Strange story player

Chapter 504 Seeing Through

what to do?

There is no longer enough gas, and the car will stop at any time. With the speed of this ghost, people will definitely not be able to outrun it.

What Jiang Du said made sense. In the first stage, Qin Manjiang's way of survival was to catch the others while they hid.

Now in the second stage, everyone's way of survival has become to catch their corresponding ghost. For Qin Manjiang's ghost, the way to clear the second stage may really be to hide!

But, how to hide?

Jiang Du drove the car, staring ahead, constantly glancing left and right. It should be difficult for him to distract himself from the problem of hiding place... He could only rely on himself.

This ghost is so fast, the only way to avoid being overtaken by it is by driving this car.

Speaking of which, pressing the accelerator to the bottom and accelerating at full speed can open a certain distance instantly and free up about ten seconds to hide. But if you do that, the fuel gauge that has reached the red zone will definitely run out of gas in an instant, even if the fuel If it is not completely exhausted, the time it takes to stop and start again will cause the car to be overtaken by ghosts! Once stopped, the car cannot be used again...

Therefore, speeding up to create distance can only be the last resort after figuring out where to hide.

Liu Jingqing thought hard. She was an author, but an author of romance novels. She was good at dealing with the delicate and complex relationships between people, but she was not good at some unconstrained and seemingly logical but far-fetched weird conjectures.

For this ghost, is there really such a place that it can't find?


For it?

Liu Jingqing suddenly realized something.

But at this time, Jiang Du suddenly asked: "What's going on with its eyes?"


When Jiang Du mentioned this, Liu Jingqing immediately remembered it, and she quickly said: "When I was fumbling for the car keys, I knocked off its eyeballs. You should have heard it. Its voice was very scary. Let me remove its eyeballs." Put it back, and then I..."

Jiang Du glanced at the rearview mirror with a cold expression. Behind the car's taillights, the ghost was still crawling quickly on all fours.

"You missed a way out."

Jiang Du opened his mouth and said.


Liu Jingqing's heart tightened.

"Look, is its running posture strange?" Jiang Du asked.

Liu Jingqing immediately looked at the rearview mirror. No matter how many times she looked at the ghost, she still felt creepy. She couldn't help but wipe the blood on her hands again.

After looking carefully for several times, Liu Jingqing finally understood what Jiang Du was talking about.

"It seems to be leaning to the left!"

Wait...don't tell me!

Jiang Du tilted his head slightly and glanced at her: "Looking at your expression, I should have realized that you missed a good opportunity."

"Did you deliberately pick out that ghost's eyeball?"

Liu Jingqing immediately shook her head. How could she dare to pick the ghost's eyeballs?

The eyeball fell into her hand while she was fumbling for her car keys.

"This is the most obvious hint. When this ghost is pressed under the car, it seems that it is unable to carry out any effective attacks. Even if its eyeball falls into your hand, it can only be put back by you."

"At that time, you should also gouge out its other eyeball. A ghost that relies on vision to find humans cannot find us after both eyes are gouged out."

Although Jiang Du said that she had missed a way out, there was no regret or blame in her tone, as if this was not important to him at all.

After hearing this, Liu Jingqing felt a little numb.

The touch of that eyeball makes her feel nauseous even now, not to mention the ghost screamed miserably at that time. How could she have thought so much?

Now listening to Jiang Du's explanation, Liu Jingqing also felt that she had missed a way out. But listening to Jiang Du's meaning, could there be more than one way out?

"Is there any other way?"

Liu Jingqing looked at him nervously.

Jiang Du stared ahead indifferently: "No, but there is more than one way to survive, and it is not fixed. Different choices can create new ways of survival in desperate situations. It all depends on you."

He seemed to have changed his mind, and his words were somewhat persuasive.

But Liu Jingqing was keenly aware of something at this time.

Her ability to capture the delicate emotions between people is much better than pure logic.

"Did you lie?"

Liu Jingqing said.

Her voice was soft and weak, but her tone when she said these words was extremely firm.

Jiang Du didn't answer, he just looked ahead quietly, his eyes scanning back and forth.

"You said that the moment you started the car, you saw that there was no gas in the gas tank, so the reason why you stopped the car and waited for me was not because you suddenly showed kindness and saved my life, but because you just wanted to take me with you when the car ran out of gas. Leave me behind at that moment to buy yourself more time, right?”

Jiang Du's eyes trembled. His expression was either too arrogant or too quiet, and rarely showed subtle changes.

But at this moment, he was revealed by this seemingly weak writer.

" have found a second way to survive."

Liu Jingqing looked at Jiang Du's expression and said something even more shocking.

Jiang Du drove the car in silence, still not looking at her.

Liu Jingqing didn't speak for a while. She looked at the terrifying ghost in the rearview mirror, and then at Jiang Du's expression as he kept scanning the front...

The "for it" that I just thought about also came back to my mind.

For this ghost, there is no place it can find...

Liu Jingqing stared at the rearview mirror, thinking hard, she squeezed her brain to the limit!

At this moment, it felt like lightning flashed across my head!

A look of disbelief appeared on Liu Jingqing's face.

"I see……"

She looked at Jiang Du, slightly retracting her body towards the car window, and said: "The ghost's behavior is to lie on the ground and crawl quickly... Although its head can be raised slightly, the angle is very limited. As long as it crawls underground, On the pipe on top of the parking lot, it’s not visible at all…”

"But... you don't know how long the car can be driven, and you don't know where to climb up more conveniently, so you keep scanning back and forth. If you are just driving, you don't need to scan at all! You are looking for a suitable place to climb up. The location of the top pipe…”

"And I... I'm just going to use it to delay the ghost's time after you run out of gas or find a suitable climbing spot, right?"

Liu Jingqing suddenly felt that this person was more terrifying than the crazy ghost behind him!

But Jiang Du's expression became more and more vivid, and he praised: "You are very powerful. I tried not to make unnecessary expressions, but you still found out the clues."

His tone didn't sound like he was praising someone, but more like he was praising a useful prop.

"But... you can die."

"Because...I have found the right place."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Du stepped on the accelerator and instantly opened the distance between him and the ghost!

This sudden acceleration also caused Liu Jingqing's body to suddenly lose balance. Before she could react, Jiang Du suddenly stepped on the brakes again!

By the time Liu Jingqing reacted, Jiang Du had already opened the car door and rushed out!

Liu Jingqing immediately unbuckled her seat belt. She wanted to climb into the driver's seat and start the car again, but the moment of delay in unbuckling her seat belt had already allowed the ghost to catch up...

Liu Jingqing's hand stopped on the car key and she looked desperately at the rearview mirror.

Jiang Du, on the other hand, had already turned over several times and nimbly climbed onto the red pipe at the top.

Staring down indifferently.

You're fine, but...

You must die.

Thanks to wangyao023, the one with a long name, Ayan, Jiandianmeijian, Big Eyed Wolf, Master Mighty, Book Friends 202304, and the reward of The Mystery of Dawn, thank you, good night

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