[On the surface, the so-called "body transformation" is the transfer of the consciousness of the feared from illness to a mechanical body made of living metal. 】

[In this way, they naturally have an eternal lifespan, and they will no longer be troubled by illness.] 】

[The so-called flesh and blood are weak, and the machine soars!]

[But in fact, this "transformation" has almost completely eliminated the intelligence, consciousness and personality of the fearless race, and only a very small number of elites have survived. 】

[These elites are generally the ruling class and top scientists among the Fear of Death, with willpower far beyond ordinary people. 】

[The worst thing is that the "consciousness transformation" of some of the nobles who are afraid of the dead is not only incomplete, but even mixed with other people's personalities and memories!]

[This directly turns them into "mechanical maniacs"!]

[When the Silent King, who had completed the transformation ceremony, walked out of the "Biological Forge Furnace", he immediately saw an extremely terrifying scene. 】

[The souls and bodies of those who have been transformed into robots have all been devoured by the star gods!]

[Only then did he understand that this ceremony was a scam from the beginning!]

[In order to let the Fear of the Dead take the initiative to serve their bodies, so that their new owners can feast on their plates!]

[The King of Silence looks sadly...... The end of his own people. 】

The Death-Dreaders have disappeared forever, and the soulless space necrons have taken their place. 】

[This is the big mistake he made, and it may never be undone.] 】

[From this moment on, a seed of hatred was planted in the heart of the Silent King!]

[One day, he will make these star gods pay!]

But at the same time, the Silent King also felt a new experience. 】

[Since birth, the pain that has been lingering has completely disappeared. 】

[His new machine body is countless times stronger with his past weak body!]

[His thoughts are also faster and clearer than ever!]

[In a sense, the "biotransformation" is very successful. 】

[Even the lowest-ranking space necrons have gained eternal life, and no amount of radiation or illness can harm them anymore.] 】

[The living metal that makes up the body of the space necrons has an incredible ability to regenerate, flowing and reorganizing like a liquid, almost enough to restore any damage in an instant.] 】

[Given enough time, the space necrons will be able to recover from all damage.] 】

[Even if they are irreparably damaged, every space necromantic warrior can be ...... from the battlefield at any time Move to your own tomb base to be reconstructed. 】

Moreover, the Silent King himself has become the absolute ruler of the entire space necromancer. 】

[According to the "Command Protocol" chip buried in the brains of all necromantic machines, both the Overlord and the Pharaoh must completely obey the orders of the Silent King. 】

From now on, there will be no rebellion or civil war. 】

[The space necromancer has become the most united race in the universe. 】

[But on the other hand, the King of Silence and the Three Holy Councils must also unconditionally obey the orders of the Star God.] 】

[This obedience is also part of the command agreement.] 】

[To put it bluntly, after eating up the bodies and souls of the Death-Fears, the Star God not only gained stronger material power, but also regarded these newborn "space necromancers" as his own mechanical slaves. 】

And after feasting on the bodies and souls of these slaves, the star god who had regained his vitality immediately issued an order to them. 】

[That is, the whole army will go out and launch an attack on the ancient saints!]

[For this order, the Silent King obeyed without hesitation. 】

[Even though they have become robots, the space necrons have inherited from the Death-Fears...... Hatred of all life forms in the galaxy, the most hated of all...... There is no doubt that it is the Ancient Sage!]

[Moreover, after so many years of lying on the mother planet and cooperating with the star god. The technological level of space necromancers has also improved by leaps and bounds!]

[All kinds of incredible black technologies have been invented by them!]

[Among them, the Star God designed a device called "Stone Tomb Gate" for the space necromancers, which can hack into the network system of the ancient saints and launch a surprise attack!]

[Under the command of the Star God, the space necrons ...... to the Ancient Saints And even all the intelligent life in the galaxy has waged an indiscriminate war!]

[This is the second and most terrifying stage of the Battle for Heaven!]

