Strange story player

Chapter 502 Eyes

Liu Jingqing gritted her teeth and looked at him. Although she was now skeptical of anything the person in front of her said, what made her helpless was that every time he said something, she couldn't refute it, and it hit the point... After all... She really didn't want Qin Manjiang to die.

Even after thinking about it several times, Liu Jingqing had to admit that there was some truth in what he said. Qin Manjiang was not a player in the first stage. His life path was different from everyone else's at that time. Now the second stage is different from the first stage. There is an obvious connection between the stages, so Qin Manjiang's path to survival is still very likely to be different from everyone else's.

"Okay, I'll get it."

Liu Jingqing gritted her teeth and nodded.

"But do you really want to drive away and rescue her?" Although Liu Jingqing was confused by Jiang Du's call skills, she still maintained a certain level of sobriety in her heart.

She won't act rashly until the person in front of her explains clearly why she wants to drive to "rescue ghosts."

Jiang Du seemed a little surprised, but he quickly found a reason: "She said, help me, you should still remember it."

"This is a game. This sentence is like an exclamation mark on the head of an NPC. You know clearly that there will be a series of troublesome tasks after clicking on it, but you have to click on it, right?"

This reason was a bit plain and simple, but it convinced Liu Jingqing.

That's right... this ghost is derived from Qin Manjiang. If it doesn't carry out its specific mission, there will be no way to clear the level. This thing... must be done.

"All right……"

Liu Jingqing took a deep breath and tried to calm down the violent beating of her heart.

Knowing that the other person is a ghost, you still have to put your hand under the car and look for a car key near the ghost's neck. This is undoubtedly a huge pressure.

Will a ghost suddenly grab me and drag me under the car?

Will it suddenly eat my hand?

All kinds of terrible thoughts were running through my mind.

This feeling is almost like having a fierce dog that is temporarily tied up with a chain, and you accidentally dropped your mobile phone next to the fierce dog, and you have to reach in and get it carefully...


Liu Jingqing slowly exhaled a breath, her eyes no longer so frightened.

Mr. Qin has helped her so many times. Even if the ghost really hurts her, Liu Jingqing has already made up her mind in her heart.

Jiang Du looked at the change in Liu Jingqing's expression, and a strange look appeared on his face.

That boy... is he worthy of having someone do this for him?

However, it's not enough...

Nothing can support this level of emotion.

What he experienced twenty years ago clearly told him that the strongest emotion in the world is hate.

Unforgettable hatred!

Only hatred that goes deep into the bones can offset the final impact of this game...

Only then can everything return to normal.

Jiang Du turned around without saying a word and stopped looking at Liu Jingqing.

The plan is going smoothly, and that person... has also created the atmosphere of Fucheng [Tongjie] very well.

The more it is like this, the more it will breed the most terrifying hatred when destroyed.

He doesn't care about the hatred of one or two people, it's just a drop in the bucket.

What he wants... is to reveal the bloody truth at the moment when everything is getting better and everyone is full of hope for the future...

Then, let everyone's lives become nourishment, feeding a monster that is more desperate and painful than [Tongjie]... a monster that can rival it.

Only in this way……

it's the only way.

After Liu Jingqing adjusted for a while, she looked at Jiang Du: "I'm ready."

Jiang Du didn't turn around, he just looked at her with his cell phone so that she could reach under the car to get the keys.

In Liu Jingqing's eyes at this moment, the red car was like a big red coffin, lying in front of her.

The emotion of fear cannot be suppressed.

But there are some things that you have to do no matter how scared you are.

"I...I'm here to get the key!"

Liu Jingqing was half-kneeling by the front wheel of the car, as if she was talking to Jiang Du, or to the old man under the car.

There was no answer from the bottom of the car, only intermittent small moans.

Liu Jingqing gritted her teeth. The long-term pain was worse than the short-term pain. She directly put her hand under the car and started groping.

However, the touch on her hand was of sticky, cold liquid...

Her instinctive reaction made her want to retract her hand, but the thoughts in her mind made her find the key and take it out at once.

Human will and instinct are at war madly at this moment.

Jiang Du stood behind Liu Jingqing and used his mobile phone to illuminate her. At the same time, he quietly thought about possible solutions to the ghost's appearance.

He wasn't lying just now. This ghost was indeed like an exclamation point in the game's mission. If he didn't accept the mission of rescuing it, there would be no way to proceed to the next step.

Therefore, the key lies in what happens after rescuing it.

Speaking of which, this method should not be used to save the "person" who was crushed under the car. It will only cause more serious secondary injuries.

But this is not a person, it is a ghost, not to mention that the key to this car is on the ghost, which is unreasonable in itself. this unreasonable phenomenon just to highlight the weirdness of ghosts?

Jiang Du didn't think things were that simple.

At this time, Liu Jingqing's face, which was groping, froze and turned pale in an instant.

She touched something slippery and immediately dared not move.

The old lady's voice also appeared from under the car: "You took my eyes out..."

"give me back……"

Liu Jingqing was so frightened that she had goosebumps all over her body. She apologized tremblingly: "Yes...I'm sorry...I didn't know that..."

As she spoke, she held the huge, smooth ball and fumbled fearfully for the face under the car.

Liu Jingqing was extremely frightened, but she did not dare to throw away the eyeball.

She remembered that she had obviously been very careful and did not pick it at all. This eyeball clearly fell into her hand suddenly!

Now she had to suppress her fear and groped the face with extreme fear. The disgusting touch gave her goosebumps all over her body.

These are lips... Liu Jingqing trembled and quickly removed her finger.

A little above that are the eyes?

She didn't know whether it was the left eye or the right eye, so she could only feel for the ghost's eye socket. The left eye socket was bulging, but the right eye was sunken.

It's the right eye...

Liu Jingqing was about to cry.

She could clearly feel that her hands were covered in blood at this moment!

But she had to do it.

Just stuff it in...just stuff its eyeballs back into their sockets.

Liu Jingqing tremblingly found the socket of his right eye, and forcefully stuffed the disgusting eyeball into the ghost's right eye socket!


A hysterical and crazy howl suddenly came from under the car. The "old lady" suddenly struggled and howled:

"My eyes! My eyes!!!!"

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