Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Captain Rice: The End of the World...... All humans have become monsters!How can this be?( ̄△ ̄;)

Reed Richards: It seems like the sun has suddenly changed, causing the sunlight to produce anomalies.

Reed Richards: As long as it's someone who gets into the sun, it's all over.

Tony Stark: Sigh, even the Foundation can't react to this sudden blow.

Bruce Wayne: Something is wrong, it's so wrong!

Bruce Wayne: Do you remember? Before...... Something similar has happened on the video.

Bruce Wayne: For some reason, the Foundation wants to exterminate all of humanity!

Bruce Wayne: Isn't that situation like it is right now?

Stephen Strange: I see what you mean. It's a parallel universe!

Stephen Strange: What we saw...... It should be a Foundation in a different parallel universe.

Stephen Strange: In these universes, there are foundations that come out of a document.

Stephen Strange: Some were born out of a "spiral trail"!

Stephen Strange: The universe before our eyes, the entire Foundation, and even all of humanity...... It's all over because of the sun's mutation!

Captain Mikoku: I see, is it a parallel universe?

Wanda Maksimov: Whew...... Since that's the case, it doesn't matter.

Wanda Maximov: Anyway, in some universe, the Foundation must still be alive and sound.

Morty: Well, I think you have that attitude...... Something is wrong.

Wanda Maximov: Ahhhhh;)h

Morty: I ...... I'm not younger than you, ah...... In short, that's not the point.

Morty: I mean, your attitude was kind of similar to Rick's.

Morty: Rick always says "infinite multiverse, nothing makes sense!"

Morty: But that's wrong!

Morty: No matter what the universe is, "the end of the world" is definitely not a thing that doesn't matter!

Wanda Maximov: ............

Tony Stark: Hahaha, young man, that's a good point. ^_^

Rocky Odinson: You're talking this nonsense here...... What's the use, that world is completely finished anyway!

Captain Rice: No, even if it's really the end of the world, there must still be humans who have survived and are trying to survive.

Captain Mi Guo: Look, isn't that the man on the video like that?

Loki Odinson: Ha, I don't think he will live much longer.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The strange narration also sounded again.

["The man who fled to Base 46 continues to search for information on his computer. "】

["By now, he has a basic understanding of this apocalypse. "】

[The so-called "SCP-001" is actually for that ...... A new name for the "sun" that killed 6.8 billion people worldwide!"]

["But even in the face of the end of the world at this level, there are still some remnants of human beings on the earth. "】

"Moreover, not all of these humans are sitting still. "】

["Through the computer terminal, the man learned that Foundation Base 19 is now recruiting survivors. "】

["Moreover, this base has already begun to carry out spaceship experiments to escape from Earth and then colonize aliens!"]

["If the experiment is successful, a part of humanity ...... It is possible to leave this terrifying solar system and survive on an alien planet. "】

["In the face of such good news, the man is very encouraged. "】

["However, now he doesn't dare to leave Base 46 at all. "】

The reason is simple. "】

["On the computer terminal, the man saw the video and audio diaries left behind by the survivors of the base. "】

[In the first audio diary, a female doctor claims that the surviving companions, though scared, still have hope. "】

["When the sunlight changes, all the base members who are exposed to the sun "change"."] "】

["Now these "SCP-001-A", which have been transformed into "wax molten flesh balls", are doing everything possible to re-enter the base and absorb the survivors. "】

And worst of all, these "wax melt balls" seem to still retain their "vocal organs" before they were born. "】

["When they tried to break into the gate of the base, they even kept shouting, hoping that all the people inside would come out!"]

"...... with them Experience the beauty of the sun!"]

["In order to test the existence of these "wax melt balls". Personnel inside the base have adopted conventional testing methods. "】

["They found one of the surviving D-Class, dressed him in a full hazmat suit, and threw him outside the base. "】

[Soon, the "Wax Molten Flesh Balls" grabbed the unfortunate D-Class with their terrifying tentacles, tearing apart his hazmat suit. "】

And just after the suit was torn apart, the D-class's body was melted by the sunlight. "】

["He was absorbed by the ball of flesh and became part of SCP-001-A."] "】

["After one battle after another, and terrible human losses, the Foundation has finally summed up the painful experience. "】

["Ordinary firearms are of no use for these "wax melt balls", not even flamethrowers. "】

"The only thing that can stop them is ultra-low temperatures, but they can't last long."] "】

["In the face of this desperate situation, the female doctor who survived in the base was finally driven crazy by herself. "】

In a video file on her computer, she pulls out a pistol and seems to want to end it all. "】

But for unknown reasons, the female doctor did not use the gun, but put it in the drawer of her desk. "】

After watching the video, the man opened the desk drawer with a trembling hand and gasped. "】

"There's the pistol in the drawer. "】

The man forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart and picked up the gun. "】

Perhaps, in the worst-case scenario, this is the only option he has left. "】

["But at this moment, the man heard a strange voice behind him!"]

["It's like...... What mollusks, marching through the corridors!"]

["It's those monsters, they're coming!"]

