Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Hermione Granger: This ...... What's going on?

Hermione Granger: That video doesn't mean...... Are all these weird SCPs triggered by that document?

Hermione Granger: Why is it changed now? Said it was made by that Foundation?

Although unaware of SCPs, Hermione quickly understood them as some kind of "monster".

The Foundation, on the other hand, is the organization responsible for fighting these monsters.

Although their methods are somewhat cruel, they are at least to protect humanity.

But now it seems that the situation has turned 180 degrees!

Not only is the Foundation not a "knight against the dragon", but the "dragon" is actually made by them!

Nick Fury: Hmm...... I think this statement is more reliable.

Nick Fury: After all, the previous videos about the Crimson King were outrageous.

Nick Fury: What is "anti-modernity", how can the only way to stop the invasion of the Scarlet King is to return to primitive society, what kind of bizarre theory is this?

Nick Fury: Now it seems...... There's no Crimson King at all, it's all an illusion created by the Foundation!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): No, not. We control, we contain, we protect. Are these all fake?

Nick Fury: Hey, these mad scientists made those monsters themselves and then spread them all over the world, just to get ...... from the upper echelons Get more funding!

Nick Fury: At the end of the day, it's all about the money!

The black braised egg was originally a very suspicious person, and after encountering the incident of the Hydra, now he almost doesn't trust anyone at will.

Starlight: It's terrifying, I didn't expect the CP Foundation to be like this!

Starlight: Ostensibly it's containing monsters, but it's actually creating monsters!

Loki Odinson: Hehe, I have to say, these human scams are so beautiful that I almost got scammed.

Carol Danvers: What a "near", you were cheated at all! After watching the video just now, you came to your senses!

Rocky Odinson: Human woman! What do you know?

Reed Richards: Wait a minute! I still can't believe it!

Reed Richards: In the world of the Foundation, there are high-dimensional evil gods.

Reed Richards: Are they ...... Can even this kind of high-dimensional existence be created?

Loki Odinson: What kind of high-dimensional existence? Has anyone seen those evil gods with their own eyes?

Reed Richards: Huh? (⊙_⊙)

Wanda Maximov: yes, like the Crimson King, no one has ever seen it!

Loki Odinson: It's so easy to make up these legends, even I can do it!

Stephen Strange: No! I remember that the King of the Seals also seems to have descended on the main physical realm.

Stephen Strange: And, in the world of the Foundation, there are even ...... There are thousands of kilometers of underwater monsters: Leviathan!

Stephen Strange: If the Foundation could even "make" this kind of thing, it would have been able to rule the world a long time ago!

Stephen Strange: Why is it necessary to play this "containment" game endlessly in order to get some money?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): That...... What's going on with that video just now? (⊙_⊙)

Bruce Wayne: I guess it's a smokescreen.

Bruce Wayne: If I'm not mistaken, there's definitely more than one legend like the Spiral Trail that has been linked to the Foundation's origins.

Bruce Wayne: That's how the Foundation used it to cover up their true origins!

Stephen Strange: Putting the Leaves ...... Hiding in the woods?

Loki Odinson: Hmph, I guessed it was probably a hoax too!

Thor: Brother, why do I think you're having a hard mouth?

Loki Odinson: Shut up!

And just as everyone was discussing, a new image appeared on the screen.

The eerie voice of the narrator rang out again.

["SCP-001 records various origins of the Foundation, including various real "SCPs"!"]

["Few people know that among all the SCPs contained by the Foundation, there is a far more dangerous class than the "Keter"!"]

["That's the 'Apollyon' class named after the demon in the Bible!"]

["The so-called 'Apollyon' class SCP cannot be contained by any means, and will actively trigger an apocalyptic scenario!"]

["In other words, such an SCP is like a sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all mankind, which will destroy the world anytime and anywhere!"]


"In an unknown period of time, a man is walking alone in the desert. "】

["Under the sun, the temperature in the desert is very high, but this man seems to be "warm", and wraps his whole body tightly with all kinds of clothes. "】

Not only that, but she even wore thick black goggles. "】

["In this way, not an inch of the person's skin is exposed to the sun. "】

["However, judging from the soaked clothes on this man's body, he is still very afraid of the heat,"]

Moreover, this dense package also caused a great burden on him. "】

But no matter how hot it was, the man had no intention of leaving his shirt open. "】

["He seems to prefer to die alive rather than expose his skin. "】

"This man. None other than a member of the SCP Foundation. "】

["The reason why he had to trek through the desert despite so much pain was because he received a distress signal from a nearby Foundation containment facility, Base 46. "】

["In his opinion, the person who can send a distress signal must be a human being. "】

And in order to be able to see a living person, he is willing to pay any price. "】

"When traveling in the desert, the man is still very vigilant. "】

He knows that the whole world is now full of ...... That monster transformed from a human!"

["If you are discovered by that kind of monster, then the end will only be more tragic than death!"]

After a difficult trek, the man finally arrived at the gate of Base 46. "】

["Surprisingly, he didn't even need a keycard to enter, as the gate to the base was always open. "】

"But for men, this does not bode well. "】

"Those monsters...... Probably already attacked!"]

After walking into the base, the man let out a long breath. "】

He removed the placket from his face and took off his goggles. "】

"Indoors, he can finally take off these things that block the sun. "】

[The man noticed that the computer inside the base was still on, so he stepped forward and started to operate. "】

["Thankfully, the Foundation's computer is set to ...... Emergency procedures are automatically activated in "K-Class Scenarios". "】

Now, he doesn't need any "upper authority" to access all of his databases. "】

["Soon, on the computer terminal, the information that the man wanted appeared. "】

["SCP-001: Dawn."] "】

"This is the ...... The apocalypse that this man is currently experiencing!"]

["It's also an 'Apollyon' class SCP!"]

["SCP-001" is the most formidable foe facing the entire SCP Foundation, and the Earth. "】

"For years, the Foundation has been in the dark, battling all sorts of anomalies, monsters, demons, and enemies. "】

"Therefore, human beings can live in the light. "】

"But now, the light itself ...... has become an enemy. "】

["For unknown reasons, the sun has undergone a terrible mutation, and now any creature exposed to the sun will be transformed into a monster by SCP-001. "】

["When the sun shines on them, their bodies immediately liquefy, as if ...... It's like a candle in the heat!"]

"This horrific change is not confined to human beings. "】

["All living creatures that are exposed to sunlight containing 'SCP-001' will become this "wax melter."] "】

["Now, the 'Lk-class apocalypse' has happened!"]

["Billions of humans around the world have almost all become "wax melters"!]

["These humans exposed to SCP-001 are no longer human. "】

["The Foundation's new name for them is: "SCP-001-A"]

["Any member of the Foundation should avoid contact with these creatures as much as possible. "】

[And what's really bad is that these "SCP-001-A", which have been transformed into "Wax Melt Monsters", still retain their intelligence and personality during their lifetimes. "】

["However, as soon as they come into contact with other "SCP-001-A", they will merge with each other and lose all sense of self. "】

Once the fusion is complete, these giant "wax melt balls" will frantically try to fuse...... As much material as possible, especially people!"]

"So, any survivor should avoid these monsters as much as possible. "】

["But in the computer terminal, there is also one thing mentioned. "】

["In the event of a post-apocalyptic situation, Foundation members may also risk cutting off parts of SCP-001-A' and eating them if they are in danger of starvation."] "】

But any attempt to kill "them" is pointless and dangerous. "】

["Because, you can't kill them at all" they "......"]

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