Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1450: Scattered gears

   This time of thinking lasted until midnight, and Cassia found several intermittent lines in the chaotic information. There is not too much to connect it, and there is a lack of key information between each line. Cassia understands that everything on the key points is controlled by huge forces, because in the future, only this information may be able to change an era and the direction of the entire continent. Manipulation has always been information plunder and battle. Compared with everyone competing for resources, it is the easiest and most convenient way to directly let the other party not know that there is such a thing.

"The effect of the red crystal will continue until later I understand what it is. The first generation of knight king Grote must have swallowed the same one, but he didn't tell me such an important thing in advance in the spiritual world. Function. If it’s not because of the premature time, then the effect of the red crystal will adapt to changes with different people. Similar things will have completely different styles in the hands of different people."

"The other is the role of the Saint Royal Hall in cultivating saints, and what they want from the first generation of knight king Grote. I was still guessing before, but now after entering the light organization, it prompts me the answer from another direction. Even if anyone in the empire knows about the red crystal, it is only the group of scientists from the Avalon institution. Grote can become the knight king, so all the decisions along the way should be mostly correct. He won’t Tell others, it is impossible to reveal a little information."

   "Excluding redundant options, the uranium in that box is what the Holy Royal Hall has been eager for."

"But now it's in my hands." Cassia smiled unconsciously, because from the very beginning, he could only be forced to accept, and now that he mastered some key objects, it means that as time goes by, as long as the plan is perfect, he will have it. Certain methods of resistance and countermeasures.

"The method of making uranium gold bombs is not a secret on the three-phase continent. The difficulty is that there are too many unsolvable problems in the process. High-purity uranium gold is the original material, and it can form a deterrent uranium gold bomb. It takes a long way to go." Two black dots appeared on the paper, and Cassia wrote the fonts of Uranium Gold and Uranium Gold Bullets respectively. "Here we need to think about the Holy Royal Hall."

   It was originally a priesthood institution, and it has deteriorated into what it is now, and the transition period in between will not be very long.

   The first generation of knight kings has already mentioned this in the letter containing the uranium box-the glory of the first generation of kings and holy emperors will sooner or later be lost in time. It is indeed lost, and the speed may be much faster than he thought.

"The temple has too many believers in the empire. The swelling ambitions based on this will not stop them from the final situation of one of the four forces. However, there are also quite fierce internal consumption among the four forces. Some people want to go to the ultimate rule and look down on everyone from a high position. But some people may go for a long life. But in the empire, neither party of the four forces has explored the capital and strength of eternal life, only drifting away Avalon institutions outside the empire."

"The point of contradiction is here. The Avalon institution's position surpasses all forces in the empire. It is protected by science and technology, only from the analysis machines and ultra-vapor compression devices that have supported the empire for a long time, to the saints that high-level surgeons want to have. The imitation weapon of the gun holy sword can intuitively see the hard power of the Avalon organization. Even if all the forces of the empire unite, the Avalon organization will definitely have the capital to fight against it. The only item is the uranium bomb. , Is enough to stop those fiery hearts."

"The Holy Royal Hall needs uranium bombs as a means to unify all forces, and there is bound to be a long-term planned route for them. The uranium gold in Grot's hands is an important branch line, and other things such as the detonation fuze of the uranium bomb Wait, a lot of energy must be allocated to research experiments." So far, Cassia picked up some known information of the light organization.

   Relying on imagination and what happened in the empire, Cassia had many speculations about the nature of the light organization. One of them is that the essence of the lighting organization is a huge chessboard. Whether it is the many forces in the empire, the other two giant countries, or the smart people themselves in small countries, they have secretly placed and supported their own chess pieces. To obtain considerable benefits in this game.

   The lighting organization is a research and processing center that is continuously and secretly supported by various forces. Whether it is uranium, gold, detonating device, or launching, it should all be completed here.

   "Take this opportunity, I don't know if I have the time and opportunity to enter the higher power center of the organization." Without the power of the game, Cassia knew that he had a bargaining chip to participate. In addition, Cassia is considering another aspect.

   Although only the empire has the technology to manufacture uranium bombs on the post-phase continent, the super countries on the left-phase and right-phase continent absolutely possess it. For a long time, Cassia would not believe that the giant countries on the post-phase continent did not want to trade with them in the past.

  Perhaps I have never thought about the war that Lenovo will break out every time a red star. Cassia thinks that the war may also have a smell of decay from a very early time. After all, foreign wars have never been a consumption of materials and personnel in the eyes of major forces, and there has never been a problem with any continent in the three-phase continent-that is, the population base and the corresponding basic resources.

   War is a veil that can block anything, and it is also the best place to dissipate the negative emotions that have accumulated in the hearts of ordinary people. The major forces need war to dissipate some things and achieve an effect similar to repeated reincarnation and restart.

   It is precisely because the war has In the past, there were no strong conditions to advance. The transaction may be going on, but none of the talks have been concluded. Just at the moment...

   The meaning of the six red stars is not clear to Cassia, but he knows that it can be extended infinitely in a huge direction. Under the influence of this era, coupled with the emergence of Nuoer, will the transaction be concluded at a certain time? After all, this sale may promote the empire to achieve unity because of the deterrence of the uranium bomb, so that afterwards, there will be situations in which the enemy takes what he sold to destroy himself. But on the other hand, this weapon can indeed cause the situation within the empire to become more chaotic.

"Let’s make sure that both the Holy Emperor’s Hall and other forces have contacted super-powers on other continents. But if you want to know if there is a deal, you have to grasp the trends of high-level combat power within each force over the years." This is almost impossible for Cassia, all of which are classified information.

   Afterwards, Cassia started to pay attention to the organization. Because I don’t know when the people behind Adolf and Terry Weikang used their identities to do things, it became Cassia’s primary goal to acquire as many resources as possible within the organization.

   The thinking that continued into the second half of the night made Cassia experience the mental fatigue that he hadn't felt for a long time. Putting down the paper and pen, and resting on the bed for half an hour, when Cassia got up again to the table, suddenly it was like lightning flashing across the night sky. For some reason, he remembered what had happened in the grey area of ​​Brino again.


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