Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1449: Identity guessing (part 2)

   The chance of falling into the hands of the person who owns the experiment is very small. Cassia can't say that this is comforting, but the more I think of this possibility in my heart, the more I feel that the probability is increasing at a visible rate.

   In the knight attendant's assessment, the data of the experimental subjects that had contact with him must have been recovered. Cassia won't be 100% sure, but this kind of induction is probably in addition to the interaction between the subjects, and perhaps only himself and number zero. As for Norr, Cassia believes that after reaching a certain stage of surgery, there must be a way to control and counteract it.

   After inserting Corqueva’s message in his peaceful daily life, Cassia’s leisurely life was interrupted. There are many unanswered questions in his head, and Cassia usually doesn't think about it or touch it actively. But Corqueva's message opened a mouth for it. Seeing that the number of books could not keep up with the speed of reading, and the exercise in the room only kept the body in a semi-active state, Cassia took out paper and pen and began to sort out some information that only she knew.

   Sucarius has always been an important starting point for the beginning, but at the moment Cassia does not interrupt to take it into consideration. Roughly guessed the reason why he had an inductive connection with Linna in the gray area. It was the second time I entered the dreamland to get some hints. As the hostile relationship between dragons and giant whales, Sukarius, himself, and Linna, as a clergyman of the tribe, would personally take a boat to the ocean to contact the giant whale. .

   Both herself and Linna have the "spiritual aura" of the second type of creatures on their bodies. Cassia used a pen to draw sketches of dragons and giant whales, describing them as such and explaining them. And this is also a counter-proof evidence of his special physique. If Sukarius didn't hide anything in his dream for the first time, everything he did was the same as what he said. Cassia thought that the feeling between Linna might not appear.

   Besides, afterwards, because of Saint Doris, he met the spirit of the first knight king Grote in the skull. After the time of the knight attendant's assessment, Cassia occasionally considered this matter. Because from time to time I would think of Doris who was sent to the airship by herself, and her situation in the Holy Ten Luo Empire at the moment. Although Keshan was by Doris's side, Keshan's strength really couldn't have good expectations.

  With the growth of strength and knowledge, Cassia became more aware of the honor and weight behind the title of "Knight King". I have entered the dreamland three times, plus the illusions triggered by certain conditions at different places and times. At the beginning, Grot said that he would throw his skull into the sea and talk with him in the spiritual world. Think about it, Cassia has found a lot of doubtful points.

   The first point is that Grote seems to believe in himself. At that time, I was really simple enough, honest and sincere, and there was still a large part of my heart to accept warm and bright things. But this cannot be used as a basis. As one of the four forces, the Saint Royal Hall takes time to cultivate some people like itself, and then directs and performs a perfect show without loopholes, which does not cause any difficulties to the Saint Royal Hall. Several surgeons in the first and second stages will not cause any loss if they die in this performance.

   The second point is due to Cassia reading a lot of books. About the recordable history of the end of the Mano kingdom and the early days of the empire, the empire and the Mano kingdom at that time were still landlocked countries, and the coastal areas were all territories conquered by wars. Grote, who grew up during that time, definitely didn't have the idea of ​​putting his spirit in the ocean.

   Thinking through these two points, Cassia was almost certain that Grote believed in himself and pulled himself into his spiritual world to talk.

   It wasn't because I was honest and sincere at the time, it was because of Sukarius. Perhaps it didn't take long to become a surgeon. In the first dream, certain specific things Sukarius left on her body had not completely disappeared. Or, under time, using themselves as a transit point at that time, Grote and Sukarius, relying on their respective strengths, met and talked to each other at a certain time. In addition, whether Sukarius and Grote knew each other, Cassia did not dare to make his own judgment on this point.

   It was just for the mission event of Saint Doris, Grote later gave him the specific location of the volcanic no man's land. Cassia believes that most of the reason is because of Sukarius.

   And Grote emphasized that throwing the skull into the ocean, his relationship with the giant whale is also worth thinking about. However, Cassia doesn't think this is the main reason for the connection between himself and the subject.

   "The biggest possibility is probably only one point." The pen tip slides on the paper, and within a few minutes, a simplified version of the image is drawn by Cassia.

   The stone paintings seen in the cavity of the mountain in the uninhabited area of ​​the volcano, six red stars, the world tree, and the vortex covering the sky and the ground.

  Red crystal, Cassia muttered to herself. According to the description on the stone painting, the black dead bones in the sarcophagus turned into a dragon after swallowing a red crystal. Even if there is no stone painting to guide, as the opportunity to enter the second dream, to see the giant dragon pupils, and to feel the freezing air of the giant whale, it is impossible for Cassia to forget the change in her giant whale method.

   Although it is an analysis, Cassia already has the answer inside. I don't know what the red crystal is, it hasn't even brought a significant change to myself. Just standing at this moment and looking at the time, Cassia believes that its role absolutely already exists.

  Perhaps this is exactly the guide that Grote and Sucarius used as a transfer station to talk to each other. Whether Grot really died, Cassia didn't know, but he believed that after a thousand years, Grot's spirit still existed. Nothing happened at that time and then died, there is definitely no basis for support. It's just that I can't influence myself too much, Cassia wrote this down, and then wrote Sukarius' name again, and circled Grote.

   At that time, the two chose themselves for some reason, using things in the uninhabited volcano as the most important bargaining chip. And most of the reasons for my own specificity at this moment may have been since then.

   As for "for some reason Cassia can only think of Norr. Sucarius has a way to invade the super analysis machine somewhere in the empire, and it is not impossible to learn some information about Norr.

   However, whether the self in the present state is the original assumption of the two, Cassia's answer is no. All they could do was to guide them from the side, like pointing the general direction of the lighthouse in the dark. As for how to control the boat to find the lighthouse, it does not interfere with it.

   Cassia summed up the above reasons and explained the interaction between dreams and some historical legends. The interaction with the experimental body was due to the red crystal.

"The red crystal may be the product of a high-concentration medicine refining method in ancient history. It is similar to the extremely concentrated dragon blood. The special point is that the raw material used is the blood of the high-ranking dragon. Because of the cultivation of the experimental body. There is an inseparable relationship between the manufacturing absolute and the dragon, which leads to the existence of induction." The conclusion can be said that it is only the high position of the so-called dragon, and Cassia directly treats it as a dragon god. From the fantasy obtained from Cassiehei, it can be known that in addition to the mutual reproduction of dragons in this era, they are all products of the dragon eggs on the edge of the huge lake in the illusion. .

As an assembly line product, the numbered dragons have similarities in some structures, such as being able to receive specific signals, or being controlled by some special means, and there is a great possibility of mutual induction. .


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