Strange story player

Chapter 355 Extreme Danger

Qin Manjiang wore a white mask, and his entire face almost blended into the mist.

This mask did not make him feel uncomfortable, but instead gave him a refreshing feeling, making his mind clearer.

But even though his mind was clearer, Qin Manjiang didn't know why the code name "Professor" appeared on his head.

However, now is not the time to think about this issue.

The huge building that appeared in front of him and the sign with black characters inserted into the open space attracted all Qin Manjiang's attention.

[Instructions for travelers. 】

[Ahead, Sick Village Nursing Home. 】

[Comprehensive disinfection has been carried out and there is no immediate danger. 】

[When entering the nursing home area, please strictly abide by the following rules. 】

[To ensure the safety of the elderly in the hospital, all aggressive behavior is prohibited. 】

[The elderly have their own range of activities. If you see an elderly person appearing elsewhere, please notify the staff immediately. 】

[There are no staff wearing red clothes in the hospital. 】

[If you see an elderly person wanting to leave the nursing home, please notify the staff immediately. 】

[There are currently seven elderly people in the nursing home, six of whom have bad tempers. If they attack you, leave immediately. 】

[The dean can arrange a visit for you, and you can leave the nursing home area after the visit is completed. 】

[If you find the only old man with a good temper, you can enter the rest time. 】

This time, is it really about rules?

Qin Manjiang read all the rules from beginning to end.

However, the rules are quite friendly and very clearly written on what to do under any circumstances.

What he didn't know was that almost all players had "do not" rules, except for the nursing home he encountered that didn't have a "do not" rule.

In other words, in the Sick Village Nursing Home, Qin Manjiang could only test what he could not do, while other players' rules in this regard were clearly written on the surface.

Like Shen Kui, Qin Manjiang also noticed the special places of disinfection, leaving the nursing home area, and entering the rest time.

Disinfection should be the "root cause" of the entire disease village?

As for the nursing home area, it not only implies that there are other areas, but also means that you cannot leave the nursing home until you have completed the tour.

As for the meaning of rest time, he didn't understand it yet. Does it mean that all weird things are temporarily suspended?

At present, just looking at these rules, Qin Manjiang has many ideas in his mind.

But now there is a thick fog behind him, and he does not have the "authority" to "leave the nursing home" area. I am afraid that he will be completely lost in this fog.

However, he is not in a hurry to join other players.

Although this mask can provide a good shielding effect, Qin Manjiang still believes that if possible, he should try not to come into contact with those "acquaintances", especially Shen Zu.

That guy's way of thinking about the problem is very weird. He will not be limited by the idea that there is an abyss in [Tongjie] and there will never be another Qin Manjiang.

As long as he reveals something similar to Qin Manjiang, he is afraid that he will find a flaw.

Therefore, Qin Manjiang decided that unless he had to help, he would not take the initiative to join them when their lives were in danger.


You can go in.

Qin Manjiang opened the door of the nursing home.

The strange thing is that the fog seems to be alive, surrounding the nursing home but not entering it at all. As soon as Qin Manjiang stepped into the courtyard of the nursing home, his vision immediately became clear.

However, what caught his eye in the yard was a "person" sitting on a stone bench. Even though Qin Manjiang was wearing a mask, he still couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes.

That thing is an old man? !


Du Bian took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the content on the sign in front of him.

His memory is not very good, and there are a lot of words in these rules. If he remembers two more words or less, there will be a huge danger.

Therefore, it is best to take pictures with your mobile phone.

But is this place too small? !

Du Bi'an looked at the content on the sign, and the uneasiness in his heart spread crazily.

[Instructions for travelers. 】

[Ahead, public toilet. 】

[Public toilets cannot be disinfected and are extremely dangerous. 】

[When entering public toilet areas, please strictly abide by the following rules. 】

[Hold your breath until you leave the public toilet door. 】

[Make sure you are alone in the toilet. 】

[If you hear strange noises, you need to go check it out immediately. 】

[When using the toilet, pay attention to the footsteps outside the door. If the footsteps are soft, open the door immediately and leave with him. The footsteps are heavy, stay quiet and don't get noticed by him. 】

[After using the toilet, please flush it immediately to keep it clean. 】

[Don’t believe the message on the toilet door. 】

[After using the toilet, you can leave the public toilet area. 】

[There are no rest periods in public restrooms. 】

There were too many...and just the description of these words made Du Bi'an feel numb.

He had experienced a strange story about rules, and the rules description and traps were hidden in the text at the beginning.

If they hadn't cooperated well with Xu Tingfang in the end, both of them would have died in that strange story.

But this time, it’s here again, another strange story about rules.

And it’s a more complicated and weird ultimate rule-based weird story!

Judging from the current situation, everyone should be randomly sent to different locations, and can only leave the current area after completing certain specified requirements.

This is a public toilet. Although the space is not large, it is very dangerous!

He didn't know what other people's rules looked like. On his sign, the other fonts were all black, except "Public toilets cannot be disinfected and are extremely dangerous." ] The four words "extremely dangerous" are in red.

The red color is shocking, and even the font is a little distorted.

Du Bi'an took a deep breath. No matter what, there was only one way for him to get out of here, and that was to quickly go in and use the toilet.

Moreover, he didn't know whether it was because of nervousness or the strange power of Kaitan. At this moment, he really wanted to go to the toilet.

Although he didn't know what happened to others, Du Bi'an could probably guess that his place should be particularly dangerous.

The public toilet should not be big, and if there is not much space... the distribution of fatal points will be extremely dense, and even the degree of danger will rise linearly.

But at the same time, the time he needs to explore has also been greatly reduced. According to these rules, what he has to do is to hold his breath and enter the public toilet, and then use a toilet by himself to keep it clean.

At the same time, you need to pay attention to whether there are any strange sounds inside. If there are any, go and check immediately.

And if you hear footsteps, if they are light footsteps, follow the other person quickly. If they are heavy footsteps, stay quiet and don't be discovered.

Everything is clearly written.

So... let's get started.

Du Bian put down his cell phone, took a few deep breaths, and rushed into the public toilet!

Thanks to Chu Lang, Book Friends 2022, Wei Lin, Zhang Leqi, Book Friends 2017 for the reward.

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