Strange story player

Chapter 503 Chase and Escape

Liu Jingqing couldn't bear it anymore. She suddenly retracted her hand, but was suddenly blocked by a "chain"!

Liu Jingqing subconsciously grasped the car key. Unexpectedly, the car key that she had been looking for for a long time but couldn't find it actually got hung up when she retracted her hand!

She immediately retracted her hand in fear and joy, picked it up and looked at the light: "It's the key!"

Jiang Du immediately took the key, opened the car door, and got in without hesitation.

At this time, Liu Jingqing discovered that before Jiang Du started the car, the car was heaving strangely!

It was the ghost, the ghost that was pressed under the car, that moved!

She backed away in horror, and at this moment Jiang Du had already started the red car.

Once he moved the car out of the way, the ghost came out!

Liu Jingqing turned around and ran away. When the ghost was released, it would be too late for her to run away again!



Jiang Du honked the horn, shifted into gear, and slowly drove out of the parking space.

He also felt something bad. The car was shaking like crazy, and the ghost under the chassis was pushing up like crazy.

In addition to the sound of the vehicle starting, the underground garage also echoed with the endless roar of the devil!

Liu Jingqing's action of stuffing her eyeballs just now seemed to have completely angered it. At this moment, the entire underground parking lot was filled with terrifying screams, which even made the eardrums hurt.


Jiang Du clearly felt that he had run over something. After driving out of the parking space, he immediately changed gears and stepped on the accelerator to speed forward!

The illumination from the car's taillights made him see the ghost just now through the rearview mirror...

It is indeed the image of a wrinkled old man. He is raising his head and crawling quickly on the ground!

On that upturned face, the left eyeball showed a terrifying black color, but the right eyeball was really reversed!

The fascia is spread all over, and the eyes are filled with blood vessels and optic nerves. It looks extremely terrifying!

It is chasing the car at an extremely fast speed!

Although Liu Jingqing ran away first, she was just running after all, and was soon overtaken by Jiang Du's car.

When she drove by in Jiangdu, she shouted: "Open the door!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Du turned a deaf ear and actually accelerated to overtake her!

Liu Jingqing's scalp went numb and she turned around and glanced back. The scary old lady was still crawling on the ground, much faster than her!

Even if you run with all your strength, it will catch up to you in ten seconds at most...

I should have gotten in the car just now... The existence of that red car must have a meaning, only a car can outrun it!

The roar of the fierce ghost behind her made Liu Jingqing's scalp numb. She didn't dare to look back at all, for fear that the terrifying old man ghost would be right behind her if she turned around.

But when Liu Jingqing was about to despair, Jiangdu stopped ahead, and the passenger door opened.


Jiang Du's voice was devoid of any emotion.

But Liu Jingqing survived the desperate situation. It turned out that he had to park in front and reserve some time in advance. That's right. If he had parked directly, both of them would have been overtaken by the ghost.

With a strong will to survive, Liu Jingqing unleashed all her strength. She gritted her teeth and ran wildly, while the ghost behind her got closer and closer!

Five meters...

Four meters...

Three meters...

Two meters...

Just as he was about to get on the bus, the vehicle started to drive slowly.

But Liu Jingqing understood what he meant. Just like in a relay race, it is the best choice to warm up and run for a while before passing the baton.

She gritted her teeth, two meters!

one meter……


Liu Jingqing suddenly jumped into the passenger seat!

Before she could sit down and close the door, Jiang Du stepped on the accelerator and left with a bang.


Liu Jingqing rolled with the inertia and almost fell out again. She adjusted her body with difficulty and quickly closed the door.

At this moment, she breathed a sigh of relief, her chest heaving and panting violently, but before she could speak, she heard a "bang——"!

A terrifying figure suddenly appeared on the windshield in front of the car!

The ferocious old man's face and the eyeball that she had faked were so frightening that Liu Jingqing couldn't help but scream.

This ghost actually caught up with me!

Then it raised its skinny and twisted arm high and slammed it against the windshield.


A group of spider web-like cracks suddenly appeared.

Liu Jingqing's eyes widened in horror. If this continued, it would break the window and come in within three or five strokes!

However, Jiang Du had no intention of slowing down at all, and instead continued to step on the accelerator! What does he want to do? ! Although the underground parking lot is very large, if you rush down at this speed, not only will you not be able to turn, but you will also hit the wall very quickly!

Did he just want to hit the wall? !

Liu Jingqing's complexion changed drastically.

This madman...

At this time, Jiang Du, who looked grim, suddenly said coldly: "Fasten your seat belt."

He really wanted to hit this ghost with his car, but was such a thing possible? !

It's a ghost! Even if the two of them were killed at this speed, it would not die.

But Liu Jingqing still did as she was told. One of her greatest strengths is that she is obedient.

Almost immediately, after Liu Jingqing tied it up, she saw the ghost raising its arms high again, just as it was about to smash down!

Jiang Du was targeting this exact opportunity!

The red car that was speeding with the accelerator suddenly hit the brakes!


The screeching sound of the brakes, accompanied by the smell of burning tires, suddenly threw a black shadow away!

Jiang Du and Liu Jingqing were also violently off-balance, but both of them were well prepared.

It's just that Liu Jingqing was preparing for the impact and was leaning back desperately.

But Jiang Du was ready to brake suddenly. After leaning forward with the inertia, he immediately engaged the reverse gear very quickly, turned the steering wheel to death, kicked the accelerator, and the vehicle quickly completed an extremely smooth U-turn!

It wasn't until the car had driven some distance that Liu Jingqing realized what Jiang Du had done.

However, she soon discovered that behind the car's taillights, a terrifying face covered in blood was roaring and continuing to chase her.

"Still haven't gotten rid of it!" Liu Jingqing said quickly to Jiang Du.

"I said that the first stage of Qin Manjiang's game is to find someone, and your first stage is to hide. Now it's the second stage, and it's the other way around."

"The way this ghost clears the level is to hide."

Jiang Du said in a cold but calm tone, as if he was not worried about being caught up by ghosts at all.

"You'd better think immediately about where you can hide so that it won't find you. Although you won't be caught up by it while driving this car."

Jiang Du paused and continued:

"However, the fuel tank of this car has been red since it started. I can't guarantee how long it can drive."

After hearing this, Liu Jingqing went to take a look at the oil gauge in stunned silence.

Sure enough... out of gas.

In other words, this red car may stop at any time!

(Chapter 3 will be updated after 12 o’clock)

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