[I never dreamed of it...... will be attacked in the network channel he created, and Gu Sheng was immediately caught off guard. 】

[The reborn Star God and the Space Necro also showed incredibly powerful combat power, and they were defeated on the Ancient Holy Day!]

[Countless planets and the sun were easily destroyed by the star gods and turned into cosmic dust. 】

[Even an entire galaxy was ...... by the star god with the power of peak matter Summoned black hole swallowed up!]

[The level of black technology displayed by the space necrons has also reached the pinnacle of the physical world. 】

[In fact, since all the souls were devoured by the star gods, in the subspace, there is no longer the soul projection of the space necromancer. 】

[In other words, it is absolutely impossible for any of them to give birth to psionics, and they will no longer be able to travel to subspace.] 】

[However, even if it does not pass through subspace, or through the network.] Space Necrons can also travel faster than light through the universe with Inertialess (Drives)!]

[This engine uses some kind of "relativistic energy" that can allow space necrons to travel through the sea of stars "in the blink of an eye"!]

[Moreover, the space necrons have also mastered extremely terrifying weapons!]

[For example, the "Dimensional Transformation Ray" and the "Banishment Cannon" can banish the target to another dimension.] 】

[There is also the "Antimatter Particle Weapon", which can completely annihilate the enemy's physical existence if it hits.] 】

[In addition, there is some kind of physical law within the space necromancy...... A technological alchemist who creates magical effects!]

[They are called "tomb technicians"]

[The Tomb Technician's technology is so mysterious that he has even mastered black technologies including "Dimensional Interference", "Singularity Manipulation", "Atomic Transformation", "Elemental Transformation" and countless other completely unreasonable technologies!]

[Completely different from the so-called "psykers", tomb technicians purely use black technology to manipulate the basic forces of the physical universe, thereby distorting and even modifying reality. 】

[For example, the Time Warlock of the Eternal Herald faction is able to use the power of time to trap opponents in the Time Enchantment.] 】

[It can also release the "Entropy Spear" to accelerate the flow of time and make the enemy age into dust in an instant!]

[Some of the most powerful and knowledgeable tomb technicians have also created some artifacts that subvert the basic laws of the universe!]

[For example, the so-called "quantum singularity generator" can release supermassive singularities that crush entire galaxies into dust!]

[A certain tomb technician also created a final artifact that could modify the "basic reality" of the entire galaxy...... Bright Star Map!]

[Legend has it that the holographic pattern of this device shows the position of each star in the Milky Way.] 】

[Just stretch out your finger and snuff out a bright spot in the hologram, the corresponding star...... will be transformed into a supernova instantly!]

[In the face of the joint efforts of the Star God and the Space Necromancy, the Ancient Sage, who was caught off guard, was quickly defeated and lost, and was even almost wiped out. 】

[But not only that, the reason why the Star God launched the 2nd Heavenly War. In addition to wanting to destroy the ancient saints, I also want to take the opportunity to devour more souls!]

[In the course of the war, hundreds of billions of intelligent life in the galaxy...... They were all killed, and their souls and life force were devoured by the Star God!]

[This is the ...... The star god's scarlet harvest for the entire galaxy!]

[But on the eve of the imminent demise of the ancient saints, there was another problem inside the star god. 】

[Because the harvest of life by the star god is too excessive and too cruel, it has almost wiped out the vast majority of life forms in the galaxy. 】

[In the end, in order to fight for those remaining lives, there was even a civil war between the star gods!]

[The civil strife between the stars and gods gave the ancient saints a rare respite. 】

[Just when it was a mess. The famous "Fraudster Mephitlan" suddenly began to make waves again......]

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Carol Danvers: Bright Star Chart? Press it with your hand...... It's a joke!( ̄△ ̄;)

Wonder Woman Diana: There must be something wrong, can the power of technology be so powerful?

Holy Keisha: No! This is probably the ultimate anti-void, the power to modify reality!

Holy Keisha: But ...... Expanding the scope to the entire galaxy, how exactly is this done?

Holy Keisha: These Space Necrons...... Is it really that strong?(⊙o⊙)

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