Strange story player

Chapter 356 Jiuqu Alley

at the same time.

Luo Chengyou stood in the alley, with a thick fog behind him.

His waxy face was expressionless, but his lips were moving back and forth as if he was talking to himself.

He's going crazy.

Everyone in Fucheng [Tongjie] knows it, including himself.

The time he could stay awake was running out.

But, there is one thing that everyone doesn’t know.

They thought that Luo Chengyou couldn't stand the stimulation of [Tongjie], so he fell into madness and gradually lost his mind.

But the real reason is... permanent props.

So far, no one in the entire Pupil Realm knows that Luo Chengyou, a player who is not in the ten seats, a sallow-faced middle-aged man with no sense of existence except for being crazy, actually has permanent props.

His sense of presence is very low, so low that everyone has forgotten that this middle-aged man is an old player, and he entered the [Eye Realm] earlier than most people. When the previous chief Yang was still there, He's already in the ghost story game.

He even got the permanent props very early and almost made it to the top ten.

However, after getting the permanent props, the number of spiritual pupil points Luo Chengyou received not only did not increase, but actually decreased. However, he survived every ghost story after that.

But, he couldn't use it this time.

His permanent prop is a mirror.

It's very small, like a makeup mirror for women.

Some people say that permanent props are "custom-made" according to each person's soul traits. Luo Chengyou is very surprised. Is his soul trait a woman who loves beauty?

However, after using it, he gradually understood.

Luo Chengyou is a doctor and has the same profession as Yan Xiao.

But unlike Yan Xiao, he only graduated from an ordinary medical university and did not pass the postgraduate entrance examination. After training, he was not able to stay in a public tertiary hospital. Under the dual pressure of life and employment, he chose a private hospital with a good salary. Class II hospital.

Life was supposed to go on like this day by day, until one day, when he came out to wash his hands after using the toilet in the hospital, he accidentally saw himself in the mirror.

Although he was wearing a doctor's white coat, his face was sallow, his eyes were dull, his beard was unkempt, and there were old black stains on the mirror, just like the spots on his own face.

He suddenly felt a wave of fear, the fear of being able to see his head at a glance all his life. In a trance, Luo Chengyou seemed to see himself twenty years later, standing in front of the mirror with a big belly. It was still this hospital, still dirty. Wash your hands in front of the dirty mirror.

However, he did not choose to change, and he was unable to choose to change.

A person's life is determined by many factors.

People with better native families have enough room for error to try and do what they like. But the vast majority of people, like Luo Chengyou, are unable to achieve high or low levels, and lack the courage and ability to change the status quo. This is not a derogatory sense.

Until he reached middle age, one day, Luo Chengyou suddenly received a text message with a link attached.

After clicking in, his life changed.

This is a passive change.

Everyone knows the truth, that is, we cannot know which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

Everyone just listens to this statement and does not take it seriously, nor does they spend every day as if it is the last day.

But Luo Chengyou was different. After entering the ghost story game, he really couldn't predict which one of the accidents and tomorrows would come first. In the face of the unknown "death", he suddenly dared to make all the choices and things that he didn't dare to try before. Did it.

So, he chose to resign and start reading medical books again. He wanted to go to a better hospital and wanted to become a doctor with superb medical skills praised by his peers like Yan Xiao.

It was also at that time that he suddenly understood why his permanent prop was a small mirror.

Perhaps, when he looked in the mirror that time, another person separated in his heart, and that person carried his ideals and lived the life he longed for.

Permanent prop - [Mind-gazing Mirror].

This mirror is fundamentally different from other people's permanent props. Luo Chengyou got a hint when he got the permanent props in the first game.

[Once used, your sanity will flow into the mirror permanently, cannot be stopped, and the process is irreversible. 】

[Once used, subsequent viewing in the mirror will no longer consume sanity, but will consume spiritual pupil points according to the duration. 】

[The more subsequent uses, the faster the sanity is consumed. 】

That's right...his permanent props, either he doesn't use them from the beginning, and once he uses them, it's only a matter of time before he goes crazy, because reason will keep flowing into the mirror.

Moreover, although subsequent use will not consume his sanity, it will consume his spiritual pupil points and speed up the loss of sanity.

This is also the reason why Luo Chengyou's spiritual pupil points have not increased much.

However, the unique price also gave Luo Chengyou unique abilities.

Once his [Mind Mirror] is used, he can immediately read the "ghost's" next thought. Moreover, it can be used not only on ghosts, but also on players!

Luo Chengyou can even see the "thoughts" of other players!

He can truly... observe the mind.

Because of this, he knew many secrets in this [Pupillary Realm] that should not be known.

But... none of that has anything to do with him. He is a half-crazy person, and no one will believe his words.

No one would believe that among the remaining people in Fucheng [Tongjie], there are actually more "ancient" players who have been looking for something.

Luo Chengyou looked at the mirror in his hand and threw it at his feet.


He crushed his permanent prop with one foot.


He still needs reason, and he no longer needs to "fantasize" about another person to live another life for him.

Turning his head to look at the road sign beside him, Luo Chengyou's eyes slowly turned to the alleyway in front of him.

[Instructions for travelers. 】

[Ahead, Jiuqu Lane in the sick village. 】

[Jiuqu Alley does not need to be disinfected, it is dangerous. 】

[When entering the Jiuqu Lane area, please strictly abide by the following rules. 】

【Don't touch the wall. 】

【Once you enter, you cannot stop. 】

【Do not look back. 】

[Find the correct road and leave the Jiuqu Lane area. 】

[There is no rest time in Jiuqu Lane, and you can reach the sick village nursing home through it. 】

Luo Chengyou wrote down everything.

In fact, he didn't need to remember much.

To put it simply, after entering this alley, don't touch the wall, don't stop, don't look back, there may be forks in it, choose the right path and keep going.

The others have disappeared, and there is heavy fog behind them. Only the alley in front of them is clear of fog.

Then... let's go.

Luo Chengyou stepped into Jiuqu Lane.

As soon as I stepped in, I was greeted by a cold wind.

The alley that had been normal when he stood at the entrance had changed drastically the moment he stepped in!

The walls on both sides were originally brick red, but now they are pure white.

The road under my feet also turned pure white!

What made his heart beat wildly was that, on both the wall and the ground in front of him, apart from all the white, there were only large patches of black, with things like frog eggs stuck there sticky.

What are those things? !

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