Strange story player

Chapter 357 No turning back

Can't stop...calm down.

Follow the rules.

Luo Chengyou kept moving forward.

After entering this alley, he couldn't stop. No matter what was in front of him, he could only keep going forward.

But he had just taken two steps when he suddenly heard a woman's voice shouting anxiously at the entrance of the alley behind him: "Luo Chengyou! Don't go in! Those black things are pathogens!"

Is this... Xu Tingfang's voice? !

But why is Xu Tingfang here?

Luo Chengyou didn't stop, but he wasn't walking fast and was walking forward at an extremely slow speed.

She's not Xu Tingfang, is she the ghost who tempted me to look back?

This method is really not new.

In the ghost talks I have participated in in the past, there have been many such tricks used by ghosts.

However, just as Luo Chengyou thought this, he heard the girl behind him shout anxiously: "I'm not a ghost! I'm really Xu Tingfang!"

"As soon as I arrived at the sick village, I was randomly assigned to go to the library. My rule was that I could leave the library when I found the administrator."

"I found him in the basement. After he showed me the way, the fog in the library area dissipated. No... there is no fog in this village at all. It's the fog in our eyes!"

"I saw you standing at the entrance of the alley from a distance, trying to go inside. You can't go in! Come out quickly!"

"I can see the right path now. There is no fog in my eyes. You just need to follow me!"

Xu Tingfang said loudly.

Luo Chengyou didn't stop. He listened carefully to every word Xu Tingfang said.

If you can still use the [Mindoscope], there is no need to worry here.

But he can't use it anymore, and he would be really crazy to use it again.

Luo Chengyou thought about the rules again and confirmed again and again that there was no prohibition on talking or dialogue in the rules, and then he replied: "Look at the sign! I can't look back!"

Xu Tingfang seemed to have just seen the sign. After a moment of silence, the voice shouted again: "Don't look back, don't turn around, walk backwards!"

"Go backward to the entrance of the alley. There are no restrictions in the rules. You can only go forward. You can also go backwards!"


This is a way.

Luo Chengyou recalled the rules carefully. To be honest, there are only three rules that need to be followed.

【Don't touch the wall. 】

【Once you enter, you cannot stop. 】

【Do not look back. 】

Walking backwards does not violate any of these three rules.

However, Luo Chengyou still murmured in his heart, how could Xu Tingfang appear so "coincidentally"?

This is too coincidental to be true.

His steps were very slow because he really couldn't tell whether the Xu Tingfang behind him was real or fake.

It would be nice if I could look back...

Huh? etc!

"Don't move! Let me see you!"

Luo Chengyou reached into his pocket, fumbled for a while, and took out his cell phone.

The rule is just not to look back. If you use your mobile phone to capture the scene behind you, you can know the situation behind you without looking back.

He raised the phone in front of him and was about to turn on the front camera, but suddenly he was afraid.

What if the woman at the entrance of the alley is really a ghost?

A ghost will "play" the game with the player until its tricks or disguises are seen through. Once its tricks or disguises are seen through, the ghost will reveal its ferocious face. This phenomenon can be seen in movies, TV novels, and movies. They are very common in Kaitan games.

Don't be should confirm. Confirmation is the right thing to do...

Luo Chengyou is doing some psychological construction for himself.

He took two deep breaths, his heartbeat was incredibly fast, he held the phone in his hand tightly and said, "Don't move, let me take a look..."

Luo Chengyou was heartbroken and turned on the front camera.

As the camera slowly poked out, the scene behind him was completely captured on the phone screen.

A woman wearing a white down jacket was standing at the entrance of the alley, looking at him anxiously.

It’s really Xu Tingfang!

Luo Chengyou felt relieved and said, "Okay, let me try."

He put away his cell phone, and his steps forward turned into steps back.

Although the pictures taken by the mobile phone may be deceiving, Luo Chengyou decided to believe it once.

Doubt is necessary, but if you doubt everything, you will not survive in such a world. Necessary risks are appropriate.

However, Luo Chengyou just took a step back!

A voice suddenly appeared in his mind!

That was one of the words Xu Tingfang said just now...

"Luo Chengyou! Don't go in! Those black things are pathogens!"

This was the first thing she shouted.

But...she was standing outside the alley!

How could she see these black particles in the alley?

When I stood at the entrance of the alley just now, what I saw in front of me was clearly a normal old alley. There was no black material, and even the walls on both sides were brick red. It was not the pale walls and pale roads now.

Something's wrong with her!

Just then...

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the wall next to it.

Then...the crack suddenly widened!

A huge, densely moving shadow was projected onto the road in front of Luo Chengyou.

"Come back quickly, Luo Chengyou!"

He continued to shout behind him.

Luo Chengyou's scalp went numb...

He ran away!

What kind of Xu Tingfang is this? He is simply a monster!

As soon as Luo Chengyou ran away, an extremely depressing atmosphere swept over him and chased after him.

Luo Chengyou ran forward in fear. Although there were no footsteps behind him, there was a sense of oppression that made his whole body tremble.

What, what is chasing me?

Human fear and curiosity are twins.

The more scared I am, the more I can't restrain my curiosity and want to see clearly the source of my fear.

The more curious you are, the easier it is to fall into bottomless fear, and it is difficult to escape.

Luo Chengyou was in this situation at the moment. He ran forward like crazy, but he couldn't look back even though he knew something was chasing him behind him.

He even heard a scraping sound against the wall behind him.

A rough image was sketched in my mind.

The alley is three meters wide, but it can be packed.

The thing behind him was very big, bloated, and deformed, and Xu Tingfang's voice was still coming from its "mouth."


Perhaps the reason why it was able to pursue me was because I took that step back.

That step gave it some "authority" to enter the alley.

Originally, it could only stand at the entrance of the alley and lie to me...

Luo Chengyou regretted it endlessly.

But the matter has come to this, and there is no point in regretting except running away desperately.

How close is it?

Luo Chengyou stepped over the black particles on the ground.

He looked disgusted. Although it stands to reason that if the "ghost" told him not to touch it, he should do the opposite. Touching it might be beneficial.

But his body's reaction told him that it was best not to step on or touch those "frog eggs" stuck to the ground and walls.

"Luo Chengyou... Luo Chengyou..."

Xu Tingfang's voice behind him had gradually become distorted.

At first it was Xu Tingfang, then it gradually became rough and hoarse, and finally it was like the vibrating sound made by some densely packed insects moving neatly!

The dense "Luo Chengyou" sounds, and the voice didn't sound like a human being at all, made Luo Chengyou's back sweat drop and his scalp numb.

He really wanted to look back, but he couldn't.

He ran forward desperately. How long was this alley?

This escape lasted for about three minutes, and finally!

In front of Luo Chengyou, three winding roads appeared.

Luo Chengyou was stunned and subconsciously wanted to stop and think about which fork to take.

But soon he realized that he couldn't stop at all...

Thanks to Honkai, Weilin, there will be a fox rain reward tomorrow, thank you!

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