The man hurriedly closed the door to his office and tried to block it by all means. "】

But his actions were all in vain. "】


"The terrible tentacles smashed the door, and the terrifying "Wax Melt Monster" crawled in through the hole. "】


The man struggled frantically, but to no avail. "】

"Worst of all, in the midst of the chaos, he even lost the pistol. "】

After being caught, the terrible "Wax Melt" did not hurt him, but firmly tied the man with tentacles and led him out of the corridor. "】

["Looking at the bright light at the end of the corridor, the man's heart suddenly felt like ashes. "】

"That's the sunshine. "】

[The glow emitted by "SCP-001".] "】


["Just after the "Wax Melt" left the base with the man and came out into the sun. The screams came to an abrupt end. "】

And just when the audience thought that this desperate scene ...... It is this "dawn" time when the world is in full view.

Suddenly, a new image appeared on the screen.

The eerie voice of narration sounded again.

["After the outbreak of "SCP-001", not only did Foundation personnel suffer heavy losses, but countless SCPs also broke through containment and escaped to the outside world. "】

["However, the sun at dawn treats all living beings equally. "】

["As long as it is exposed to sunlight, whether it is a human or an SCP, as long as it is a living being...... All of them will be transformed into wax melters!"]

["But in the face of this unprecedented disaster, there is one SCP that is unscathed. "】

["That's SCP-096, also known as the "Shy Man"!"]

[The "shy person" is originally a person who likes to be alone, hates crowds, and even wants to be seen...... And the guy who committed the horrific atrocities. "】

And after the outbreak of the "Dawn" incident, "he" felt unprecedented calm. "】

["Before, although he was alone in the containment cell, the "shy man" could still hear it coming from the corridor outside...... Slight sounds. "】

["The ...... who made the sound Some are scientists, some are agents, some are other SCPs. "】

But now all the voices are gone, and there is only silence. "】

"Deathly silence. "】

["The Foundation personnel who occasionally bothered him have now turned into wax melters and wax melt flesh balls, scouring the sun for other humans in an attempt to "fuse" them. "】

["No one is bothering SCP-096 anymore."] "】

[The "shy man" is very satisfied with this. "】

["He doesn't need to eat, he doesn't need to drink, as long as there is a quiet space, 096 can stay here until he is old. "】

"The shy man is very satisfied with living this solitary life. "】

["I don't know how long it took for things to finally change. "】

["096 heard...... Woman's voice. "】

["In addition to the woman's shouts, there are also footsteps that reach the ears of the shy. "】

["It sounds like a woman and a child have entered the base of this foundation. "】

"Maybe they're here for help,"

"Maybe they're here to find food. "】

But for the shy, this is never a good thing. "】

["Is there anyone? Is there anyone here?"]

The woman's shouts got closer and closer, and the shy man hugged his knees in panic. "】

["Due to his excessive panic, he actually forgot to close the door of the containment cell. "】

["So...... What should have happened happened. "】

["The woman walked to the door of 096's containment chamber and inadvertently glanced through the door. "】

"She saw the shy man. "】

I saw his face too. "】


The shy man's eyes widened in horror, and at this moment, he also saw the two humans in front of him. "】

"A woman is holding a little girl. "】

"Their clothes were in tatters and covered with dirt. "】

["Just when the two sides look at each other, the shy man is in his heart...... Suddenly, she launched an uncontrollable rage!"]


["His face was seen!"]

["The other party must die!"]

And at the same time as the shy man screamed, the woman dragged the child like a frightened bird, and fled frantically. "】

A white monster several meters tall screamed in front of him. "】

["Faced with such a situation, any normal person will choose to escape. "】

["Watching the woman escape from the hall with the child and rush to the gate of the base, the shy man let out a wild scream again and pounced frantically. "】

["Whoever sees his face must die!"]

["Boom, boom!boom!"]

["In front of the furious white monsters, whether it is walls, concrete, steel...... Or something else, all the east and west are all smashed. "】

["The shy man is like a white whirlwind, desperately rushing to the gate of the base!"]

["Help, help!"]

["Hearing the strange noise coming from behind, the woman just glanced back, and was immediately frightened!"

"This monster...... Where did it come from?"]

And in a panic, the woman finally made a fatal mistake. "】

["After leaving the gate of the base, he did not hide in the shadows cautiously, but came out into the sun. "】


The woman's eyes widened in horror, her eyes full of trembling and despair. "】

"She knows what's going to happen next, and...... And it did happen. "】


["Under the sun, a woman's body melts like a candle in the heat. Large drops of flesh mixed together and dripped to the ground. "】


The woman desperately tried to escape back into the shadows, but his feet had melted, causing her body to fall to the pavement. "】

[It didn't take long for the woman to turn into a mass of flesh under the light of "SCP-001". "】


The shy man stood in front of the gate of the Foundation base, a look of grief on his face. "】

"He can't kill this woman anymore. "】

"And the wrath of this heart ...... Where do you go to vent?"]

At this moment, 096 suddenly heard a soft sobbing sound behind him. "】

["Woo...... Mom ......"]

The shy man looked back and saw a little girl sitting on the floor not far away, crying and calling for her mother. "】

["It turned out that when the woman was fleeing, due to excessive panic, she seemed to have let go of her hand and left her daughter behind. "】

The shy man walked up to the little girl, and the little girl seemed to sense something, raised her head, and looked into his face. "】

["Then...... Nothing happened. "】

The shy man was astonished. "】


["Why didn't you get angry?"]

["Did this girl see her face?"

["It took a while for 096 to notice something. "】

Although the girl's eyes widened, there was no trace of sparkle in her eyes. "】

"She's blind. "】

"She can't see anything at all. "】

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