Hearing Peter's words, little Wanda blinked his eyes and said as if he had a sudden realization:

"The Trisolarans also live on a planet with a very bad natural environment, and then ...... It is also a desire to immigrate to other planets. "

"More than ......"

Young Master Wayne said slowly:

"The Three-Body Problem, like these death-fearing people, has all experienced the so-called technological explosion, so they can master extremely advanced high technology!"

Hearing this, Tony Stark shook his head slightly, and a look of exclamation appeared on his face:

"A group of patients with only twenty or thirty years to live...... Not only did it not perish, but it was able to break out of the home planet and colonize the galaxy!"

"It's really remarkable. "

"Great?" Peter was a little speechless:

"But...... These Death-Fearing will soon declare war like the Ancient Saints!"

"Those lizardmen haven't done anything to them, this kind of war is simply wrong!"

Tony glanced at Peter and said indifferently:

"The vast majority of wars in the world are wrong, but ...... Anyway, it broke out. "

Hearing this, Peter was silent.

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

Driven by hatred, the Dreador concentrated all his forces and fleets and launched a surprise attack on the Ancient Sage. 】

[But soon...... The situation took a turn for the worse. 】

[The fleet of the Death-Dreaded only has the ability to travel at sub-light speeds, so when they are on interstellar travel, they will use the "static force field" to stop the crew's time and put it into a state of hibernation. 】

[Then, the battleship will go on autopilot, spending dozens, or even hundreds of years, sailing to the next destination.] 】

[It is precisely because of this that the Fear of the Dead will cover their warships with "living metal", and even if they encounter any meteorite attacks during the voyage, the damaged battleships can be repaired automatically.] 】

[However, the ancient saint is able to carry out faster-than-light dispatch through the network, and its maneuverability is ...... It can be said that it is countless times that of those who fear death!]

[After the initial surprise of being attacked, the Gu Sheng immediately launched a counterattack!]

[Using the network, the ancient saints quickly gathered a huge fleet, and they were able to attack from any corner of the universe. 】

[In many cases, the warships of the Feared of the Dead were still sailing before they were smashed by the Ancient Saint Army that emerged from the void!]

[Those Death-Dreador troops who were still dormant in the static force field turned into cosmic dust before they even opened their eyes!]

[What's worse is that even if the Fearful of the Dead mobilizes a large army and surrounds the fleet of the Ancient Sage. 】

[But before they attack, the Ancient Saint Fleet also has a chance to use the network to escape, and then join up with their own army, and then fight back!]

[In short, no matter how you fight, those who are afraid of death will lose. 】

[Under this absolute disadvantage, the army of the Feared Dead soon collapsed. 】

Soon, the empire of the Dreadnodes that once spread across the galaxy ceases to exist, and the remaining Dreads are all forced back to their home planets, forced to reside with the toxic radiant sunlight once again. 】

[Under this absolute disadvantage, if the ancient saints are willing, they can easily destroy the Death-Dreading. 】

[But the ancient saints cherished all life and believed that all life has its own value. 】

[The complete extinction of a life, a race, is unimaginable for the ancient saints. 】

[Therefore, the ancient saints did not pay attention to the fear of the dead, and completely forgot about these defeated subordinates. 】

[Trapped and locked in the catastrophic home planet again, the hatred of the Death Fears for the Ancient Saints has also deepened, and even gradually evolved into ...... Hatred for all other intelligent beings. 】

[They began to frantically research new technologies and weapons, trying to wage a war of revenge against the ancient saints. 】

[But...... Without the common enemy of the Ancient Sages, a second civil war broke out among the Fears of the Dead. 】

[Countless "overlords" and "dynasties" have begun to fight each other to the death, and it is now possible to pull this race into the abyss of destruction. 】

[And in this desperate situation, suddenly appeared...... Wish. 】

[In the process of researching the "stellar weapon", the Fear of the Dead accidentally discovered a ...... are sucking the energy life of their galaxy's sun!]

[That's the star god.] 】

[The Star God has unimaginable power, and it can be the perfect weapon against the Ancient Saints!]

