Seeing the terrifying black technology displayed by the space necromancy, almost everyone was taken aback.

Like the star god, he is the "true god" of the material world, and no matter how powerful he is, everyone can understand it.

But space necromancy...... Before being beaten by the ancient saints and escaping everywhere, after obtaining a mechanical body, how did he suddenly become so powerful?

Tony Stark: Oh yes! It's definitely a tech blast!

Tony Stark: Just like the Three-Body World, these space necrons must have experienced more and more powerful technological explosions! That's why they have mastered such powerful technology!

Bruce Banner: Is the explosion of technology such an exaggerated effect?

Bruce Banner: That kind of brilliant star map, but a realistic modification of the entire galaxy!

Stephen Strange: In the face of this power, even the Scarlet Witch's chaos magic is far behind!

Wanda Maximov: ............ →_→

Seeing Strange's speech, little Wanda was full of displeasure.

But when I think of space necromancers, I just press my fingers...... The means to destroy a star, she also has nothing to say.

The power of such black technology is really terrifying!

John Constantine: Honestly, the ancient saints ...... Maybe it's almost over.

Venom: Hahaha! Those skeletons alone are already so powerful, plus those star gods who eat stars as snacks, the ancient saints are dead!

Jerome Valeska: No! You're thinking too simply.

Jerome Valeska: The Silent King of the Space Necrons hates the Old Saints.

Jerome Valeska: If he had the chance, he would have led a rebellion with some monsters in the back!

Agent J: Uh-huh, with those skeletons' super black technology, maybe...... They can really deal lethal damage to the Star Gods!

Agent J: When the time comes, the universe will be saved!

Starlight: yes! those damn stargods are so hateful.

Starlight: First devouring the sun, and now harvesting the entire galaxy, I don't know how many lives have been killed!

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: The Old Sage believed that all life has a value, while the Star God believed that ...... All life is delicious......

Hermione Granger: It's scary!

Carol Danvers: If you have to look for good and evil in this war, then the Star God is definitely the unforgivable villain!

Big bones boiled into soup: Mm-hmm, I hope that the world ...... There are also the remnants of the righteous who can destroy these cosmic monsters!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[If it is purely about strength, "Mayphitlan the Fraudster" may be the weakest of the Star Gods. 】

[But because of this, this star god used cunning and insidious sowing discord to make up for the lack of strength. 】

[While the Star Gods were fighting each other for the few lives left in the galaxy, the "Fraudster Mephitlan" first carefully avoided the strongest, and then began to spread rumors within the Star Gods. 】

[He claimed that the energy of the star god is the energy of all forms of energy...... The most delicious!】

[Neither the stars nor the souls of creatures can compare with them!]

[With Mephitlan shaking his lips and tongue, a star god finally tried to attack one of his compatriots and devoured them. 】

[And then, he didn't just really taste it...... The "delicious energy" that I have never experienced before, and my strength has also improved greatly!]

[Now, the battle between the stars and gods quickly evolved into a battle of life and death!]

[The winner will devour the loser and take the opponent's energy for himself!]

[In this extremely cruel cannibalism, more and more star gods are defeated and devoured by other powerhouses. 】

[In the end, only the most powerful star gods survived. 】

[This includes...... Azagorod, the "Night-Bearer" who is regarded as the embodiment of death by countless lower races in the universe,

[Yggranya, the "world remodeler" who can shatter the planet with a single thought and reshape it again,

[and, for the "Void Dragon" Magladroth, who was considered by later generations to be the god of all machines, ......]

[Just when the star gods were killing each other and devouring each other frantically, the ancient saints also seized the opportunity and began to cultivate various powerful slave races. 】

[Just like the Star God commanding the space necromancer to fight, the Ancient Saint also wants to rely on his servant race to launch a counterattack!]

[Among these servant races, a god was born who was born with extremely strong spiritual energy and could be used to restrain the material gods...... The race of the star gods. 】

[That is...... Ancients!]

Moreover, the Ancient Saints also created a race that only knew war and destruction, and was born purely for battle, but could never be completely wiped out. 】

[This is the ancestor of the green-skinned orcs of later generations...... Ancient orcs!]

[In addition, it is said that ...... In order to win this battle of life and death, the ancient saints also created a ...... A terrifying zerg that can reproduce indefinitely, evolve indefinitely, and devour everything!]

