Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1448: Identity guessing (middle)

   Isha regained her anger, her usual voice. There are instructions to monitor the machine's regularity in the ambient sound over there, and Yisha has recently started to cultivate after treatment.

   In the middle ten days or so, Cassia learned about Isha through the regional liaison. The solid red mercury made Isha's abdominal injury less serious than imagined, and treatment and recovery would be relatively quick and simple. After handing it over to the members of the organization of the small border country, Yisha was picked up by a special team that came over on the third day and went to the large strongholds set up by the organization.

  On medical equipment and doctors, the organization has its own set of equipment. The regenerated colloid can be cultivated and manufactured by itself, and there are definitely a considerable number of doctors with much higher technology than in the dark world. In addition, in terms of biotechnology, the organization has a group of professors and senior researchers scattered everywhere, so Similar to this kind of injury, a process-based treatment has already been formed.

   Yisha summarized her current state in a few words. It was generally good, and she recovered very quickly. After a week, she could return to Larsa alone and continue working on the company here. This contact is due to temporary tasks. The other four newcomers will come over in the last few days. The adjutants passed through the border forest and the only one who is still in Lalsa is Cassia.

   Although neither of them mentioned anything about the forest in their contact, when the new adjutant arrived, Isha's voice still changed significantly. The situation of the organization reminds Cassia of the scene when he first entered the military school. Every important task is a ruthless screening. And this sort of screening is not tailored for students at all stages as in military schools. It is only after rough consideration, and almost no one can control the changes in the process.

   "Thank you some time ago." Before the connection was cut off, Isha had always placed the responsibility for the death of these people on herself, thinking of the team members who died in front of her eyes. As the deputy chief, she could not change anything. Frustration and feelings of loss are bound to haunt her for a long time. Cassia didn't know what happened when Toynby died, but its impact on Isha was absolutely huge.

   As the end point of many things, death frequently occurs around people, and it does have many effects on people in all aspects. Isha is like this now, and Cassia is somewhat used to it.

   There is an abyss hole under everyone's feet, especially people like surgeons. For a long, long time in the future, in order to ensure that oneself will not die, then the lives of others can only be used to fill the expanding black hole under one's feet.

   The time of exercise and learning to read is interspersed with the option of picking up new people. The peaceful daily life after the border forest continues, and Cassia knows it will continue for a long time. But five days later, it was only a few hours after Cassia had settled his third new lieutenant.

   According to usual habits, Cassia briefly introduced the current situation of Larsa to the new adjutant. In the afternoon, he went to several restaurants alone to fill his stomach and returned to the residence.

   There is an unreachable contact indicator on the advanced communicator, and a long series of composite radio frequencies displayed indicate that this is used when communicating with Kolkova. Cassia waited until 8 o'clock in the evening before going to the communication machine.

   didn't go well, I contacted several times on the way, and it wasn't until about 9:30 in the evening that Kolkova's voice appeared in the microphone.

"Mr. Soriatu, I have to remind you of an important message." With a thoughtful and solemn voice, I could hear that Corqueva had thought about this information very carefully. "In the border forest, Have you ever used a mixture of dragon blood to create a territory of ferocious creatures to disperse a large number of gray wolves?"

   "Yes, what happened?" Cassia replied on sensitive topics.

"Very bad news." Corqueva bit every word clearly. "I don't know the true identity of Mr. Soriatu, and I have no plans to investigate. But if you are the same It is someone from a certain tribe of the Flame Alliance. I think this news is absolutely fatal. According to common sense, because blood is mixed with soil, even if it is re-extracted after a period of time, many components will be destroyed, and a large amount of data used for comparison will be lost. "

"But in the forest on the border, Osnia's men are singularities who are proficient in pharmacy. He took several samples at the right time. Now, it is basically certain that those samples can be used for normal comparison. Later, it is assumed that if Soriatu, you are really a member of the Flame Alliance, I think something needs to be prepared. Now, initiated by the Thunder Wolf tribe, it begins to compare blood samples with the dragon knights of each tribe. You know about the Flame Alliance. Under the strict control of dragon blood, blood can go to people like us. Except for high-level permission, only the dragon knight can get it from dragons driven by himself. So..."

"Very important information, thank you for notifying me in time, I know how to respond." The voice appeared cautious. It was not because the Thunder Wolf tribe initiated a comparison of the blood data of dragons driven by dragon knights, but because the blood samples of their own fell to other people. Human hands.

   After the contact was cut off, Cassia had one more thing that had to be dealt with, thinking about the chances of starting from a blood sample to lock his identity. Simple calculations, Cassia found that when using blood in the border forest, he did not pay special attention to the hidden dangers caused by this Up to now, only the old professors of the military school have their own general data. . They will not give the data to others and will not be stolen. The intensity of blood toxicity has been changing, and the composition has also increased. This aspect will not produce results. The rest is the introverted'germ' radiation after the uranium and gold in it pass through the reactor. No one is aware of this situation and will not contact me. "

   I checked the possibilities one by one. Although a lot of data would not have anything to do with him, two of them still worried Cassia. One is that the degree of dragonization of blood will certainly not reach 100%. If the opponent has the ability to analyze the sample, knowing that this blood is actually the blood of a human surgeon, but it is very similar to dragons, Cassia is not sure whether the opponent will think of herself. Not in most cases, but in the minds of some people who know themselves, this option probably exists.

  Secondly, blood has a certain breath, which seems to belong to each person's specific taste. Of course, this is still indistinguishable by most people. But Cassia has experienced many similar situations, from the initial induction of the tribal clergyman Linna to the weak connection with the experimental body, let Cassia know that there is such a possibility.

   is just a few drops of blood samples, the possibility of this possibility is very small. But he had to be vigilant, Cassia reminded himself, because at this moment he still didn't know why there was a mutual induction relationship between himself and the experimental subjects who had never been in contact with him.


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