["The blind little girl seems to be aware of 096's presence. "】

She slowly got up from the ground, stretched out her hands and groped her way forward, and finally ...... Touched 096's body. "】

["The little girl touched 096's hand with her little fingers and asked softly:"]



["At this moment, the shy person experienced an unprecedented feeling. "】

He has always believed that he will only spend his life in sadness, loneliness and anger. "】

"But now...... 096 felt something completely different. "】

He felt warmth, care, and affection. "】

["For unknown reasons, 096 thinks...... I need to protect this little thing in front of me. "】

Driven by this emotion, the shy man slowly squatted down and wrapped his arms around the child in front of him. "】

And the little girl instinctively hugged him. "】

"A monster and a girl hugged each other in the room. "】

Since then, the two of them have lived together. "】

"The monster has found a friend, and the little girl has found a guardian. "】

["The little girl doesn't know what 096 looks like, but she knows that this "adult" who never speaks will not hurt herself. "】

["And when I was with the little girl, 096 felt ...... for the first time. Not a monster yourself. "】

["In order to take care of the little girl, 096 will look for food, fresh water, and warm blankets for him. "】

"The most incredible thing is that the shy people ...... I even found a worn-out teddy bear in the rubble and gave it to the little girl!"]

["No one can imagine that this madman who will go crazy as long as he sees his face still has such a soft side in his heart. "】

"In this post-apocalyptic world destroyed by sunlight, a girl and a monster...... found some kind of happiness in each other. "】

"However, there is still danger in front of them. "】

"Those wax molten flesh balls are still roaming around, looking for any living human beings, and trying to "merge" with them. "】

And this little girl who is alive has naturally become their target. "】

["The worst thing is that by fusing the little girl's "monstrous" mother, these meat balls ...... It also seems to have acquired some kind of "onomatopoeia" ability. "】

["To put it simply, it is to make the same sound as the girl's mother. "】

[This kind of "mother's call", once the little girl hears it, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable. "】

[Thankfully, the "wax melt balls" that tried to get close before were torn apart by the shy people empty-handed. "】

["In the face of the angry 096, even steel...... All are as fragile as paper. "】

["Although this damage can't kill the "Wax Melt Flesh Ball", it can temporarily stop their actions. "】

["Until...... Until that day. "】

["On this day, 096 and the little girl were playing in an abandoned building. "】

[096 seems to sense something, and walks to the window to look outside.] "】

Outside, the terrifying blood-colored sun is releasing a terrifying light. "】

But when he turned around, the little girl was gone. "】

["096 frantically searched for the little girl's traces, and soon ...... He was stunned by what he saw. "】

["I saw that the little girl was walking in the direction of the door, only a few meters away from the sunlight outside. "】

["It's those "wax melt meat balls"!"]

"The most incredible thing is that these monsters are not using the voice of the little girl's mother to lure her. "】

["What they are producing is the voice of SCP096."] "】

[The onomatopoeia of "Wax Melt Meat Ball"...... It's so strong!"]


["096 rushes madly towards the little girl!"]

["He's going to protect this girl!"]

["This little thing can be said to be the only thing he has ever loved in his life!"]

["In extreme excitement, 096's speed reached a level never before seen in his life. "】

But even so, it's still not enough. "】

["When 096 rushed to the little girl's side, she was already in the sun. "】


"The little girl's right hand has melted in the sun. "】

In excruciating pain and panic, she began to cry. "】

["096 used his body to block the sunlight for the little girl, but at the cost of ...... His body also began to melt in the sun. "】

["In the face of pain, the shy man pulled the little girl back into the shadows. "】

["He knew that he was dead, and he still hoped that the little girl could live by pressing 096."] "】

But the situation in front of us is not optimistic at all. "】

The little girl's right hand has melted, and the person has fainted. "】

"Let his body melt and it doesn't stop. "】

[The glow of "SCP-001" is so terrifying!"]

["As long as the sun shines, the end is doomed!"]

["Looking at the girl in front of him, tears flowed from the shy person's eyes. "】


His tears dripped down the little girl's body. "】

Then, the unthinkable happened. "】

["The melting of the little girl's body...... Stopped. "】

["It's as if the tears of a shy person healed everything. "】

["However, while the little girl was saved, 096's own body continued to fall apart. "】

"He is no longer saved. "】


["After making sure that the little girl was safe, 096 frantically fled the scene. "】

He wanted to run as far away as possible before he completely turned into a monster. "】

["Only in this way, even if he turns into a monster, he will not harm that child. "】

["096 keeps running...... Ran until his legs melted completely and his body fell to the ground. "】

["At this time, the building where the little girl is located has long since lost its shadow. "】

["In front of 096, there is a sea. "】

["He glanced at the sea and lay on his back on the beach......]

[At this point, 096's eyes have melted. "】


At the last moment, the shy man let out a deafening scream that spread for miles. "】

The scream was so strong that it even caused a whirlwind on the ground. "】

["In this final scream, there is a mixture of pain and heartbreak. "】

["In 096's long life, he finally found happiness, but in the end he had to say goodbye to him forever. "】

"Then there is silence. "】

["There was a dead silence. "】

The screen dimmed. "】

Seeing this, the chat group was silent for a while, and then there was an uproar.

Hermione Granger: "Oh my God, this white guy is such a nice guy!" I was in tears.

Wanda Maksimov: Good...... Good guy??( ̄△ ̄;)

Captain Mikoku: I have to say, no matter what this "shy man" has done in other universes. What he has done in this apocalyptic world...... It's a hero!

Loki Odinson: Hero? Hmph! It's good that this little girl is blind, or else...... She may have been smashed to pieces and swallowed!

Hermione Granger: Belly? What are you talking about?

