Strange story player

Chapter 564 Mountain Road

Boss Zhao looked at Qin Manjiang with half-squinted eyes for a while, then glanced at the woman next to him: "Where are you from?"

Qin Manjiang vaguely understood what this person meant, and immediately made up a good origin: "It doesn't matter where I come from. Anyway, I won't deal with Bai Gu."

Upon hearing the name Baigu, Boss Zhao finally confirmed that Qin Manjiang did not wander into the village because he got lost.

Could it be that this kid has also been fooled by Pagu?

"Then what would you do if I told you that Bogu was also nearby?" Boss Zhao looked at Qin Manjiang with sideways eyes.

Qin Manjiang understood and asked, "Did he go to the reservoir?"

Boss Zhao was really shocked now. This boy actually knew about Baigu's movements.

"Okay, it seems that you are indeed here to bring bad luck to Bo Gu. To tell you frankly, I am also looking to bring bad luck to him. However, you have to show some skills before I can tell you what I know." Zhao The boss finally revealed some news.

Qin Manjiang pondered for a moment and asked: "I heard those people talking. Are you the village chief's son? Why are you going against him?"

"What are you going to do?" Boss Zhao's eyes were fierce. "If he hadn't been my father, I would have wanted to kill him! That damn old man, my son, and my brother are all missing!"

"That's what happened after he got the Guanyin back. Damn, it was said that the village was going to be developed. He and I went to Baishi Group to discuss things. In the first half of the process, I heard something was wrong. They seemed to be talking about some kind of divine religion. Let’s talk about it alone later without letting me hear it.”

Boss Zhao's face was extremely ugly. This man, who looked chaotic and irritable at first glance, was actually holding a lot of energy in his heart.

Qin Manjiang nodded. He also observed yesterday that there were surprisingly few old people and children in this village, and the age structure was very strange.

Then think of the vision I saw when I signed in at [Guanyin Pinghu] a few days ago.

If you climb on the Guanyin statue and fall off the Guanyin statue, you will fall into the corpse pool.

The corpse pool was full of naked human bodies, the majority of which were old people and children.

Now listening to what Boss Zhao said, is there really such a pool where corpses are piled in this village?

As for this Boss Zhao, his expression does not seem to be hypocritical. He is troubled by incomparable entanglements and contradictions. His son and younger brother are both missing. Boss Zhao knows that it is related to what his father did, but due to the relationship between father and son, many things There is no way to do it.

Qin Manjiang thought about it from his perspective. It was really difficult to deal with it from his position.

"Hey, are you brave?" Boss Zhao suddenly asked.

Qin Manjiang smiled: "It's okay."

Boss Zhao nodded: "Okay, tonight, I will take you to a place that requires more than two people to open."

Upon hearing this, Qin Manjiang immediately nodded in agreement: "Okay, what about now?"

"Go to the reservoir! The old man is going to meet someone at the reservoir today." Boss Zhao raised his chin toward the outside of the village.

Qin Manjiang looked over there and frowned slightly: "Isn't the road out of the village frozen?"

"I was assigned a road-building job by him, but the genius built the road for him honestly," Mr. Zhao said with a wink, "Come here, I will take you on a small road."

Qin Manjiang was naturally happy. He glanced at the woman next to him. She never said a word and just followed Qin Manjiang closely. She would leave when he left and stop when he stopped.

"Okay, let's go now?"


Boss Zhao was a little excited, and Qin Manjiang could tell that this man was also holding back his emotions.

It is estimated that he has long discovered the mysterious place that requires two people to open. The reason why he has not been able to enter is probably because Boss Zhao can no longer find anyone else in this village that he can trust.

Even for Boss Zhao, he doesn't trust the people in the village as much as Qin Manjiang, an outsider.

At least Qin Manjiang was "stamped" by Old Man Zhao last night to be caught.

The three of them were speechless all the way. Under the leadership of Boss Zhao, they got into a wild land overgrown with weeds and dense branches. At first glance, there was no such thing as a "road" in this place. Fortunately, Boss Zhao was familiar with the road. This is not the first time I have taken this road.

Qin Manjiang asked the woman to walk in the middle, and he took the back seat. He looked around. This path, which almost extended out of the thorn bushes, was winding upwards. The direction was right. The reservoir was indeed on the mountain.

After walking for a while, Mr. Zhao panted and sat down to take a breath: "What do you think the development value of this kind of shabby place is? The old man can only deceive the uneducated people in the village."

Qin Manjiang stepped on the soil under his feet and asked, "If he brings the Guanyin statue back to the village, others will have no objection?"

"Opinions? What kind of opinions can Clay Legs put forward?" Boss Zhao sneered, "Bogu gave the dead old man a sum of money. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I guess the old man used the money to clear the way for these people. What other opinions would there be? If ten more Guanyins are erected, they will pretend they haven’t seen it.”

"But you also said that people are missing in the village, and their sons and elders must be among the missing people, so they are indifferent?" Qin Manjiang asked again.

Boss Zhao shook his head: "I'm also wondering, what kind of ecstasy soup did that damn old man pour into other people? There are almost no old people or children in the village now, huh? Wait... you can't say that."

He seemed to suddenly realize something, and muttered: "Yes... yes! It's not that the missing people are based on age, but it seems to be based on seniority?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"Look," Boss Zhao pointed at himself, "In my family, my mother has died long ago, leaving my brother, me, and that dead old man. I also have a son. My wife is divorced and is not here. In the village.”

"I just thought carefully about the people left in the village. Basically, their parents are missing, their children are missing, and only myself is left."

" looks like that old man showed mercy and didn't take me away."

Parents, children...

Qin Manjiang's heart moved and he wrote down Boss Zhao's speculation.

After setting out on the road again, the three of them did not talk anymore. The mountain road was rugged and extremely difficult to climb. Walking was already very strenuous. If they continued to talk, they might fall down the slope.

It took nearly an hour of climbing like this before we reached a relatively gentle area. Qin Manjiang and Boss Zhao were both very tired, but the woman was still blushing and out of breath, looking like she was fine.

"Look, what does it look like?" Boss Zhao suddenly stood up and pointed down the mountain.

Qin Manjiang looked in the direction of his finger. It turned out that he was pointing to Guanyin Village in the mountain col.

Looking down from a high place like this, the overall shape of Guanyin Village, coupled with the low-lying terrain, no matter how you look at it... the village looks more like a tomb.

"Is it similar?" Boss Zhao's eyes showed some inexplicable emotions, "The place where I was born is really a tomb."

"Before it was renamed Guanyin Village, it had no name."

Boss Zhao withdrew his gaze and turned around, as if muttering to himself or sarcastically telling Qin Manjiang:

"I went out to read and heard some things about this village. Hey... I was born and raised here, but I don't know about it, and neither do the people in this village."

"They have no idea..."

"There is a big tomb under this village, huh..."

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