes, that's not him?

Qin Manjiang was not sure either. In this strange story, he had no companions, only himself. He was the only observer from the real world...

Maybe she can give me the answer?

Qin Manjiang turned around and looked at this mysterious woman.

Her eyes had always been calm and her expression was calm, but her mood changed significantly after seeing a large area of ​​corpses emerging from the reservoir.

Are you angry?

Rather than being angry, it was better to say that she seemed to have seen a "natural enemy".

"Is that corpse mine?" Qin Manjiang asked, pointing to the floating corpse in the water that looked exactly like his.

Her eyes shifted from the water to Qin Manjiang and said, "No."

Qin Manjiang was startled by her sudden voice: "Can you speak?"

Her expression finally became more vivid, as if she suddenly had a soul, and she smiled mysteriously: "When did I say that I couldn't speak?"

This this……

Even though Qin Manjiang was full of doubts at this moment, he was still stunned for a long time.

What was even weirder was that she suddenly looked up at Qin Manjiang with a bit of emotion in her eyes: "He really succeeded."

"What are you talking about?" Qin Manjiang looked at her puzzled.

Who is this woman?

If we say that she was "mute" before, she still has a bit of Guanyin's temperament.

Now she is clearly a smart person.

"Come with me first." She pulled Qin Manjiang and glanced aside. "The police have been called here. The police and Baigu will be here soon. You and I cannot be taken away for investigation now."

Indeed... neither he nor she has an identity.

Qin Manjiang glanced at Boss Zhao: "What about him?"

"Don't you have an appointment? Go tell him and see you tonight."

For some reason, this woman still felt very familiar to Qin Manjiang, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with this "commanding" way of speaking.

Qin Manjiang went over to talk to Boss Zhao. Boss Zhao was still immersed in this terrifying phenomenon and couldn't extricate himself. When he finally heard what Qin Manjiang said, Qin Manjiang had already left.

"Hey, who are you?" Qin Manjiang followed her, but she was not going back to the village, but walking towards the other end of the dam.

"Left string."

She told the shocking truth in an understatement!

Left string? !

The woman in Yi Lianhai's diary who first discovered the existence of [Pupillary Realm]? !

"Are you surprised?" She looked at Qin Manjiang again. "I admit that you are very powerful, and you actually did such a thing, but I haven't lost yet, Jiang Du."

From her mouth, Qin Manjiang heard the name Jiang Du again.

Does she think I am Jiang Du now?

Qin Manjiang shook his head immediately: "I'm not Jiang Du. You may not believe it. I am..."

"Twenty years later, Qin Manjiang, right? I still gave you your name." She said without looking back.

"Stop talking nonsense," Qin Manjiang was startled by the first half of her sentence, but in the second half he realized that she was obviously lying, "My name was given by my father."

She suddenly stopped and turned around with a mysterious smile: "Your father is a serious person, right? Think about could he suddenly give you such a name so casually? "

Qin Manjiang suddenly felt horrified. He stared at Zuo Xian: "You...were you the father at that time?"

"No, I just borrowed his body for a short time. This is not difficult for me to do. Don't you know that I failed to upgrade? Jiang Du."

she said again.

Qin Manjiang had already fallen into extreme confusion. He looked at his hands and looked away: "No... I am not Jiang Du."

Zuo Xian was silent for a moment and then said:

"You have always been the three of us. We have chosen three paths. Your method is the most confusing. You said that you want to suspend your own time, go to the future, and then rescue the present."

Zuo Xian looked at him in amazement: "I don't know how you did it, but you, dead, really appeared at the place you predicted."

"Anyway, welcome back, Jiang Du."

(My diarrhea turned into vomiting and diarrhea. This is not ordinary diarrhea. I was diagnosed with Norovirus infection today. I have some fever symptoms. It’s extremely difficult to bear... The updates have been extremely unstable in the past two days. Please forgive me, I’m really out of energy. Everyone has lost two pounds, it’s scary.)

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