Loki Odinson: Hehe, let me tell you, that SCP-096, as long as someone sees their face, will kill them, and then ......

Captain Rice: That's enough, Loki, this kind of thing...... How dare you talk to a little girl?

Thor: yes, I think the monster did a good job this time. At least, he managed to save the little girl.

Rocky Odinson: ............ Hmph, you hypocrites, do whatever you want.

Morty: I still think it's weird, why...... The tears of a shy man can heal that little girl?

Morty: Also, if his tears are so good, why not on himself?

Reed Richards: This ......... Unless I can do some experiments on 096, ......

Morty: Experiments? Forget it, when I didn't say anything. (O_O)

John Constantine: Reed, it's a loss that you weren't born in the SCP world.

Reed Richards: yes, sometimes I think that, too...... ╮(╯_╰)╭

And at this moment, a new image appeared on the dark screen.

The strange narration sounded again.

["There are many theories about the origin of the Foundation. "】

"No one is sure which one is the right one. "】

["And one of the theories of origin even involves a supreme divinity!"]

["The SCP Foundation was created to fight, and eventually destroy, this ...... The Supreme Divinity located in another dimension. "】

["This high-dimensional entity, in the human world, is also known as the "Black Moon"!"]

["In the legend that has been handed down from ancient times, once the black moon howls, someone will die!"]

["This matter should be talked about from the ancient flood era......]

["I don't know how many years ago, because there were not many human beings, so even "names" were not invented. "】

"In an ancient human village, the villagers lived by hunting and gathering. "】

"Life is simple, even monotonous. "】

"And in this village, there is a curious little boy. "】

Although he doesn't have a name, he likes to run around all day long, observing all kinds of new things. "】

["On this day, an outsider appeared in the little boy's village. "】

"It was a haggard, emaciated, wrinkled old man. "】

When the old man came to the village, he did not speak to anyone, but found a stone and sat down, and sat down for several days. "】

"No one knows what this old man is here for, and no one dares to ask him. "】

And just one night a few days later...... The Black Moon began to roar. "】

That night, the little boy saw with his own eyes one of the hunters in the village frozen on the ground. "】

["After a few seconds, the hunter's whole body turned a pure black color, like coal. "】

Immediately after that, he disappeared. "】

["It's like a phantom or a bubble, and it disappears on the spot. "】

["No trace was left. "】

"This is the roar of the Black Moon. "】

【"Black Moon...... is a force that is beyond human comprehension. "】

"It can make any conscious existence disappear in an instant. "】

["This is not a killing, nor is it some kind of transfer, but the erasure of this human existence from reality. "】

["There is no way to stop this "obliteration" scrub, and it cannot be predicted. "】

["As long as anyone is alive, they can become a victim of the Black Moon. "】

["Out of some instinct, the little boy ran to the old man sitting on the stone and asked him what had happened. "】

The old man looked at the child in front of him. There was silence for a long time. "】

It was a long time before the old man made his decision, and informed the boy of everything. "】

["According to the old man, the anomalous existence that killed the hunter has many names. "】

["The Last Doomsday,"]

["Pale King,"]

"And the most common is the Black Moon. "】

This "being" is not located in the world that humans inhabit, but outside of reality. "】

["For thousands of years, the old man has tried to track down and understand this monster, hoping to finally destroy it. "】

["But compared to this high-dimensional existence that transcends reality, the strength of the old man alone is too weak. "】

Looking at the old man in front of him, the little boy asked curiously...... How did he live so long. "】

The old man sighed, a bitter smile on his face. "】

"A man like him is called a balancer. "】

["The reason why he exists is to check and balance, and even destroy the Black Moon one day. "】

["The Balancers have eternal and immortal bodies, and their bodies are virtually indestructible. "】

But they will also pay a terrible price for it. "】

In order to fight against his destined rivals, the "Balancer" had to look at everyone he loved deeply...... Die in front of yourself. "】

["And the most terrifying thing is that no matter how long you live, it seems that the balancer will never achieve his goal, which is to defeat the Black Moon!"]

"This old man is the best example. "】

"He has lived too long and failed too long. "】

[So, he is ready to pass on his position and responsibilities to the little boy in front of him. "】

["After completing the inheritance, the old man's body instantly turned into dust and dispersed, leaving no trace at all. "】

And this little boy became the new equaleer. "】

["After that...... Many, many years have passed. "】

The little boy became a man, and then, his appearance was fixed. "】

["A hundred years and thousands of years have passed, and mankind has begun to come out of ignorance and enter modern society. "】

"This balancer is still tirelessly pursuing his mortal enemy. "】

In order to finally destroy the Black Moon, the Balancer began to learn various sciences and knowledge. "】

["Through continuous research, the balancer can finally be sure ......"]

["The so-called Black Moon does not exist in our universe!"]

"However, "it" can intermittently ...... Bring the power to the real world!"]

[That is the so-called "Howl of the Black Moon."] "】

"What's truly terrifying is that, according to the records of the Balancers for thousands of years. "】

["The howl of the Black Moon turned out to be very rare, and it only appeared once in about a thousand years. "】

"But now...... It has appeared more and more often. "】

["First once in hundreds of years, then once in a hundred years, once in 10 years, once in several years......"]

["If this continues, it is likely that in the near future, the annihilation caused by the Black Moon will occur many times in an hour, or even a second!"]

["Will humanity survive by that time?"]

["If there really is such a day, it will mean the complete victory of the Black Moon and the complete erasure of the reality in which humanity lives. "】

["In the face of this terrible future, the balancer finally recognized one thing......]

["He alone cannot defeat such an enemy. "】

["For the continuation of the real world, he needs companions. "】

"So, the Balancer began to build an organization to deal with the impending erasure of reality. "】

["And this organization, many years later...... It's called the SCP Foundation!"]

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