[After discovering the Star God, the Dreadless first tried to convince the other party not to devour their Sun again, but the Star God simply ignored the ants. 】

[However, the Fear of the Dead finally gave the Star God...... A condition that is hard to refuse. 】

[The Fear of the Dead used the highest living metal to create a human-sized shell for the Star God.] 】

[When the star god finally transferred his energy body to these physical bodies, a miracle happened!]

[The star gods are energy beings and part of the real universe, and theoretically speaking, they don't need to eat at all. 】

[However, when they are in the "energy form", the energy in their bodies will unconsciously spread into the surrounding cosmic space, causing them to feel hungry all the time, and they have to devour the sun to survive. 】

[After obtaining a physical shell made of living metal, the energy of the star god will no longer be lost outward. 】

[In other words, they will never need to devour the sun again.] 】

[However, after obtaining a new shell, there were some side effects.] 】

[First of all, the star gods were originally unconscious creatures, and the only thing that existed was appetite. 】

[After obtaining the humanoid body, these star gods finally began to experience this rich world like intelligent life!]

[By perceiving everything in the world.] The star god, who was originally ignorant and ignorant, like a blank sheet of paper, gradually became shrewd, cunning and even treacherous. 】

[And the second side effect is even more terrifying!]

[After obtaining the metal body, the star god found ...... From the body of the feared death, some strange electromagnetic fluctuations are released. 】

[This kind of fluctuation actually aroused their appetite!]

[It took some time for the star gods to figure out that these fluctuations originated from the fear of intelligent beings, their pain, and their souls!]

In order to satisfy their new appetites, the Star Gods began to devour the Dreaded in the dark. 】

Moreover, in order to obtain the greatest satisfaction, the star gods will also torture their victims as much as possible before eating, thus causing the greatest pain and fear!

[Fortunately, because the star god has the unparalleled "material power" and can easily shatter the stars, there are also a large number of ...... among the feared Those who worship them as if they were true gods. 】

[For these blind believers, the star gods just treat them as snacks. 】

[However, after getting used to eating snacks, Xingshen's appetite also began to grow. 】

[Coupled with their increasingly cunning and treacherous thinking, a terrible conspiracy begins to take shape. 】

[On this day, a star god known as the "Messenger" appeared before the Three Holy Councils of the Fearful of the Dead. 】

[The "Messenger" claims that in ancient times, their star gods also went to war with the ancient saints, but they were also defeated!]

[To confront this common enemy, the Messenger offers a way to eternal life to those who fear death.] 】

[However, this is not "eternal life" like the ancient saints, but the body of the feared is replaced with living metal like a star god. 】

[In this way, those who fear the dead can not only say goodbye to illness and pain forever, but also live forever like the ancient saints!]

[And the only thing that the Fearer needs to do afterwards is to launch a battle of revenge against the Ancient Saint under the command of the Star God!]

[Faced with this proposal, both the Council of the Three Saints and the Silent King felt that something was wrong. 】

[The conditions of the star god are too good. 】

[But...... The current Empire of the Dreadless has long been on the verge of extinction. 】

[In this case, no matter how bad things are...... How bad could it be?]

Moreover, if the Star God's words are true, they will not only be able to put an end to countless generations of suffering and sickness, but they will even be able to take revenge on their hateful enemies...... Ancient Saint!]

[After a year-long discussion, the Three Holy Councils finally agreed to the Star God's proposal. 】

[Under the guidance of the Star God, the Fears of the Dead have built a huge "Biological Forge Furnace". 】

[Next, under the orders of the Silent King, all the Dreadnought people entered these terrible machines. 】

[But the Silent King didn't know that the star god known as the "Messenger" had another title within the clan. 】

[That's the "fraudster" Mephitlan!]

[This proposal was a conspiracy from the beginning!]

[After the transformation of the "biological forging furnace", the personality and consciousness of the vast majority of those who fear death ...... All wiped out!]

[All of them have become mindless robots!]

[After this "great transformation", the race of the Fear of the Dead was completely wiped out! Their bodies and souls were all stripped away, and then they were devoured by the Star God!]

[This large-scale devouring of souls is called "Crimson Harvest" by the star gods!]

[After the demise of the Dreadless, it was replaced by the mechanical race...... Space Necrons!]

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