[But after the Battle of Heaven ended, there was no trace of this zerg left in the galaxy, so ...... This rumor is also considered untrustworthy by many people. 】

[The Old Saints are cultivating these powerful minion races while fighting aggressive space necromancers. 】

[War...... For a while, it was a stalemate. 】

[In this heavenly battle that spans countless galaxies, it is said that the entire galaxy is on fire!, and the battle has even lasted for millions of years!]

[In the end, the race cultivated by the Ancient Sanctuary has finally grown enough to take charge of itself!]

[The Ancient Saints threw them all into the battlefield and faced the Star God and the Space Necrons head-on!]

[The original "Ancient Spirit Clan" has super psionic power, and psionic energy ...... It is the nemesis of the "God of Matter" Star God!]

[Soon, the star gods who were still fighting each other felt the real threat!]

[They stopped killing each other and were united again!]

[The next battle is the fiercest and most terrifying bloody battle in the battle of heaven!]

[Countless sun, moon and stars, and even countless galaxies, have been ignited, burned, and destroyed...... Or even crushed to pieces!]

And this protracted war of terror also had a terrible impact on subspace, and eventually led to a catastrophic end. 】

[As a subspace of the illusory world, it is a mirror of the material world and a reflection of the real world. 】

[According to the speculation of later scholars, before the Battle of Heaven, subspace was actually a very calm, even relatively safe place. 】

[If it is described with water, the subspace in ancient times was like a calm lake without waves. 】

[Therefore, the ancient saints were able to create a network across the entire galaxy in subspace so easily. 】

[In the real world, the intense emotions of a large number of intelligent beings will be reflected in some form into the subspace. 】

[The more negative emotions this is, the greater the impact!e.g. hatred, anger, killing, agitation, ......]

[The second stage of the Battle of Heaven lasted for more than a million years, involving trillions of intelligent life!]

[Their pain, their struggles, their killings, all stir up a whirlpool of emotions in the subspace. And even the monstrous waves!]

[However, because the Ancient Saints have created so many races, and many of these races know how to use psionic powers!]

[War, death, endless suffering, and terrifying psionic shocks have permanently changed the originally peaceful sea of souls. 】

[When all kinds of fierce negative emotions and the great vortex of trillions of dead souls merge with the energy that already exists in the subspace, creating a terrifying Chaos Realm! and all kinds of indescribable subspace entities!]

[Some monsters, called demons by humans in later generations!]

[Since then, the originally peaceful sea of souls has become a dangerous and terrifying realm. 】

[And among the monsters of subspace...... Some creatures who have tried the emotional energy reflected in the real world have gathered at the junction between the subspace and the real world, and want to break through into the real world!]

[And these connections are the network created by the ancient sanctuary!]

[There is a creature created in the subspace, but it can manifest in the material world!]

[Moreover, they also possess extremely powerful psionic powers!]

[There is only one manifestation of this power, and that is enslavement!]

[Just a few of these creatures are needed to enslave an entire planet of intelligent beings with their psionic powers!]

[Because of this, this terrifying subspace creature is also called "Enslaver" by the people of the material world in awe!]

[Not only that, but the Enslavers can also lay eggs directly into the brains of intelligent beings, use their larvae to control these living beings, and turn them into the walking dead!]

[These larvae will eventually devour all these unfortunate lifeforms, and grow into a full-fledged enslaver!]

[What's even more terrifying is that the enslavers can also "transform" the victims they control, turning them into some kind of "living" subspace gate, and with this "gate" they can cross the galaxy in the real world and conquer one planet after another!]

[With so many terrifying abilities and traits!, it's not hard to imagine...... When countless enslavers frantically poured out of the "network", how horrified the ancient saints were. 】

[These terrifying monsters from subspace began to spread wildly in the galaxy at an exponential speed!]

[It didn't take long for these "enslavers" to enslave almost all intelligent life in the galaxy!]

[Due to the previous million-year-long war, the Ancient Saints were already on the verge of extinction, relying only on the various servant races they had created...... Lingering. 】

[But in the face of the army of enslavers, these minal races were either exterminated or abandoned and fled.] 】

[The isolated ancient saint has completely disappeared from history. 】

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